
Warlocks (1)

With their guns in hand, Angus and Henry spiked the reins of their horses and galloped forward toward the group of City Guards that had trooped out of multiple corners of the Black Manor Compound with their guns in hand. 

"Who dares—?" The one at the forefront started to say but was interrupted by a yell from Angus.


Angus' eyes flashed a powerful shade of purple as his voice rolled out in probably the loudest volume Henry had ever heard it at. The Vinculum on his chest glowed hard through his shirt and pulsed with even more intense beats and for the first time ever, Angus Spellbinding wasn't followed by an unseen force. 

The ripples of purple energy were visible. Henry saw as they avoided him and traveled toward the approaching men in arches that smacked them with an almost physical impact that froze them in place. 

*Clatter* *Clatter* *Clatter*
