
A Contest Of Strength?


Angus had his eyes rolled into the back of his head. 

The explosive strike that had sent him into the wagon and crumbled him under splinters of wood had indeed been powerful but was certainly not enough to keep the Dionisio Gang Leader down. 

Alas, the strike had hit the Vinculum on his chest causing the pulsing of the purple gem to race which in turn sped up his Heartbeat to an almost painful degree. 

His mind was pulled from his body and sunk into the item on his chest where he met a strange sense of self and the more he stayed in the presence of that 'sense of self', the better his understanding of Vinculum became. 

Angus came to realize that simply breaking his bond with his dead creator was not all this Item was capable of. It had no sentience of its own and yet, it called to him…

And then, he felt a hand grab hold of the item and attempt to pull it off his chest. 
