
Brother in arms

In the darkness of his home, a massive figure lumbered about, his heavy footsteps echoing through the house.

The man, tall and heavily built, clutched a huge chunk of meat in one hand, tearing into it with gusto. His deep voice boomed through the rooms as he sang at the top of his lungs:

"Oh, my meat is so sweet,

It makes my toes tap to the beat!

Juicy and tender, it's my dinner,

Who needs veggies? I'm no beginner!

Chomp chomp chomp, I'm a happy chump!"

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted his ridiculous serenade.

The big man paused, his hand grazing his brown beard as his brown eyes narrowed suspiciously. When the knock came again without a word, he muttered under his breath, "That's definitely a thief."

Rising to his full, intimidating height, he strode to a nearby table, dropped his meat and grabbed an enormous wood-cutting machine.
