
Dao Heart.

Seeing this scene, Tian Xing couldn't help but chuckle inside his mind, truly understanding what it was like to have his Dao Heart tested. Wanting to embrace death and already thinking about finding his three beloveds in the next life, he was suddenly overwhelmed with agony when he saw the cat boy, who was not yet his son, jump to receive the bolt of thunder. Anxiety once again crept in, and dark thoughts flooded his mind as the world seemed to stop and stretch into infinity, his subconscious mind refusing to allow this scene to happen.

Finally noticing the important detail he missed because he had never thought of them as his endearing children before, Tian Xing's mind filled with joy and happiness as he realized he had forgotten the gift Tao had given him all this time. Seeing his future son Hupo, who was almost struck by the black lightning, and his future daughter Xiao Li performing her Wishing Dao, unique to her race, Tian Xing instantly enhanced this wish fortune art to be infinitely better.

Then, out of nowhere, a piece of stone fell from unknown heavens and directly hit the black tribulation before landing in Hupo's hands. Hupo, now unconscious from the static electricity of the black thunder, was at least saved for now. Tian Xing couldn't reflect further as he saw many cultivators greedily eyeing the stone held by Hupo, knowing it was a bane to tribulation. Once again performing Tian Ming Dao, he created a series of coincidences to instruct his beloved to give up the stone and bring the cat boy and carp girl to him.

"Beautiful lady, would you be kind enough to give that stone to me? I swear I will give you ten thousand higher-grade spirit stones."

Wanting to reject, Ying Yue then saw clouds that looked like words, the mountain that looked like words, and spirit grains that also took the shape of words. Putting these together into coherent sentences, knowing this was probably her master's way of speaking to her, she instantly sent a sound transmission to Yelena and Curie to first close the carp girl's mouth so she wouldn't run off on her own and bring the cat boy to her master's side.

Bowing deeply, she then presented the purple stone without asking for anything in return, saying, "Esteemed expert, this humble girl does not dare ask for anything in return. Even holding this stone, the karma is very hard for me to bear."

"Hahahahah, good, good. It seems you know your place. Well, how about this, because your ant master here—"

"Hihihihihihi, oh Wei Jan, oh Wei Jan. You clearly forgot your place here, my friend. Don't you see this lady—"



"An ant talking about an ant. Ridiculous."



"Thanks, big bro. See you in the next heavens."


"BASTARD! Wait for me!"



Snort, "This is owned by my disciple Hupo, who... Anyway, it is just a Heaven Annihilation Stone. What's so good about it? Here, I will throw it outside the Blessed Lands. The first one who gets it will be the one who owns it."





Seeing that Hupo and Xiao Li's master from the dragon race was listening to his Tian Ming coincidences, which he glaringly gave her because the Heaven Annihilation Stone karma was something she could not bear, Tian Xing sighed in relief inside his mind, thinking he could slightly relax now and start polishing his Dao Heart once again. Because now there was someone holding up the sky for the time being, since this woman named Long Chen Chen had the cultivation of a Second Realm Qi cultivator. Because of that, she could protect his beloved from being seen with lustful eyes.

Gazing at his future best friend, who had the same standing as Moraine and Narishma, with gratitude, Tian Xing sent out a series of coincidences where she saw the word "thank you". Breathing a sigh of relief and letting himself once again enter a state of polishing his Dao Heart, he continued to perform Butterfly Echoes non-stop to make sure the stone became the center of attention of many people, causing them to forget how it had come into the world in the first place.

He didn't want his future daughter's innocent life to be tainted by hardships, which could cause her endearing quality to fade just because all of creation saw her wishing ability as powerful, unaware that it was the Tao of this world that was truly powerful, not Xiao Li's Wishing Dao. Erasing the karma using infinite calculations as best he could, Tian Xing hoped that no one had seen Xiao Li perform her Wishing or Xu Yuan Dao at that time.

Knowing that as a vegetative person, he could not use his five senses to clearly discern who might have picked up on the details just moments ago, Tian Xing was once again saved by his harem, as his hidden dagger had already noticed many individuals who had seen Xiao Li at that time.

After receiving the Soul Transmission from her—a technique he had personally created for Yelena for such situations—he activated his Predetermination Dao once again and performed Butterfly Echoes to keep the people who had noticed his future daughter preoccupied, causing them to forget about the event entirely.

After all that was finished, Tian Xing was finally able to relax his taut tension and let his family bring him and the unconscious Hupo to their abode in the city. Seeing the normal sky once again, now stained from the previous duel with clouds of Sword Qi and Fist Jing, Tian Xing let his mind wander to gaze at this scene, which left mortals in awe just by seeing the many colorful mists and clouds that closely resembled their respective martial arts. At the same time, he continued polishing his Dao Heart to reflect on how easily his calm state could crumble when something threatened his children, with whom he had personal contact.

Still, no matter how many times he was given that scenario, Tian Xing would always choose to save them over and over again, forsaking everything, no matter how strong his willpower or Dao Heart was when that situation arose. To him, a Dao Heart was only an extra tool in his arsenal to enhance his mind, making it more sophisticated, rather than his true personality.

So, while reflecting on himself, he constantly circulated his Jing energy to stay awake and continuously performed Tian Ming Dao, not stopping until his soul body was repaired enough to run subconsciously, ignoring the painful migraine that wracked his mind and spirit because of it.
