

Shocked. Humiliated. Degraded. Publicly exposed. Jenna was a total wreck. The petite 22-year-old didn't know what to do. She stared at herself in the restroom mirror. Her face looked older somehow. Her eyes had deep, darkish bags under them from lack of sleep and stress. Her hair was mussed and lacked its usual shape and luster. Her blouse and skirt looked shabby and tattered. Her mind was awash with uncertainty and despair.

What was happening to her? She turned on the faucet and cupped some cool water in her hands and splashed it on her face and neck. She rubbed her eyes and tried to clear her mind.

Ever since her arrival at the St. Monica's School for Girls, Jenna had one strange encounter after the other. She'd had numerous orgasms at the hands of young teens. A janitor and a prisoner from the local jail had raped her. She'd exposed her body to so many people, she couldn't remember how many. She'd allowed people to touch her in ways she'd never imagined before.
