
Chapter 285: Whispers in the Dark

The darkness in the Old Forest was absolute. It swallowed sound, light, and time, making the small camp feel like an isolated island adrift in an endless sea of shadows. The fire had been snuffed out hours ago, leaving only the faint glow of embers to mark their place. The soldiers kept silent, their weapons always within reach, and even Kael—usually the rock of their group—seemed unnerved by the oppressive quiet.

Elara lay on the hard ground, but sleep wouldn't come. The Shard of Severance rested under her cloak, its weight pressing against her side, its dark presence ever lingering in her thoughts. She could feel its power, muted but alive, like a heartbeat just beneath the surface of her skin. Every now and then, she would catch herself reaching for it, her fingers brushing the rough cloth that concealed it, and she'd pull her hand back, afraid of what might happen if she touched it too long.
