

[In a place as dark as the darkest dark. a place so sinister it scares even the evillest of evil. a domain representing balance and freem. a place so free that one is even free from the role given by god... yet to some as pure as the purest of white and as welcoming as a dear ones embrace. it is a domain that refutes and welcomes, it takes in the heart of the beings around it and responds with either a warm visualization or a cold visualization. here nothing is out of reach you may use your mind to the fullest, but all authority does not fall to the maker, as this domain is the embodiment of balance. it splits the authority in half upon the maker and visitor and all that the maker and the visitor imagin will not affect the bystanders in the stadium. this domain took in the heart of the people in the stadium and felt their desire to witness this battle, and as welcoming as the domain is.. it allowed such to happen. this domain may appear to be a living creature but it is not, this is how the maker made it be as to not repeat the path he once walked were he let not a blader spirit remain. when faced with yugi he was overwhelmed by suppressed guilt so much guilt that it made him drop to his knees within his own mind. after facing such a predicament he sath to change his ways and walk a path of fairness then he came across lay. now faced with the inconceivable difference between himself and lay the path he chose illuminated a way for him to find fair chance at victory, a balance was all he needed a place where all is seen fair. a place where fait may not even reach a place where god may not partake in. not even if the maker or visitor wished it so the concept of god is not included in what they can wish for. given, god does have the authority to influence the outside of this domain. But that concept does not exist inside the domain as god does not exist inside this domain, this domain my appear to make the maker seem like a god but as the domain denies the concept of god they are but gifted humans now with an awakened soul, here one's choices are not predetermined you are free to do as you want so if the maker or visitor takes a step... they would have made that step with freedom. not god nor fate determined that step for the maker or visitor it was soly their will and their's alone that is what true freedom taste like. after such a accomplishment both the maker and visitor can put their imagination on full display for the world to see, now yuo helmut lay and blossoming cobra sparkled with a new found desire... a desire to create new and extraordinary things. their mind like a empty canvas waiting to be painted on, to be given life. their eyes darting around the area looking for inspiration as to what to create, their eyes lock almost as if been unaware of each other's presence they were surprised. their minds were so preoccupied by this newfound desire that they forgot about each other. hesitating for a moment... they slowly approached each other. as silent as a starless night they spoke no word. with each thinking of what the other will do...]

*step* *step* *step* *step* *step* *step* *sprint!*
