
Hard work and magic. I have become a Mage!

Waking up I start getting ready to leave the dungeon, it's been 2 months since I've been here with the Xenos. I'm going back up to the surface to Level up my falna and get more preserved food. But before I do, I should explain what I've done these past 2 months.

I've been training hard on my Swordsmanship and Magic, I've only been hunting with my short sword, and because of that I got myself into trouble a quite a bit. Wanting to have an out just incase I make mistakes again, I went about making a magic to save my ass.

At first it wouldn't do what I wanted even with imagining what I want, there were a few concepts that worked for what I want, teleportation. Didn't work right and drained all my mana, I thought of folding 2 points of reality, it worked, again drained all my mana.

So I went about it a different way, focusing solely on a short distance away, using both concepts of folding and teleportation. I managed to move myself safely away from where I stood, and without using all my mana, I worked on this and associated it with a word in my mind.

After a month I got it to become a spell in my system, It's called Blink, I have to see where I'm going and say blink every time, the mana consumption is still terrible but, it now only uses 1,000 mana. It's not very efficient, but it's a get out of jail free card so, it's what I wanted.

During the 2 months, I hunted a lot focusing on getting 10,000 kills of Raider Fish, Harpies, Sirens, Blue Crabs, Aqua Serpents, Crystal Turtles, Devil Mosquitos, Light Quartz, Crystaroth Urchins, Iguazu, Mermaids, Mermen, Afanca, Dodora, Lamia, and Voltimeria.

After a while I started burning myself, I wanted to test healing magic and increase my fire and burn resistance. After a week I got a healing spell called Healing Hands, the effects are good but, I uses 25 mana a second, if it takes a minute to heal someone's wounds I'll have used 1,500 mana.

Not very efficient, but it's exactly what I wanted, so my burns and injuries were gone whenever I'd get them. After everything was ready I opened my status and put my points in Magic, I need all the mana I can get.


Name: Sara Hunter

Level: 152

Health: 55,200/55,200

Mana: 31,550/31,550

Stamina: 100%

Strength: 202 (125)

Vitality: 452 (100)

Dexterity: 282 (249)

Agility: 227 (150)

Magic: 292 -> 382 (249)

Unassigned stats: 90 -> 0


Mana Bow - Able to conjure a bow and arrows of solidified mana or reinforce a bow and arrows with mana

Path of The Burning Steps - Able to cast in 2 stages Single chant "Path of The Burning Steps" Leave a path of flaming footsteps and increase your movement speed by 15% Full chant "My path is a solitary one, any who follow shall be burned by the flames, I step with certainty, I will reach the eternal flame, PATH OF THE BURNING STEPS" Able to conjure flames that follow your path and increase your movement speed by 25%

*New* Blink - You are able to teleport to a place up to 10 meters away based on your line of sight

*New* Healing Hands - You are able to heal wounds by releasing light from your hands and you must be touching the target for it to take effect


Pain Resistance Lvl.73 - Reduces pain felt by 36.5%

Poison Resistance Lvl.33 - You have resistance to poison by 33%

Paralysis Resistance Lvl.15 - You resist being paralyzed by 15%

Fire Resistance Lvl.31 - You have resistance to fire by 31%

Burn Resistance Lvl.56 - You have resistance to being burned by 56%

Stealth Lvl.Max - Hiding reduces your presence by 100%

Swordsmanship Lvl.27 - Your skill with the sword increases with your understanding and time spent using a sword

Mana Control Lvl.85 - Your control over the mana within your body increases with your understanding of it

Concurrent Mana Body Control - While executing other tasks with your body your control over your mana does not decrease

Meditation Lvl.Max - Through meditation while focusing on your mana you can increase the speed you recover mana by 100%

Mana Sense - By expanding your mana to the surrounding you can detect the mana of living things

Mana Steps - By circulating mana at the bottom of your feet you are able to use mana as a foothold

Adrenaline Burst - When you're mana and adrenaline mix you will experience time at a slower rate

Physical Enhancement - You can increase your strength by Imbueing mana into your muscles by up to 30% and requires a continuous supply of mana

All Slayer - Having killed at least 10,000 of 10 different types of monsters you project an aura that instills fear into any monster you have killed 10,000 of

[Next Page]


Sara Hunter

Level 2

STR H 109 -> D 500

VIT I 23 -> D 550

DEX F 338 -> S 999

AGI G 261 -> E 450

MAG D 513 -> S 999




SKILL: System Link - You are able to view your falna and it's growth in your status. When the level of your falna increases all stats will be added to your status at a 1/4 ratio.

Predator - When living things you consider prey is unaware of your presence you will deal 100% more damage. When living things you consider prey is aware of your presence an intimidating aura will be released.

[Previous Page]


Getting 17 Levels was definitely worth staying down here, being able to hunt every day for more time then I would from the surface, is something I'll need to consider going forward. All the crystals I collected from my hunts, I would give to the Xenos, they seem to get stronger by eating them.

"Bye guys, I'll be back down when I'm ready for another hunt." "Bye Sara, see you later!" And with that I start going back to the surface, after getting to the 24th floor I had a severe reaction seeing the labyrinth of trees again, I wanted to change the landscape right away.

Calming down I make my way through, It took me a full day to get to the 18th floor, thinking back I had a thought of wanting to make a magic for teleportation, were I would mark 2 locations and be able to use less mana. I wanted to make it but, the mana consumption would be insane.

Resting in the big tree for the night? Morning? I don't know? It's light out that's all I know. I continue on when I wake up using both Path of The Burning Steps and Physical Enhancement, I get to the surface it 5 hours.

Heading to the guild I say hello to rose, she was upset that I stayed down in the dungeon for so long. Obviously I couldn't do anything to calm her down, she thought I might be dead. Expeditions were like that but, she still wasn't ok with it, it's probably my fault for being such a clingy friend.

After she calmed down, we had lunch and talked about my trip, I didn't know if I should talk about the Xenos so, I brought it up in a different way. I asked if some monsters can talk, sadly she didn't know whether some can or not, after that I just didn't bring the Xenos up.

After I said goodbye I head home, after dropping my stuff off, I can finally take a hot bath. After getting done with my bath, I get dressed and go to sleep, in the morning I go to mother's office. Knocking on the door, mother tells me to enter, walking in I say. "Hello mother, I'm home!"

"Hello sweetie, you were gone for a long time, you had me worried." "I'm sorry mother, I should have come back sooner." "No sweetie, it's fine, you're going on adventures, I understand why you were gone for so long." "Thank you mother. So, umm, could you update my falna and then Level me up?

"Sure sweetie, lay down." Laying down I lift my shirt, mother updates my status, then as she's going to Level me up she asks a question. "Sweetie, you have 2 Development Abilities to choose from, Mage and Swordsman, which do you want?" "Mage, I'm a magic archer, so Mage will help the most."

"Ok sweetie, here is your status." "By the way, you have a new magic, I'm sure it'll help a lot."


Sara Hunter

Level 3

STR D 500 -> I 0

VIT D 550 -> I 0

DEX S 999 -> I 0

AGI E 450 -> I 0

MAG S 999 -> I 0






SKILL: System Link



Nice! This will help a lot... Wait what does Mage do? "Mother, can you tell me what Mage does exactly?" "Sure sweetie, it improves power, widens effect range, and makes mind usage more efficient. And it creates a magic circle under you to support your magic. It also grants a magic stat comparable to that of a person of the next level."

"Wow really, that's epic! I'll be even stronger now!" "You should still be careful sweetie." "I know mother, I'll always strive for the safest outcome." "Though, if it means getting more resistance, a little pain can help." "Don't you dare young lady!" "Yes mother!"

After we talked for a while, I head to the training area, I'll need to get used to the changes. After a whole day of training and running around the outside of Orario, I have a an understanding of what I'm capable of now. Opening my status, I look to see my changes.


Name: Sara Hunter

Level: 152

Health: 68,900/68,900

Mana: 48,455/48,455

Stamina: 100%

Strength: 202 (250)

Vitality: 452 (237)

Dexterity: 282 (499)

Agility: 227 (262)

Magic: 382 (499)

Unassigned stats: 0


Mana Bow - Able to conjure a bow and arrows of solidified mana or reinforce a bow and arrows with mana

Path of The Burning Steps - Able to cast in 2 stages Single chant "Path of The Burning Steps" Leave a path of flaming footsteps and increase your movement speed by 15% Full chant "My path is a solitary one, any who follow shall be burned by the flames, I step with certainty, I will reach the eternal flame, PATH OF THE BURNING STEPS" Able to conjure flames that follow your path and increase your movement speed by 25%

Blink - You are able to teleport to a place up to 10 meters away based on your line of sight

Healing Hands - You are able to heal wounds by releasing light from your hands and you must be touching the target for it to take effect


Pain Resistance Lvl.73 - Reduces pain felt by 36.5%

Poison Resistance Lvl.33 - You have resistance to poison by 33%

Paralysis Resistance Lvl.15 - You resist being paralyzed by 15%

Fire Resistance Lvl.31 - You have resistance to fire by 31%

Burn Resistance Lvl.56 - You have resistance to being burned by 56%

Stealth Lvl.Max - Hiding reduces your presence by 100%

Swordsmanship Lvl.27 - Your skill with the sword increases with your understanding and time spent using a sword

Mana Control Lvl.85 - Your control over the mana within your body increases with your understanding of it

Concurrent Mana Body Control - While executing other tasks with your body your control over your mana does not decrease

Meditation Lvl.Max - Through meditation while focusing on your mana you can increase the speed you recover mana by 100%

Mana Sense - By expanding your mana to the surrounding you can detect the mana of living things

Mana Steps - By circulating mana at the bottom of your feet you are able to use mana as a foothold

Adrenaline Burst - When you're mana and adrenaline mix you will experience time at a slower rate

Physical Enhancement - You can increase your strength by Imbueing mana into your muscles by up to 30% and requires a continuous supply of mana

All Slayer - Having killed at least 10,000 of 10 different types of monsters you project an aura that instills fear into any monster you have killed 10,000 of

[Next Page]


Sara Hunter

Level 3

STR I 0 -> I 1


DEX I 0 -> I 3

AGI I 0 -> I 2

MAG I 0 -> I 9






SKILL: System Link - You are able to view your falna and it's growth in your status. When the level of your falna increases all stats will be added to your status at a 1/4 ratio.

Predator - When living things you consider prey is unaware of your presence you will deal 100% more damage. When living things you consider prey is aware of your presence an intimidating aura will be released.

[Previous Page]


Everything looks alright, but my mana seems wrong? Let's see, before my mana was my magic stat ×50 so it should be 881 × 50 = 44,050... I'll have to do math.

Ok it seems to have gone from ×50 to ×55 why? Is it because of Mage? Will it increase if I level Mage up? Welp, can't find out what if I don't work hard, time to start a new day.
