
Push forward with everything, we're going to win this game

Rohan was saving his top-tier skills for a clutch moment.

But the game's pace changed too quickly, and not long after kickoff, his team was already down by two goals.

For a team like Valencia, this was a massive blow.

"If we don't score soon, we'll lose any chance of boosting the team's morale."

And without that, they were likely to concede again.

But with that goal, Rohan noticed his teammates loosening up a bit.

From then on, if either team wanted to clinch the win, they'd have to really go at it.

Sevilla restarted play from the center circle.

Banega, still the linchpin of their attack, pushed forward.

Learning from earlier, Parejo stepped up to defend.

Rohan, who was supposed to mark him, instead roamed freely up front.

This was part of Nuno's latest strategy.

Since Rohan wasn't great at defending, it made more sense to keep him fresh for attacks rather than waste his energy where it wasn't effective.

Facing Parejo, Banega clearly wasn't having an easy time. After several failed attempts to get past him, he had no choice but to pass the ball back to a teammate.

On Valencia's side, the recent goal had them fired up, and they defended aggressively.

Charging in, creating physical challenges, the tension was palpable.

As the game's intensity increased, Sevilla seemed a bit off their game, speeding up their passes.

But without players like Xavi or Iniesta, their hurried passes were bound to lead to mistakes.

Sure enough, at the 40-minute mark, Banega's back pass was intercepted by a swiftly advancing Rodrigo.

Seeing his chance, Rohan dashed towards the penalty area. He hadn't gone far when Rodrigo sent a fast, half-high ball his way.

Controlling it properly was no easy feat.

Rohan's heart raced—mishandling the ball now could be disastrous.

Luckily, he managed to control it perfectly under his foot, breathing a sigh of relief.

Seeing two defenders closing in, Rohan didn't hesitate and passed the ball to the swiftly approaching Parejo.

The two executed a quick one-two, moving the ball to the edge of the penalty area.

The Sevilla defenders were on edge, and without thinking, one lunged forward.

Parejo screamed, then fell, clutching his foot—clearly stepped on.

The whistle blew immediately.

The referee awarded Valencia a free kick in a prime location.

Gameiro stepped up to protest.

"He's just acting, no one touched him!"

The player called for the foul tried to explain.

"I swear, I got the ball—it was clean defense."

The referee looked at them coldly and gestured for them to back off.

"There's no issue with my call."

He then pulled out the spray can from behind and marked the spot where Parejo had fallen.

Seeing the situation, Gameiro nudged the ball back a bit. "Ref, the spot's not right, it should be here."

Rodrigo stepped forward and pushed him away, resetting the ball. "Hey, man, your shamelessness is really ugly."

Gameiro immediately complained to the referee. "Ref, he's making personal attacks."

The referee, clearly annoyed, pulled them aside. "Can you two shut up?"

"If you keep this up, I'm handing out cards."

Faced with the threat of a yellow card, both players backed down.

But Gameiro stood by the spot, and while the wall was being set up, he kept scuffing the turf with his boots.

By the time the wall was ready, the spot for the ball had a noticeable divot, the ball even sinking into it a bit.

"Seriously low move," Rohan muttered under his breath, but gave Gameiro a calm look. "You think these tricks are going to stop me?"

Gameiro spread his hands innocently. "I don't understand what you're talking about."

He quickly changed the subject. "But it's all part of the game. If you can't handle it, maybe you should head back to India where the games might suit you better."

Rohan just gave him a cold look and didn't say much, just took deep breaths to focus.

Both sides ready, the referee blew the whistle to continue the game.

Rohan stepped back three feet from the ball, looked up at the goalkeeper's position, then took a short run-up and kicked the ball towards the goal.

He chose to shoot directly at the goal, much like Messi would—focusing not on power, but on getting the angle and curve just right.

As the ball cleared the wall, it began to dip, carrying a deceptive curve.

It was this curve that allowed the ball, initially heading wide, to clip the post and fly into the net.

Goalkeeper Rico, who had studied Rohan's free kicks, had anticipated the direction correctly.

As soon as Rohan struck the ball, Rico moved quickly to his right.

But the free kick's trajectory was too cunning,even as he leaped, fully stretching his limbs, he was still a couple of hand spans away from the ball.

The whistle sounded as the ball hit the net.

"Damn, Rohan's a god!"

"He treats free kicks like penalties, absolutely unstoppable."

"Valencia's coach really knows his stuff, that tactic was spot on."

"King Rohan, I want to have your babies."

"Forget it, next time Valencia plays, I'm there even if I have to skip shooting."

"Hey, the person above, why do you sound familiar?"

"Are you kidding? That's Alia Bhatt."

"Wow, it really is her."

"It's over, my goddess is smitten with Rohan."

"Rohan, you've made an enemy for life."

The live chat was flooded with both praise and insults.

Shaiju was dumbfounded, even forgetting to commentate.

Usually, his live streams of matches had a few thousand viewers at most.

But in a blink, the numbers had skyrocketed tenfold, breaking 100,000 and still climbing by tens of thousands every minute.

What shocked him even more was that the popular actress Alia Bhatt had started following him.

She was one of the hottest new talents around, with stunning looks, a heavenly voice, and impressive acting skills, quickly becoming a leading figure in the new generation of entertainers.

With her following, he wouldn't have to worry about his stream's popularity, even if he didn't speak.

Back on the field.

Rohan's two goals had helped his team level the score.

Now he could celebrate without restraint.

He sprinted and slid on his knees in front of the home fans.

The Valencia supporters stood up, applauding the young Indian player.

Clap, clap, clap. Nuno did the same.

He kept clapping and gave his players a thumbs up.

"Push forward with everything, we're going to win this game."
