
Guaranteed Goal Card

"Damn, keep going."

"Damn it again, keep going."

After getting the "Thanks for participating" message three times in a row, Rohan was starting to lose it. He thought to himself, "Is this system messing with me?"

Could the odds of winning really be this low?

Did EA have a hand in developing this program?

Despite his complaints, he kept on with the lottery.

Then, after the fifth "Thanks for participating," Rohan finally won something.

[A bottle of Viagra]

What the heck is this?

Rohan was baffled, rubbing his eyes in disbelief, wondering if he was seeing things.

Crap! I wanted to shoot goals, not deal with shooting blanks!

Besides, I'm strong enough on my own,I don't need this.

With a look of disdain, Rohan listlessly started to read about the effects of "Viagra."

His expression turned from surprise to delight.

It really is the little blue pill!!!

According to the system, just one pill would bring his body back to its peak condition in five minutes.

For Rohan, who urgently needed to boost his skills, this was a godsend.

With the amount in one bottle, he could train non-stop for a week without any issues.

"Come on, let's keep the lottery going."

Rohan was all fired up, seemingly having forgotten the cruel reality of the system's low odds of winning.

It wasn't until he was down to his last ticket that he snapped back to reality.

He glanced at the system's storage, and tears involuntarily started to flow.

Nineteen tickets for just two bottles of Viagra?

Could it be any more rigged?

Whatever, it's just one ticket left.

As the wheel spun, a golden card appeared under the pointer.

[You've won an SSS-tier skill: Guaranteed Goal Card]

[Use this skill, and your next shot on goal will definitely score]

[Note: Can only be used once a day]

"Holy smokes!"

Rohan almost couldn't hold back a burst of ecstatic laughter.

With this skill, was he basically like Cristiano Ronaldo, starting every game with a 1:0 advantage?

Just with this alone, he had the foundation to compete in the top leagues.

Though thrilled and pumped, Rohan didn't let excitement cloud his judgment.

His ultimate goal in his soccer career was certainly not just to make it in the top leagues.

There was also the pressing issue of his short-term contract with Real Madrid.

No one likes being on a short-term contract, even if it's with Real Madrid.

He needed enough playtime and the coach's trust, as well as respect from the club.


At the post-match interview, a curvy blonde raised a question, "What do you think of Rohan's performance tonight, and will he be starting the next game?"

Zidane smiled, not hiding his surprise: "Honestly, I had given up on the match and only put Rohan in to give Modric some rest."

"This season is demanding, and we have to give our all in the Champions League, so I need to protect every player as much as possible."

"Rohan's performance tonight speaks for itself, and as for whether he starts the next game, I can only say that every player at Real Madrid has a chance to be in the starting lineup."

"Thank you for your response."

The blonde then turned the topic to Cristiano Ronaldo, asking, "Tonight, Rohan scored two free kicks in a row. Have you considered giving up some of your free-kick duties?"

Cristiano Ronaldo shook his head, smiling, "For now, I'm still the main man for free kicks, and I've never been afraid of competition."

"There are rumors that Real Madrid's president, Pérez, is planning to terminate Rohan's contract. What do you think about that?"

Cristiano tossed aside his Coke, then laughed, "As a player, that's not for me to worry about, but I do hope Rohan stays. Great players should play for great teams."


In the office of the Real Madrid president.

Florentino Pérez stared silently at Rohan's file on his desk, deep in thought.

Just moments ago, he had received countless calls—from Valencia, Atlético Madrid, and other clubs across the leagues.

It seemed like everyone had conspired to subtly inquire about Rohan's situation.

Even the president of Barcelona, Bartomeu, was among the callers.

As a seasoned rival, Florentino knew exactly what they were plotting.

They were considering making a move for Rohan.

An hour ago, he would have agreed without hesitation, even considering giving Rohan away for free.

But now, he was having second thoughts.

Rohan's performance tonight had been so stellar that it made him consider keeping him at Real Madrid.

However, the evaluation report on the desk spoke of mediocrity—extreme mediocrity.

After much deliberation, he still preferred to trust the cold, hard numbers and decided to sell Rohan.

Rohan's recent performance could at least serve as leverage to hike up the price.

He dialed the president of Valencia, Gary Neville.

"Hey, Neville, I think we can talk about Rohan."

"Pérez, I was just thinking the same."

After some negotiation, they agreed on a transfer fee of one million euros.

Neville chuckled over the phone, "Thank you, Pérez. I think this will be a win-win deal."


In the Real Madrid locker room.

Rohan was about to get up to shower when his phone rang with an unknown number.

He was surprised, thinking he hardly had any friends in Europe.

Could it be someone who saw the game and wanted to sign him?

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hello, Rohan, this is Gary Neville, president of Valencia. I apologize for the sudden call."

Neville paused, then continued, "I watched the game. You're an outstanding player, and Valencia needs someone like you. Have you considered leaving Real Madrid?"

"To be honest, I'm quite torn."

Rohan pondered for a moment, "Playing for Real Madrid is every player's dream, but I need more playing time right now, so I haven't decided yet."

"Don't worry about that."

Neville laughed, sounding confident, "If you join us, you'll get plenty of playing time. And if you perform well, it's not impossible to consider you as a key player in midfield."

Why does every club president in the world love to make such promises?

Rohan silently criticized, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the offer.

"Thank you, President, I'll seriously consider your proposal, but I'm not ready to make a decision just yet."

Actually, Rohan's mind was already leaning towards Valencia, but he wanted to wait and see what Real Madrid had to say.

If he could be a top substitute and combine that with his Guaranteed Goal Card, becoming a starter was only a matter of time.

Neville seemed to read his thoughts, "Before coming here, I spoke with Florentino. He doesn't plan to keep you but has chosen to sell you to Valencia."

"We've already agreed on the terms, but out of respect, we wanted to get your opinion. If you really don't want to play for Valencia, I can call off the deal."

Businessmen can be so ruthless.

Rohan clenched his teeth internally, feeling a fire ignite within him.

Even though it was just a short-term contract, he had fought for Real Madrid and scored two crucial goals to save the team's face in dire circumstances.

Yet, even so, they chose to sell him without even giving him a chance to negotiate.

Utterly ruthless.

Just then, Real Madrid's management came to the locker room to find him.

A portly middle-aged man with an expressionless face approached him.

"Sorry, Rohan, the team needs to bring in new players, so we have to trade you."

"Your next club will be Valencia, a very competent team. I think you'll like it there."

Rohan glanced at the man, then turned and walked away.

"Hello, President Neville, I think we need to talk."
