
Chapter 20 Security

  Soon the three of them searched the convenience store thoroughly, including a warehouse at the back, but did not find any zombies.



  "Is it safe with Master More here?"

  Moore picked up a bag of cocoa beans from the shelf, tore it open and poured it directly into his mouth, half of it fell into his mouth and half fell on the ground.

  Morhao didn't care. He found another can of beer, opened it, and took a big gulp. "It's really cool."

  Maul picked up a can of beer and threw it to Daryl, then threw another to Sean.

  Sean frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but then he thought that this was just Moore showing goodwill, and it would be a bit inhumane to say anything at this time.

  "More, now is not the time for you to drink." Daryl put the beer heavily on the counter and looked at More straight.

  "Okay." Moore shrugged helplessly, "Just one bottle, okay, nothing will happen."

  Sean also put his beer aside, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. After observation, he found that what Carl said was indeed correct.

  There are so many people in the camp, but only Daryl and his two brothers can be of any use. If possible, we should try our best to win them over.

  "Okay, Moore, Daryl." Sean said, "Let's go over and see them. If it's okay, I'll drink with you tonight."

  "Hehe, the sheriff is quite considerate." Moore drank the rest of the beer in one gulp, crushed the beer bottle, and threw it aside casually.

  Sean said calmly, "You can drink, but you have to drink it at a safe time and place, Moore, you don't want to die because of a sip of wine."

  "Hey, Master More won't die that easily."

  The three of them walked through several rows of shelves and came to where the others were.

  Ed was already lying flat on the ground, Glenn was squatting beside him, and T and Morales were guarding the surroundings.

  "How's Ed?" Sean's tone was calm, and his expression couldn't be seen clearly in the dim light of the convenience store.

  Glenn didn't pay much attention to it, and his tone was a little tired, "Ed's condition is not very good. There is a black spot on his waist. I don't know if the bones are broken."

  Sean was silent for a few seconds before he said, "We just checked and it's safe here. Although some supplies have been looted, there are still a lot in the warehouse.

  It's getting dark, we have to check the situation nearby, if there is no danger, we will stay here tonight."

  There is not a word about charity.

  Glenn was a little surprised and asked, "What about Ed?"

  Sean said, "There should be a hospital in the town. We will go find some medicine for him tomorrow, but today we have to ensure the safety of the area."

  Ed was lying on the ground, with his eyes closed, not sure if he was unconscious or didn't want to talk.

  More leaned on the shelf and looked at Ed on the ground jokingly. Daryl was silent as usual. T was guarding the gate with a shotgun. Morales stood aside in a daze.

  Only Glenn said reluctantly, "But Ed's condition looks serious."

  "Okay, let's focus on the overall situation." Sean ordered directly, "Morales, you stay here with Ed, and the others come with me to check the surroundings."

  Morales said weakly, "Am I the only one?"

  Sean nodded. "There are no zombies in the convenience store. It's safe. As long as you stay quiet inside, everything will be fine. We won't go too far. Just shout if anything happens."


  "Okay, it's decided." Sean made the decision directly, "The rest of you can go."

  Glenn said with some concern, "If we only keep Morales…"

  "Trust him, okay?" Sean patted Glenn on the shoulder. "Morales can do it. We just need to trust him."

  Glenn wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded.

  Seven people entered the convenience store, but only five came out.

  Sean walked to the gas station, picked up the gas gun and tried it, he couldn't help but smile, there was still gasoline.

  Close the oil valve and plug the oil gun back in.

  Sean said to the people behind him, "Let's go. Just search a few more nearby buildings to see if there are any large numbers of zombies around."

  The gas station is at the outermost edge of the town, and the other buildings, the closest to them, are dozens of meters away from the gas station, in the direction of the town.

  Sean and Moore walked in the front, Crossbow holding a crossbow, T-boy followed behind them holding a shotgun, and Glenn was at the end holding a steel pipe, paying attention to the situation on both sides and behind him.

  Soon they arrived in front of the nearest building, which was a restaurant with only one floor. The glass was transparent, so they could easily see what was going on inside the restaurant.

  The small original table and square table are decorated in a Mexican style.

  The light was a little dim, and I could only see what was happening near the glass. I couldn't see what was going on inside, or whether there were any zombies.

  Sean made a gesture with his right fist, "Get ready to go in, Moore, you go left and I go right, T-boy, Daryl, keep cover."

  "bring it on!"

  The door of the restaurant is still made of glass and is not locked, which means that there were people here during the disaster, but no one knows whether they escaped or turned into zombies.

  Sean pushed the glass door open violently, and Moore and Sean rushed to one side respectively. T and Daryl followed quickly with crossbows and shotguns.

  Glenn stayed outside the door, as he needed someone to keep watch, otherwise he wouldn't even know he was surrounded by zombies.

  There were no large numbers of zombies when I entered the door, which was good news. As long as there weren't too many zombies and only a few of them were hiding in the dark, they wouldn't be a big threat as long as I was careful.

  "Hey, kids, Uncle More is here!" He suddenly stopped and shouted. His voice was not loud, but it was still clear in the restaurant.

  Sean was startled and stopped immediately, growling at Moore, "Morr! What are you doing?"

  "Uh uh uh..." The unique roar of zombies sounded in the darkness of the restaurant.

  "Here they come." Moore laughed arrogantly, "Attract them, isn't it obvious?"

  Several zombies staggered out of the darkness and ran towards them. Daryl shot an arrow without hesitation. The zombie in front suddenly stopped moving and fell heavily to the ground.

  Sean and Moore walked forward steadily, grabbing the zombies with one hand and stabbing the zombies' heads with a dagger with the other.

  There were only three people who took action. T-boy did not shoot. If a gunshot had been heard, all the zombies in the town would have heard it.

  With the cooperation of the three, the few zombies that rushed out were quickly dealt with, and there were only six in total.

  Moore wiped the dagger on the zombie's body, spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the zombie, took out a cigarette and lit it.

  "Hey, Sheriff, you want a cigarette?"

  Sean frowned slightly, a little angry, "We have discussed this, the plan is not like this, you might kill us."

  Moore said nonchalantly, "Sheriff, have you ever hunted? Those who hide in the dark are always the ones who hunt. It's better than looking for these zombies in every dark corner.

  It would be safer to lure them out directly. Uncle More knows his limits. There are so many zombies in such a small place. The danger is not the zombies but the sneak attack.

  Do you understand, Sheriff?


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