
Chapter 15: Kepu No. 3 Tank, Forgot What Comes After

Wang Zhong swept his gaze across all the students and noticed nobody dared to raise their hand.

So he encouraged them, "You must dare to acknowledge the enemy's strengths and learn from them, turning their advantages into our own. We should adopt a policy of taking the best and leaving the rest in this matter, keeping the essence and discarding the dross!"

"Come, let's talk about the strengths of the enemy tanks in detail! If you don't speak up, I will. But by doing so, you will miss the chance to impress me!"

Maslo Boyev immediately raised his hand, "Let me do it!"

Wang Zhong: "Go ahead!"

Maslo: "The enemy has a separate commander's turret, and although the viewports are very small, they offer much better visibility than our side viewports, with the commander having a 360-degree field of vision, while our viewports have significant blind spots."

Wang Zhong nodded, "Anything else?"
