
Chapter 46 Take Supply as You Please

Wang Zhong finished speaking, and Ludmila hesitated to continue.

Duke Loktov noticed this and said, "Liu Da, just speak your mind."

Ludmila nodded, "Alright. He was hit by the main gun of an enemy battleship, directly hit, so he lost some memory. His personality has also changed."

Wang Zhong couldn't tell for a moment whether Ludmila was covering for him or really thought that.

Duke Loktov frowned, "A concussion, perhaps? It's possible. I've already seen my fair share of personality changes due to shelling in the civil war, but all those changes were for the worse."

But the old man immediately shook his head, "But such things are unpredictable, although I still doubt whether a concussion can turn an uneducated troublemaker into a shrewd and capable general. Yet the fact is right in front of us."

"Compared to him being possessed by St. Andrew, a concussion seems more reasonable."
