
16. Prank Wars : Epilogue : Sunset Shield Technique

As the afternoon wore on, Sora found himself near the village gates, overseeing a group of genin who were scrubbing at a particularly stubborn patch of orange. He was just about to suggest they try a different cleaning solution when he noticed a commotion at the gate itself.

Curious, he made his way over, only to find a most unusual scene unfolding.

A merchant caravan had arrived at the village, led by a portly man with a handlebar moustache that seemed to have a life of its own. The man was engaged in what appeared to be a heated discussion with Izumo and Kotetsu, the eternal gatekeepers of Konoha.

"I'm telling you," the merchant was saying, his moustache quivering with indignation, "this can't be Konoha! The Hidden Leaf Village isn't orange!"

Izumo, looking like he'd aged ten years in the past two days, pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sir, I assure you, this is indeed Konoha. We've just had a... redecorating incident."

"Redecorating?!" the merchant sputtered. "It looks like a giant tangerine exploded! Are you sure you haven't been invaded by some sort of citrus-themed enemy ninja?"

Kotetsu, who looked like he was seriously reconsidering his career choices, tried to intervene. "Sir, if you'll just come with us to the Hokage Tower, we can sort this out-"

"Absolutely not!" the merchant declared, his moustache now achieving levels of quivering that Sora hadn't thought possible. "I refuse to enter a village that can't even decide on a proper colour scheme! What's next? Pink polka dots on the Hokage Monument?"

Sora, sensing that this situation was about to spiral out of control, decided to step in. "Excuse me, sir," he said, putting on his best 'responsible young ninja' voice. "I couldn't help but overhear your concerns. Perhaps I could offer an explanation?"

The merchant turned to him, eyebrow raised sceptically. "And who might you be, young man?"

Sora bowed slightly, channelling every etiquette lesson he'd ever been forced to sit through. "My name is Sora, sir. I'm one of the people overseeing the... renovation efforts."

"Renovation?" the merchant repeated, his moustache calming slightly. "So this is intentional?"

Sora nodded sagely, his mind racing to come up with a plausible explanation. "Indeed, sir. You see, Konoha is at the forefront of innovative village defence techniques. This orange coating? It's actually a new type of chakra-responsive paint that enhances our defensive barriers."

The merchant's eyes widened with interest. "Chakra-responsive paint? Fascinating! But why orange?"

Sora didn't miss a beat. "Ah, well, you see, orange is the colour that resonates most strongly with the natural energy of the Land of Fire. By painting the village this specific shade, we're able to harmonize our defences with the very essence of our nation."

He was on a roll now, warming to his tale. "In fact, this technique is so effective that we're considering making it a permanent feature. We're calling it the 'Sunset Shield Technique'."

The merchant stroked his moustache thoughtfully. "Sunset Shield, eh? Well, I must say, that does sound impressive. And here I thought it was just some sort of prank!"

Sora laughed, perhaps a touch too nervously. "A prank? Oh no, sir. Konoha takes its village security very seriously. Though I suppose it might look a bit... unconventional to outsiders."

The merchant nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Well, young man, I must say you've put my mind at ease. It's good to see the younger generation taking such an interest in village defence. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some trading to do. Do you know if the orange extends to the marketplace? I might need to adjust my colour palettes..."

As the merchant moved off with Izumo and Kotetsu, both of whom were shooting Sora looks of mingled gratitude and amazement, Sora allowed himself a small sigh of relief. Crisis averted, at least for now.

He was just about to return to his cleaning duties when he felt a presence behind him. Turning, he found himself face-to-face (well, face-to-chest) with Kakashi.

"My, my," the jounin said, his visible eye curved in amusement. "That was quite a tale, Sora-kun. 'Sunset Shield Technique', was it? Very creative."

Sora felt his face heat up. "Ah, Scarecrow-san! I was just, uh..."

"Practicing your infiltration and deception skills?" Kakashi supplied helpfully. "Yes, I could see that. Though I must say, I'm impressed. Not many kids could come up with such a convincing story on the spot."

Sora rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a habit he'd picked up from Naruto. "Well, I figured it was better than telling him the truth. Somehow, 'our resident prankster decided to paint the entire village orange' didn't seem like it would go over well."

Kakashi chuckled. "Indeed. Well, I'll be sure to include your 'Sunset Shield Technique' in my report. Who knows? Maybe the Hokage will decide to make it official. It would certainly save on repainting costs."

As Kakashi sauntered off, presumably to find more amusement in the chaos around the village, Sora couldn't help but wonder if he'd just accidentally created a new Konoha legend. He could almost see it now: future generations of ninjas learning about the great 'Orange Incident' and the revolutionary defence technique it inspired.

Shaking his head at the absurdity of it all, Sora turned back to his cleaning duties. After all, chakra-responsive paint or not, those orange splotches weren't going to remove themselves.


As the sun began to set, casting an ironically orange glow over the village, Sora found himself once again atop the Hokage Monument with Naruto. They sat in companionable silence, surveying the progress they'd made over the past two days.

"You know," Naruto said after a while, "I think the village actually looks better with a bit of orange. Adds character, you know?"

Sora snorted. "I'm pretty sure the Hyuga clan would disagree with you there. I heard Hiashi-sama muttering something about 'preserving the purity of the Hyuga compound' earlier. I think he's planning to repaint everything white as soon as we're done."

Naruto grinned. "Bet you ten bowls of ramen he finds orange paint in places he didn't even know existed for months."

"That's a sucker's bet and you know it," Sora replied, but he was smiling too. "Though I have to admit, this whole thing has been... interesting."

"Interesting?" Naruto repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, it was awesome! Did you see Sasuke-teme's face when he realized his hair was orange? I thought he was going to Fireball Jutsu the whole village!"

Sora chuckled at the memory. The normally stoic Uchiha had indeed looked like he was contemplating arson when he'd discovered that the paint had somehow seeped through his carefully styled hair. The fact that it clashed horribly with his typical blue outfit didn't help matters.

"And what about Sakura-chan?" Naruto continued, his eyes taking on a dreamy quality. "She looked so cute with those orange highlights!"

Sora wisely chose not to mention that Sakura had been on a warpath for most of the day, threatening bodily harm to the "idiots responsible for this mess". He had a feeling Naruto's crush made him a bit... selective in his perception of the pink-haired kunoichi.

"Well," Sora said, stretching his arms above his head, "I think we've made pretty good progress. Another day or two and the village should be back to normal. Mostly."

Naruto nodded, and then a mischievous glint entered his eyes. "Hey, Sora... do you think we could convince Jiji to keep just a little bit of the orange? You know, as a reminder of this epic prank?"

Sora was about to shoot down the idea when a thought occurred to him. "You know what? Maybe we can. I might have an idea..."

And so, as the orange sunset on a slightly less-orange Konoha, two young pranksters began to plot. Little did they know, their "little reminder" would go on to become one of Konoha's most beloved (and bizarre) traditions.

But that, as they say, is a story for another day.


One week later, the last traces of orange paint had finally been scrubbed from Konoha. Well, almost all traces.

If one looked closely at the Hokage Monument, one might notice that the stone faces now sported tiny orange whisker marks, barely visible unless you knew where to look. It was a small, cheeky reminder of Naruto's epic prank, quietly approved by a bemused Hokage who appreciated the village's newfound sense of community in the wake of the "Orange Incident."

The village had largely returned to normal, but there were subtle changes. Ichiraku Ramen now offered a special "Orange Surprise" flavour, the Academy had instituted a new "Creative Problem Solving" class (much to the students' delight and the teachers' chagrin), and the phrase "pulling a Naruto" had entered the local lexicon as a euphemism for audacious, large-scale mischief.

As for Naruto and Sora, they found themselves with a new reputation. Some viewed them with exasperation, others with amusement, but all had to admit that the pair had livened up village life considerably. 

Sora, reflecting on the events, realized how much he'd grown through this experience. His problem-solving skills, quick thinking, and ability to manage chaos had all improved dramatically. He made a mental note to update his stats soon, certain that his Creativity and perhaps even his Luck had seen a significant boost.


Mohammed_Alshamsi, shoval_picu , Kay_smiles101, Kennchan, Desire96, Gentle_Wolf_23, Thecentipede, novel_99, DaoistoV9APr, prithvi109 and Kay_smiles101{again? :)}, Arigato For Powerstones!


The current Powerstones count is 59! and the Ranking is 86, let's try for the Top 50!

Goals - 

75 stones = +2 chapters

100 stones = +5 chapters

Can anybody please tell me When the weekly Powerstones reset?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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