

A few days after the battle with Zanku, Akame was practicing her sword skills outside the headquarters. She was training diligently, trying to improve her abilities. Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. Turning towards the sound, she saw Noah standing there, watching her practice.

"Noah?" Akame said, a little surprised. She did not expect Noah come to their headquarters again. "What's up?"

Noah smiled, but the smile did not completely dispel the tension in the air. "I just wanted to see how strong you all are. I've heard you're one of the best members of Night Raid."

"Why are you fighting to overthrow the empire?" Akame suddenly asked, wanting to understand more deeply.

Noah sighed, his expression becoming serious.

"Although the suffering of the people is quite concerning, the main reason is to gather strength to face potential enemies that may emerge in the future. But I promise, at least I won't make the people suffer more." Noah spoke honestly, not hiding anything because he knew that only sincerity could make someone trust them. And he didn't like lying; one lie would only lead to another, and once the lie was revealed, he would face the consequences.

Akame sensed the sincerity in his words. Although Noah's goal was not as noble as saving the people from suffering, to her, it was more realistic than beautiful promises devoid of truth. Noah's honesty in acknowledging his goal of overthrowing the empire made Akame slightly intrigued to get to know him better. After that, they exchanged a few words before falling silent, making the atmosphere awkward.

Since Noah saved Akame, he had started visiting the Night Raid headquarters more often. Although initially the Night Raid was wary of Noah's presence, over time, as it seemed there was no danger, they eased their vigilance a little. Due to Noah's frequent visits and seeing what kind of person he was up close, Najenda decided to collaborate with Noah but did not completely sever ties with the revolutionary army.


One night, after a long meeting, Akame decided to go to the kitchen to find some meat. She found Noah cooking, the enticing aroma of food wafting to her nose.

"You're cooking?" Akame asked, feeling a bit surprised.

Noah turned and smiled. "Yes, I thought food could be a bridge to build relationships. Would you like to taste it?"

Akame nodded enthusiastically. "Sure, I love meat."

Noah cooked a few pieces of meat and plated them on a small table. They sat together, enjoying the meal while chatting. Akame discovered that Noah was not only strong but also very wise, with a broad perspective on the world, and most importantly, he was a good cook, so they talked a lot about cooking from that moment on.

Sometimes Noah also visited the Night Raid with C.C, Sayo, and Ieyas, who wanted to visit their friend Tatsumi.

The soft morning sunlight illuminated the forest, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere around the Night Raid headquarters. By the shimmering lake, Akame stood gracefully, wearing a black bikini that contrasted with the green trees around her. Today, she had an important task: to catch fish.

However, the fish she was going to catch was not an ordinary fish, it was a dangerous beast, a ferocious carnivorous creature that was highly agile and fierce.

With sharp eyes, Akame observed the surface of the water. She knew this fish was very wary, but she also had exceptional diving and hunting skills. In an instant, she leaped into the clear water, disappearing beneath the surface. Her movements were agile and quick, like a predator chasing its prey. Underwater, she searched for signs of the fish's presence.

After a while, Akame spotted a large silhouette among the rocks. The fish moved quickly, sparkling in the light that penetrated the water. Cautiously, she began to lure the fish to follow her. She moved slowly, pretending to be easy prey. Akame knew that if she could get the fish to come closer, she could launch a deadly attack.

Finally, the fish was enticed, following Akame's movements with curiosity. In an instant, Akame launched herself upwards, emerging from the water with incredible speed. With one leap, she landed on dry land, and without wasting any time, she drew her sword, which was always at the ready. In a trained motion, she slashed at the fish with precision, ending the life of the dangerous beast.

From a distance, Noah watched the whole process with admiration. He had already prepared a campfire and various spices to be used for grilling the fish. Seeing Akame successfully catch the fish, a satisfied smile spread across his face.

"Great job, Akame! That fish is surely delicious," Noah said as he walked closer.

"This will make the perfect meal for us today," Akame nodded, holding up the still-shimmering fish, feeling proud of her catch.

Quickly, Noah helped Akame prepare the fish for grilling. They cleaned the fish promptly, preparing the spices that Noah had brought.

As the fire began to blaze, the fragrant aroma of the spices started to fill the air. Akame and Noah worked together, placing the fish on the grill. They shared stories and laughter, making the moment more valuable. Although Akame was a trained killer, in moments like this, she showed the enthusiasm of a young woman full of innocence.

The fish began to sizzle as it grilled, filling the air with an irresistible aroma. Akame waited patiently, her eyes fixed on the fish that was slowly cooking.

"When can we enjoy the fruits of our labor?" Akame asked, staring at the fish with shining eyes.

"Soon, just get ready," replied Noah, a small smile gracing his face as he watched Akame's innocent and childlike behavior. He knew that their catch would not only fill their stomachs but also strengthen their bond.
