
Battle for Freedom (2)

Meanwhile, Cornelia faced the main forces of Kuro no Kishidan in Tokyo. Battles also took place throughout Japan between the Britannia army and the Kuro no Kishidan forces in other areas such as Hiroshima, Kyushu, and others.

The city of Hiroshima, once known for its natural beauty and architecture, was now trapped in the horror of war. The sound of explosions, gunfire, and the screams of soldiers echoed among the ruins of buildings.

Black smoke rose high, creating a gloomy gray sky. In this chaos, two great powers fought for control of strategic areas.

On one side, the Britannia army had deployed their Knightmare and military vehicles, neatly lined up in an unwavering formation. Inside the Knightmare, the radar screen flickered, showing the enemy's never-ending movement.

"Place the guided missiles! We must destroy their defense line!" Cormwell, the commander of the Britannia headquarters in Hiroshima, ordered, his voice firm and commanding. He knew that every decision he made could determine the fate of thousands of soldiers on the field.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the Kuro no Kishidan troops, led by Sayaka, prepared to fight back. They had dug a strong defensive position among the abandoned buildings, exploiting every nook and cranny to protect themselves from enemy attacks.

With deadly weapons, they tried to defend their position with all their might. Explosions were everywhere, and even though the situation seemed hopeless, their fighting spirit never waned.

Sayaka, a brave soldier with a burning determination, rode her Knightmare among the scattered rubble. She dodged the bullets that flew around her, feeling the adrenaline rushing through her. She knew that every step she took could mean life or death, not only for herself, but also for her comrades who fought alongside her.

With her rifle and anchor, she aimed her aim at the Britannia tanks that were advancing arrogantly. "I won't let them set foot any further!" she muttered, before pulling the trigger.

A huge explosion shook the ground as the anchor in the Knightmare's right hand slammed into one of the tanks. Iron and steel flew, creating a terrifying yet satisfying sight for Sayaka.

"Continue the attack! We must not retreat!" she shouted, her voice echoing amidst the chaos.

Her fighting spirit flared, encouraging the other soldiers around her to hold on. They knew that if they retreated, all would be lost.

The battle was fierce. Captain Cornwell felt the pressure increasing. Although they had more Knightmares, the clever Kuro no Kishidan used their familiar surroundings to make it difficult for them to conquer. They were natives of Hiroshima and had been there for decades, of course they were more familiar with the environment than Britannia who had only been here for seven years, especially since Britannia's activities were in the Britannia residential area and rarely set foot in the ghetto.

Every time they advanced, the Kuro no Kishidan soldiers would rise from their hiding places and attack with deadly counterattacks. Cornwell realized that they were not only fighting to win, but also fighting to survive.

Captain Cornwell, inside the Knightmare, watched the situation closely. He watched Sayaka's Knightmare run amidst the bullets and explosions, and his heart trembled at her courage and skill in piloting the Knightmare.

'She's amazing,' Cornwell thought. However, he also knew that there was no room for weakness in this battle.

The battle raged on, and there was no sign of either side backing down. Both sides showed incredible resilience, and every moment carried risk and fatal consequences. In one moment, the Knightmare Britannia launched a massive attack, firing guided missiles at the Kuro no Kishidan's position. Explosion after explosion shook the ground, and thick smoke blanketed the area.

However, the Kuro no Kishidan did not stand still. With their fighting spirit burning, they seized this moment to launch a counterattack. Sayaka, though exhausted, felt the collective spirit of her comrades. She led the charge with a spirited voice, "Follow me! We must strike back!"

They ran toward the tanks and Knightmare Britannia that were caught in the chaos, firing rockets and bullets with great enthusiasm. Sayaka felt a new energy flowing through her, and every time she saw the Knightmare fall to pieces, her fighting spirit flared even more.

However, the battle also took a heavy toll. Sayaka's close friends fell one by one, and each loss made her even more determined. She couldn't let all these sacrifices be in vain.

"We will hold on! We will win this war!" she shouted, determined not to give up.

On the other side, Captain Cornwell was starting to feel the pressure from his superiors. They were starting to lose many Knightmares and soldiers, and if the situation didn't change soon, they would be forced to retreat. "We need a new strategy!" he shouted to his team. "Find their weak point and attack with full force!"

The battle continued, and despite the worsening situation, both sides continued to fight. Explosions continued to shake the ground, and the sound of gunfire never stopped.

Sayaka, now out of ammo, saw a building that was about to collapse and decided to climb it. From her height, she could see the entire battlefield, and she realized that the Knightmare Britannia was starting to get trapped. She came up with an idea to launch a surprise attack from above. "This is it! We can do it!" she thought.

She jumped off the building, landing swiftly behind the enemy Knightmare. With an unmatched fighting spirit, Sayaka fired at the Knightmare with Slash Harken. Another explosion occurred, and the Knightmare was destroyed while the pilot escaped due to the emergency escape in the cockpit.

"We can do it! We must not retreat!" she shouted again, motivating her comrades who saw her brave action.

The battle was getting more intense. Both sides fought desperately, attacking each other with clever and daring strategies.

Similar battles took place throughout Japan with varying results, some Kuro no Kishidan victories and some Britannia victories.

In Kyushu, the atmosphere was no less dramatic. Britannia troops surrounded the area, trying to seize control. Scout helicopters flew low, monitoring the movements of Kuro no Kishidan troops hiding behind the cliffs.

"Target detected!" shouted the helicopter pilot. "Prepare for air strikes!"

Quickly, the helicopter fired rockets towards the enemy position. Explosions occurred, and a wave of destruction swept across the area. However, Kuro no Kishidan troops did not remain silent. They prepared anti-air weapons, waiting for the right moment to retaliate.

A Kuro no Kishidan soldier, Takeshi, saw the approaching helicopter. He ran, aimed his anti-aircraft gun, and pulled the trigger. The rocket shot out, hitting the helicopter, which exploded in midair.

"We won't lose! Hold the line!" Takeshi shouted, his enthusiasm spreading to his comrades.
