
Finally Back: 2

Phoenix's P.O.V.:

****** Remembering the last world ****** 

******Phoenix's POV ******

It was the end of the 365th world or life, he said his goodbyes to and finalized his legal affairs so that his vast fortune would be dealt with the way he wanted. He also finished storing his favorite belongings with Solaris.

He planned to leave the mass majority of it to the only person who could be considered his friend as well as his business partner and to the surprise of everyone his long-term roommate, the rest was set to be donated to varying charities mostly consisting of those which will benefit children and the under privileged children as well as his own foundation that helped "older children" or rather young adults that grew out of the age to stay at the orphanage but had no were to go. It not only gave a place for them to live but also had scholarship and internships as well as low level jobs that would not need a university degree to fulfill and carry out the duties needed to get the job done correctly.

It brings him joy, satisfaction and peace knowing that his organization will continue to thrive as well as take care of those who cannot care for themselves. He may not care for much but in the last few worlds and lives he has lived he started to care about children, well mainly those who were like him and were either abandoned, neglected, abused as well as those who were orphaned from losing their parent(s) and those who come from the poorest of those in poverty.

 He wanted to do something for those who cannot help themselves as he wished someone had for him. Do not misunderstand him, he is by no means a hearo or even a good guy for that matter. This all was a tax write off not to mention it turned out the most loyal and hardworking employees he has ever had.

 Essentially his charity helped to house and educate young adults who were too old to stay in an orphanage but nowhere to go and had no means to get a place to live. For those who were not up for the challenge of completing university he offered lower-level jobs with the chance of rising up the ladder. He employs a lot of people who grew up in orphanages or were from sever poverty. In his experience they are the best and or hardest workers and among the most capable employees a company could get. The sad truth is that in this last world orphans and lower-class people were highly looked down upon and people truly thought that they were equal to the stray dogs and cats that roamed the city.

Because neither Phoenix nor Draco ever dated anyone, people would speculate that they were secretly together romantically. They were not dating, not even close! He never could understand why it was so surprising or hard to believe that both men where in fact A-Sexual and had a 100 percent platonic relationship.

Like him Draco was stoic, cold, arrogant, apathetic to everything but work, cooking, reading and cats. He also had mysophobia and could not stand to share anything with anyone except for Phoenix. Since Phoenix also had a bit of mysophobia due to all the wretched lives he lived in filth, their "relationship" or "acquaintanceship" worked so well. The two men were truly a lot alike and could have been the perfect pair if they had actually dated but that was never going to happen. Though none of that stopped his relentless and endless line of suitors too.

'Now that was a headache, maybe Draco was right after all, and it would have been easier had that just married on paper then they would not have spent 40+ years beating away pesky flies, bees and butterflies.' Phoenix thought to himself with a snort.

Draco had been drinking when he seemingly blurted that out before laughing as if it were a joke. Phoenix never did think much of it but now he wonders if he should not have just taken the man up on a contractual platonic marriage just to save many, many headaches throughout the years… well it is too late and there is no reason to dwell on it as it is not like he can change anything that life is already gone. Still, Phoenix could not help but wish Draco's soul the best in his next life wherever that may be.

He could still hear his voice and recall his gentle smile that he only ever showed to Phoenix. If it were not for Draco Phoenix knows that it would have most likely taken more than another 3 lifetimes before he was able to make a close acquaintance.

That man helped him in many ways, and he was regretful that he never told Draco thank you nor told him he considered him the closest thing to a friend and dare he say even family. The end of that life was the hardest one yet because as his time drew near, he found himself reluctant to leave because he knew he would never see Draco again, how could he?

 He looked over at Draco's picture with a smile and spoke to it. "Old man I hope you are happy I took care of your legacy and made sure that your family cannot touch what we built in any shape or form, and neither can any of their kids or grandchildren. Rest easy my friend. Ha, I have never called you that before now, but it is the truth. Thanks for helping me more than you will ever know, and I am sorry I never told you. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say."

 He waited until Draco passed so that he could handle his arrangements because if it were left up to his atrocious siblings, they would only suck his legacy dry and while dumping Draco's ashes in the trash! He felt his heart was a little lighter knowing he was able to do one last good thing for the only person who cared for him in this life. I wonder if I will ever meet him during one of his reincarnations.

 Probably not, I mean how could I the chances are already low and will get even smaller if not turn to zero once he is back to his own dimension and home plane.

He truly hoped that Draco would have an easier life with a family and friends who truly loved him in his next life. He smiled as he got ready and crawled into bed knowing this body would not wake up in the morning.

****** End of flashback/ Remembering his last life ******

That night he left that world and went back to the nursery after gaining all the soul power from the world. Phoenix decided to sleep for 150 years before doing anything else, it is a good thing that he arrived back in the nursery this time.

Upon waking up Phoenix was startled to find that his surroundings had changed drastically! In fact, he was not even sure this was the nursery!

When Phoenix bolted upright and looked around his gaze landed on the galaxies all around them. It was so heartbreakingly beautiful! He had never seen something so magnificent before!

 It only took a glance to see this was not even where he was, when he went to that last world. 'How did the nursery just move like that? It had to of been Solaris' doing right? Oh well, he will talk to Solaris about it when he wakes up, for now he just wants to sleep and forget the pain of losing his only friend besides Solaris.' With that last thought he drifted off into a deep sleep, as he heard a distant voice, he could not place gently whisper "Sleep well my love". 'Wait, what, that voice I heard it as I died in my last life before we broke free initially, but who's voice is that and why do I keep hearing it? Is it a distant echo of a memory? If so, who did that voice belong to and what were we to one another?' He wanted to keep pondering on it, but an overwhelming wave of exhaustion hit him like a tsunami and before he could think any more, he was fast and deeply asleep.

As Phoenix slept on time passed in a blur and before long a few hundred years had passed. Even with the passage of time he still felt the pain of losing his only real friend, if he did not count his sentient A.I. system Solaris, but thankfully with time the pain slowly faded into a dull ache that eventually lightened to a level of pain that was only noticeable when poked at. He was not sure how much time had passed but he knew he did not want to wake until this pain was no more, he did not like it one bit.

It took a long time for Phoenix to allow Draco to enter his tightly guarded heart but once he did, he could not understand what he ever did without him. They were so close people would mistake them for a couple even though there was never anything romantic, in any way, between them. They were always just two platonic best friends who happened to be able to stand each other's constant presence, then it slowly evolved into a tight knit acquaintanceship, and later on a lifelong friendship though he never admitted to Draco that he saw him as a friend. In a sense one could say that Draco had been Phoenix's life partner, they did work and even lived together.

 Draco like Phoenix never settled down, no matter how Phoenix encouraged him too at least try getting out there and date Draco would hear none of it! He always refused stating that he was very happy and content where he was and that he would wait for eternity for his destined soul mate if he had too, with this sweet smile and a twinkle in his eye then he would always wink at Phoenix then shake his head while laughing lightly.

 Phoenix never could understand what Draco meant by all that since how Draco was ever to find his soul mate if he never dated anyone, not like they just drop out of the sky and into your life out of the blue.

 Destined soul mates are a rare thing written in the heavens. It is a bond that last for eternity as their fates are irrevocable bound to one another. Even in this vast multiverse soul mates aren't very common. That said Phoenix is the last one to give advice he is A-sexual and has always been apathetic towards everything and everyone except for when it came to his missions and Solaris, until Draco weeded into his life.

That is another reason Draco meant so much to Phoenix, the little twerp got him in a way no one ever had… is that what a best friend it? Well, he is gone now, and he needs to accept that they will never meet again. Even if they did there is no way Draco would be the same or remember their past. So why should Phoenix torture himself?

Since Draco was his first friend besides Solaris, he would give himself time to allow those pesky leftover feelings to fade and put it to the back of his mind. He has to keep going because the more soul power he gets the closer he is to being completely free from the grasp of his imprisoners.

Thinking all this Phoenix closed his eyes, took a few deep calming breaths while slowly releasing them, thus also slowing his heartrate. He focused on just the sound of his breathing while blocking all else out and clearing his mind until nothing was left but an infante dark space and with that he drifted off to sleep. When he opened his eyes, he was back in the nursery, but he was greeted but a small eastern dragon.

"Welcome Home Dear Master."

Ok my lovlies, what are your thoughts on Draco? I had a few people proofread my roughdrafts as I was writin' & it was interestin' to see their takes and insights on Draco and Phoenix as well as their realtionship. Each was way different then the others so now I am so curious as to what yall all think! Yeas (yes), I am aware y'all is a contraction of you & all, ya'll is a contracion of ya & all so sayin' yall all is redundant gramatically speakin'. However, I'm from the south here in Aermica & its my accent & dialect comin through. I do my best to write gramatically correct to make it easier on all readers but when it's just me speakin I want to convery my accent. =) I hope yall don't pay much mind to it.

Mrs_TNTcreators' thoughts