
Jail Break: 4

Phoenix's P.O.V.:


 Phoenix Stood looking out at the vast expanse of space and all the galaxies and worlds just waiting on him. He was not sure what all was in store for him, but he did know that he would conquer every world and grow strong enough to take down who or whatever imprisoned and tortured him for over 32 thousand years. He was done with being a puppet who could not fight back. He would not let anyone step all over him or force him to do anything he does not want ever again!

Playing the "villain" could be fun. The more he pondered it a wicked smile appeared on that lovely face turning him from an ethereal fairy in a captivating incubus.

Seeing this captivating and scary image of his master Solaris lit a candle in his heart for all those poor souls that will surely fall at his master's feet. His master truly has a duality that cannot be matched by anyone, well there is one who could rival it but that doesn't take away from his master Phoenix's looks and charm it only added to it.

'How is life so unfair? I want to be like Ma... Master Phoenix." Solaris could not help but whine to himself as he continued to watch his master closely in awe and with pure reverence.

'Oh yes, I will take revenge for the poor host that I will be taking over. I will give them the justice and life they deserve. It was the least I can do since I am taking over their bodies and lives.' He thought to himself while his eyes turned as icy as the artic and his lips curved into a beautiful but haunting smile that would give anyone who saw him just now a strong feeling of unease.

If Phoenix were to be completely honest, he will be more like a "villain" in the sense that he will make those who deserve it pay! As for those who have his back and care about him and/or about the original host, he will do everything in his power to make sure they live long happy lives. He is looking forward to the possibility of having a real friend other than Solaris.

'Guess it is about time I start looking into a hobby since I am now free to do what I want. It is okay that I have follow the shell's character settings as it will only help me improve my acting skills. As long as I am careful, I can do this! I just wonder how often they will be monitoring me?' Phoenix thought as he ran a hand through his long wavy hair that gave the illusion of blue flames roaring and dancing in the wind.

Solaris watched his master and could not help but blush at his master's beauty. Phoenix had yet to take in his appearance, not even spearing it the briefest thought. If he had he would have seen a young man about 5'8" or 172.7c cm tall with a body full of solid lean muscles, wash bord abs, a slender waist, strong back.

Overall, he had an andromedas look with a face bare from facial hair, full red heart shaped lips, an oval face with defined cheek and jaw bones, up turned slightly acauline nose topped with long phoenix eyes framed with long butterfly lashes and thin straight eyebrows. He was the epitome of beauty, femininity, masculinity, poise, regalness and confidence all rolled into one. It was simply not fair that this young man could not care less about his appearance. 

Solaris sighed while thinking about how there will be so many bees and butterflies buzzing around his master again, in every life they come and bother his poor master Phoenix while his master abhorred them due to all the sexual assaults, he endured throughout his very long ordeal in that prison. Well, he will help him become stronger so that it never happens again. He was drawn out of his own thoughts when he heard Phoenix speak again.

-Phoenix - "Before I pick a world to go to can you tell me what all you can now help me with? I know you said a lot of your functions where locked and that you could not tell me why at the time when I first asked you about it. Are you able to tell me now? Also, I am assuming that your other functions where locked due to us being out of your dimension of origin?"

-Solaris – 'Master is very smart, yes you are correct in your assumption. My functions were locked because we were in a different dimension but now that we are back, well almost back "home" even with almost no power I can still access and use several of my functions. That's not all…'

 Solaris paused as he could sense that his master was lost in deep thought, but he did not want to invade his master's private thoughts, so he remained silent as he waited for Phoenix to snap out of his thoughts and continue their conversation.

Phoenix could imagine how Solaris would look if he had a real body right not. A young youth with a proud look on his face and his chest out and back straight as he explained what all he can do now. It was easy to do as Solaris sounded like a four or five-year-old boy despite how long they had been together. It was such an adorable and cute image that Phoenix's heart ached. Phoenix just thought that it was his settings and because he liked it, he never asked Solaris if he could change his voice settings.

 'Oh, what I would give for Solaris to have a form other than an abstract one he currently has if it can even be called that since I have never seen him other then the interface that appears in my mind. Still I wish he had a form even if it was just a visual form and not a physical one that I cannot touch… Well, I would give even more if he had a physical form that I could not just see but touch and interact with. I may not be a kid person, but I bet Solaris would make the most adorable little boy! Oh, just the thought of it makes me want to pinch his chubby little cheeks and kiss him all over his round little face! Ha, if anyone were to have told me I would one day daydream of Solaris as a cute little boy that I wanted to love and dote on, I would have said they were crazy and talking out their ass. Yet here I am doing just that. Sigh, well I can always have my secret daydreams as it will never happen, and Solaris will never find out about it so there is no need to worry about it. I will just continue to enjoy my daydream of how cute and precious Solaris is in my dreams only.'  

What Solaris nor anyone else knew is that his heart ached for the closeness, for something physical he can hold onto, gain strength and unconditional love from but that he can also provide strength and unconditional love to as well. Despite his deep longing and wish for something more, tangible, he knew that with his deep scars he is not sure he will ever be able to connect with anything or anyone ever again.

He lowered his head deep in thought, he gently shook his head to get out of his own revelry. With a half smile he encouraged Solaris to continue. Seeing that his master was ready to continue their conversation, Solaris continued in that cute voice filled with pride.

-Solaris – 'Solaris can help master monitor anyone within the worlds we visit. I can also link to and control any electronic device, and you will be able to hack your way into anything with my help. I can also help master augment his body. I can help Master put his body in the optimal state. I can also turn your pain sensitivity down without turning down your overall sensitivity. I cannot take away the pain completely though. I can also most technology and can gather information for you and over all help you with your task. I do have to say that I have to be careful when accessing any technology until you are completely free form your imprisoners grasp'

-Phoenix – "…"

-Solaris – beaming with pride and nervousness - 'Just you wait master, when you are free, and we are back in our home plane I will have all of my functions back and you will be so impressed you won't even recognize Solaris!'

-Phoenix - "Hey Solaris, when I modify the bodies, I take over and will I look like the body or myself?"

-Solaris – 'Master will look like himself just with some variations.'

Phoenix - "Oh wow is it because my soul will be inhabiting the bodies or are they just simply me?

Phoenix burst out laughing. 'Oh, yeah, like that would ever happen. It's ok though I am not sure I want to know yet as it will be fun discovering things as I go along.' Solaris just watched, on, silently with pursed lips so as to not bring any attention to himself.

Solaris took a deep breath and sighed with relief because he was not looking forward to having to tell his master that he could not answer another one of his questions. He feels so guilty and truly looks forward to the day he can tell his mater everything he knows.

-Phoenix - "How do I choose a world and go to it?"

Solaris – 'Master can choose any world, though the ones he is drawn to will have more power but will be more difficult. All master must do is think about where he wants to go and reach out to it, and he will travel to it. Master will get better and better at it as time goes on. I recommend that Master go to this world here as a starting point as it is a medium difficulty and a good start.'

-Phoenix - "You mean this beautiful blue, purple and pink marbled one here?"

-Solaris – 'Yes, Master, oh before I forget Master, every world has a golden child in it…'

-Phoenix - "Yes, I am aware of this, why bring it up?"

Solaris – 'If Master can befriend the golden child or link your fate with theirs, then you will be able to gain some of the golden child's soul power acting as a booster while you are in that world. If the golden child gives you their heart and soul, then you will get twice the soul power. You will receive half while in the world and another half once you finish that world and that is on top of the soul power you will get just from completing that world.'

-Phoenix - "Wait so I have to make the golden child fall in love with me? I am A-sexual, and I have never had a relationship before how the hell do you expect me to make anyone fall for me let alone the golden child?" He was genuinely starting to have anxiety about it and could not keep his voice from going to a higher pitch and cracking.

-Solaris – 'Master, remember that is just for a bonus and is not required but I highly recommended at least befriending the golden child if you can, for not just the obvious reasons… Master you deserve friendship and healthy relationships with others even if it is not romantic.'

-Phoenix - "…ha, okay, okay. I will do my best to make friends but honestly, I am not sure I will be able to, due to my trust and abandonment issues. But for the sake of breaking free, I will do my best."

Ok he will let this slide for now as he is ready to start the first step in his revenge on who or whatever imprisoned him. He knows that it will be difficult to change his ways but maybe he can start small like taking care of a plant then moving on to a pet and work his way up to having an actual friend. He was reserved and realistic about it but hopeful, nonetheless.

 Phoenix stood tall with a smile on his face, determination in his with a fleeting streak of viciousness that passed by, so quickly Solaris thought he imagined it. He straightened his back, squared his shoulders and nodded his head.

He looked over the marbles and asked Solaris if he was ready. Upon hearing his reply Phoenix reached out to the planet Solaris recommended. The small marble size planet floated up while it grew to an orb the size of a beachball as it hovered in front of Phoenix. He closed his eyes focused while reaching out to the orb and could not help but think this may be fun. The next moment, he was drawn towards and sucked into the planet at the speed of light or like a shooting star caught in the gravitation pull of a planet and being drawn into its surface.

He was not sure he would ever get used to that feeling.

Mini theater:

-Author- "Nix, sweetie you are awear that is just an antii-hero, right?"

-Nix- "Yeah, I know but who wrote me this way to begin with? Not to mention are you not the one responsible for all this?"

-Author- *Whistles while looking away* "Hey now who said I am responsible maybe I am only a mere scribe, writing down and documenting all this so that everyone can know your true story!" 

-Nix - "..." 

-Author - "Please don't be mad at me I will make sure to make it up to you! It is all worth it I promise..."

-ML- "Don't worry wife I will avenge you"

Author & Nix "Wife? Who, Waht, Where, Where, How?"


Mrs_TNTcreators' thoughts