
The Siblings' Love

Talindra listened to every word Baraion had to say. She chewed the inside of her mouth and fumed in anger.

"See, that's what is the philosophy of Draculs. They want to be playboys and break every heart in the process. This is the kind of boy you fell for. You are an idiot. Now you will stay with me, and I will keep an eye on you. All your freedom is gone. I not only forbid you to see this boy, but I also forbid you to go to college. You are getting home-schooled now. You will only appear in exams and that's it. COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!" shouted Talindra.

She then continued, "Hel! Make all the arrangements. She will come to live with me, and she is never going out. Talk to her college and tell them everything that she will not attend any single lesson from now on. If Dean gives a problem, tell him to talk to me." Edhelriel looked at Talindra shockingly. She never thought that Talindra could take such a drastic step.
