

Keep in mind this story took place in a far away kingdom. In this kingdom a princess lived. As almost all good stories go it begins with tragedy. We all face it some of us have already. What we do with pain it gives us helps make us. In this case she became the women that her parents would have wanted her to be. They might of said she grew up too quickly. Well we will never know. Elizabeth was the princess's name passed down from her mother. Elizabeth's mother and father, Lucas had wanted a baby boy.  They never got one though. They kept trying for several years after Lizy was born into the world. Lucas had hired the best fighters to train his son before Lizy's birth. Lucas had expected a boy since she had become the first girl in his family line. 

Soon enough their baby girl was old enough for simple training. Lizy was only in her toddler years. Training was hard and never got easier for the little girl. I thought it was to much for her, but i kept my mouth shut. Lucas took care of her training as a soldier. Lucas knew it was most important that she could defend herself. Especially with no older brother to protect her. Or a younger brother to serve as the target. Elizabeth taught her daughter how to be a proper lady. So she couldn't be a disgrace to the family in court.  What people didn't realize she was also teaching her how to make any object into a  weapon. Their kingdom wasn't a fortress made to keep others out and to just protect. Its serves as a home to so many. Allowing them to make trade. 

With this it comes with many enemies and we are an easier target than many others. We are known for our fighters and great wealth. The king and queens have established a great economy with many other lands. It's not a major kingdom or that well known. Even so Lizzy's parents were slaughtered in the middle of the night. They said it happened while they were asleep. Lizy was only 14 at the time. Lizy had hoped that her parents had, had false fears. That they would have seen her engaged to James. Who she was supposed to get engaged to but her parents died before she could. 

 Lizy practiced harder than ever. 
