
Chapter 250: Intense Battle with Ōtsutsuki

Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!

Ōtsutsuki Jinin aimed his right hand at Shishou, and three Truth-Seeking Balls infused with yellow Tenseigan chakra appeared instantly. The Truth-Seeking Balls spun rapidly, forming a yellow halo from which a massive tornado emerged, striking Shishou's Susanoo.


Shishou's Susanoo shell shattered instantly under the assault of the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, turning into fragments. The tornado continued its path of destruction, obliterating all buildings and mountains in its way, leaving a straight passage that extended far into the distance, creating a massive hole in the sky.


"A mere Sharingan."

Ōtsutsuki Jinin sneered at the sight of Susanoo being destroyed by the tornado. To him, the Sharingan was nothing compared to the Tenseigan.

"So this is the power of the Tenseigan."

Shishou emerged from another part of the plaza, marveling at the mountains pierced by the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion. In the original story, Toneri used this move to pierce the entire moon, showcasing its terrifying power, far beyond what Shishou's Susanoo could withstand.

"But to think this is inside the moon... that's unexpected."

Looking up at the distant hole in the sky and the stars beyond, Shishou was stunned. He had seen the planet from here and assumed this was the moon's surface.

It seemed that Hamura had created this habitat inside the moon for the Ōtsutsuki clan, and the sky was likely an illusion created by special techniques.

With this realization, Shishou shot through the hole into the moon's surface.

A battle was imminent, and he didn't want to damage his future moon base.

"You didn't die!"

Ōtsutsuki Jinin followed Shishou through the hole, landing on the moon's surface with a look of astonishment.

"If I wasn't confident, why would I come looking for you?"

Shishou surveyed the barren moon's surface with satisfaction. It was a suitable battlefield.

Smiling slightly, he clapped his hands.

Wood Release: Wood Human Technique!

A towering wooden giant, its arms wrapped in wooden dragons, emerged from beneath Shishou's feet.

"A mere wooden human."

Ōtsutsuki Jinin sneered, aiming his right hand at the wooden human and unleashing another Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, which destroyed it instantly.

The next moment, Shishou appeared again from a distance, frowning at the destroyed wooden human.

Ōtsutsuki Jinin's Truth-Seeking Balls could annihilate anything, and without the power of the Six Paths, touching them meant certain death. This prevented Shishou from getting close.

The Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion's power was also too overwhelming, and neither the wooden human nor Susanoo could withstand such an attack.

Truly, the power of the Tenseigan was at a Six Paths level!

This power must be mine!!

With this thought, Shishou clapped his hands, summoning over thirty wooden dragons that surrounded Ōtsutsuki Jinin and lunged at him.

If quality couldn't win, then quantity might!

"Let's see how many tricks you have."

Ōtsutsuki Jinin combined the two light blades formed from the Truth-Seeking Balls into one.

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!

In the next second, a dazzling golden sword over a hundred meters long formed in Jinin's hand.

"Ant, let me show you the true power of the Ōtsutsuki clan!"

Ōtsutsuki Jinin floated in mid-air, wielding the brilliant light sword, and looked at Shishou with cold eyes.

Shishou's strength indeed far surpassed the ordinary people of the ninja world, but it was insignificant before the power of the Tenseigan of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

With a gentle swing, the light sword decapitated all the wooden dragons coming at him and cut them into pieces.

Even though he could only borrow a fraction of the Tenseigan's power, the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion was more than enough to deal with Shishou's wooden dragons.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so this is the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion that can slice through the moon."

"Let's see how long you can maintain it."

Seeing the light sword, which was significantly smaller than in the original story, Shishou chuckled, summoning dozens of wooden dragons from the ground again to charge at Jinin.

Although the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion was powerful, it consumed a vast amount of chakra to maintain.

With his Mangekyō Sharingan and Flying Thunder God techniques, Shishou could avoid being hit by staying cautious.

Boom, boom, boom!

Faced with the charging wooden dragons, Jinin frowned, swinging his light sword repeatedly, turning the surrounding ground into chaos.


Meanwhile, in Hōzuki Castle.

Hyuga Rimei and Hyuga Natsu sat in the courtyard, gazing up at the moon in the night sky.

They knew that Shishou was currently on the moon, battling someone named Ōtsutsuki.

"What are you looking at?"

Uchiha Mikoto walked in from the courtyard gate, carrying a tray with a few slices of watermelon. Behind her were Pakura and Anko.

Everyone in Hōzuki Castle had a close connection with Shishou, so Mikoto would gather them every night to maintain their bonds.

"Mikoto-san, Pakura-san, Anko-san."

Hyuga Natsu stood up quickly, taking the tray from Mikoto.

Hyuga Rimei glanced at the three women before continuing to stare at the moon, saying, "Lord Shishou is currently on the moon, fighting the Ōtsutsuki. I'm a bit worried about him."

After finding the alternate space during the day, Hyuga Rimei had heard Shishou explain the Ōtsutsuki clan, their connection to the Hyuga clan, and their formidable strength.

"The moon?"

Uchiha Mikoto looked up in shock at the moon, her face filled with disbelief. Shishou had been with her during the day, so how could he suddenly be on the moon?

"You're saying Shishou went to the moon?"

Pakura was stunned, looking at Hyuga Rimei as if hearing a fairy tale.

Anko, beside her, was equally astonished, finding it hard to believe Shishou could travel to the moon.

It was the moon, after all!

Far from the ninja world!

Hyuga Rimei nodded, explaining, "Lord Shishou has been searching for an alternate space with me and Natsu for months. He said it contained a path to the moon. Today, we finally found it and went to the moon."

"The moon is inhabited by a clan called Ōtsutsuki, who are incredibly powerful."

Pakura looked at Hyuga Rimei in shock, "So you went to the moon today too?"

"Yes," Rimei nodded. She had only stepped on the moon before Shishou sent her back.

"Ōtsutsuki clan? I've never heard of them," Anko said, still confused.

Uchiha Mikoto frowned, looking at the moon and explained, "I've heard Shishou mention that the legendary Rabbit Goddess Kaguya and the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, and his brother Hamura Ōtsutsuki, belong to the Ōtsutsuki clan. Their members possess extraordinary power, far surpassing the Kage level."

Far surpassing the Kage level...

Hearing this, Pakura, Anko, and Hyuga Natsu were stunned. Being around Shishou for a long time, they understood what "far surpassing the Kage level" meant.

"Look! There's something shining in the shadow of the moon!"

Suddenly, Hyuga Rimei pointed at the moon excitedly.

The women looked up to see a tiny bright spot flickering in the shadow of the moon.
