

"Richmond, Kentucky..." Edgar muttered, pocketing the letter. He walked out of his house and looked at the sky. It was cloudy. His body lifted off the ground and began to rise higher and higher.

When he was a considerable distance from the ground he began to fly at a great speed heading for Kentucky. The flying skill was among the most difficult for yellow aura psychics to master.

He had about 900 kilometers to travel until he reached his destination and met Elmira. Edgar's speed in the sky was very ragged. It exceeded 200km per hour.

After about four hours, he reached his destination. He did not stop for a moment. He looked at the town from the sky and landed in a lonely area. He didn't want a normie to have a scare to death.

Richmond is a city located in Madison County. It was just beginning to develop for quite some time. Its population was as high as 10,000.

Edgar walked along watching the normies coming and going. He walked until he came to a deserted street and stopped in front of what appeared to be an abandoned blacksmith shop.

'It's here,' thought Edgar probing the place. He was able to find Elmira's aura inside this abandoned workshop. This is thanks to his clairvoyance ability.

In the letter, it only said the name of the town and the county of Kentucky. So he had to look for her himself.

He knew when he received a letter from Elmira with only one location that something in her mission had gone wrong, and she needed reinforcements. He worked with her for many years, and it wasn't the first time they had used this method to make their location known.

Edgar entered the place through a dilapidated sheet metal door. Everything was dark, dusty, and cobwebby. When he took a few steps, he felt a knife at his neck, "Don't move," said a voice he recognized.

"It's me, Elmira," said Edgar nonchalantly. He had already noticed the movement with his extrasensory ability.

"Phew... You finally got here," said Elmira, dropping the knife and sitting on the floor leaning her back against a box.

Edgar turned around, and his eyes widened as he saw Elmira's condition. She had wounds and burns all over. The worst was a deep wound in her stomach that was bleeding heavily.

"What happened to you!?" asked Edgar with concern and growing anger. He would find the bastard who did this to Elmira and beat him to a pulp.

"My brothers, Edward and Elton," Elmira replied with a wince.

Edgar's worried and angry expression turned to confusion.

"What did you say? I guess I didn't hear right," he said, cleaning his ears.

"You heard right. My brothers left me in this condition," rectified Elmira.

"Impossible! Why would they hurt you?" asked Edgar in disbelief. He knew that both brothers got along very well with Elmira. They were even overprotective of her.

"Listen to me, Edgar. We don't have time. My brothers made deals with demons. At this time, I collected evidence, but they caught me. They wanted me to join them, but I refused them. That's why I am in this state, and they are hunting me," said Elmira in a serious tone.

'Edward and Elton made deals with demons?' thought Edgar with a shocked expression.

He knew both brothers very well. He fought side by side, hunting the bold ones who wanted to make deals with demons. They were not that kind of people.

"I know it's hard to believe. Here. This scroll. You must protect the scroll and head to the address there. I managed to save the evidence. You must retrieve it," said Elmira, passing an old scroll to Edgar, who was still processing all the information.

Before he could say anything else the entrance to the smithy exploded. The fire began to spread through the place. Edgar protected Elmira. With his telekinesis, he easily stopped all the debris heading towards them.

"Oh, Edgar. You're here. That makes things difficult," said a middle-aged man walking through the fire.

The man was blond and had a neat bar across his face and an icy stare. He had the same gray eyes as Elmira.

"Looks like you got over your depression! Congratulations!" said a jet-haired man walking beside the blond man. Unlike the blond man, this man had a more relaxed and not-so-serious appearance.

"Edgar... Elton..." said Edgar, looking at both men he considered his friends and co-workers.

"Give me an explanation or I will crush you," said Edgar with an angry look on his face. The air around him began to tighten, and an enormous pressure permeated the whole place in flames.

The walls of the smithy shook, and it seemed that at any moment they would collapse. Both Elton and Edward felt an enormous pressure on them. Breathing was more difficult, and staying upright was difficult.

"Your telekinesis is powerful as always," said Elton with a smile. A large amount of fire enveloped him and protected him from Edgar's immense pressure.

"No explanation is needed. Looks like Elmira already told you," said Edward. A translucent barrier protected him from the enormous pressure.

"You bastard! You made a deal with the demons!? Why!?" shouted Edgar, and a shockwave completely destroyed the smithy.

"Hey, take it easy dude. You're attracting the attention of the normies," said Elton, escaping from being buried by the rubble.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" said Edgar, who grabbed Elmira and saved her from being buried. Her injuries barely allowed her to move.

"Yes..." replied Elmira.

"Why? It's simple. The normies. That's the answer," answered Edward, who was still impeccable. His clothes were not soiled by even a speck of dirt or dust.

"Their wars continue to spread, and their arrogance knows no bounds. As superior beings we must stop them" added Edward with a serene and determined look.

"Being superior? Put aside your stupid God complex," Edgar said with a grimace.

"If you want to exterminate them do it with your powers, but you've made deals with demons. I can't let that go. The demons will sooner or later force you to hunt outcasts, and you will endanger our society," added Edgar, as his aura increased.

Edgar already verified that Elmira's words were real. Not only by Edward's words. He could see with his clairvoyance the aura of Edward and Elton. He noticed that they were not the same as before and had demonic energies.

"Your confidence is admirable. Do you think I'm the same as before? I won't lose to you again," Edward said with a cold stare. The air around him began to drop, and beneath his feet, the ground froze.

"Let's see how much your powers increased with those stupid demons," said Edgar preparing to fight. He knew his death was coming, but he would take at least one of them with him.

"You can't! You must flee. I will distract them. It's up to you to stop them in the future," exclaimed Elmira.

"No. I will stop them. You will come back alive. Here," said Edgar, passing the parchment back to her. Besides that, he pulled a small book out of one of his pockets.

"What is this?" asked Elmira.

"A teleporter. Courtesy of my brother. It will send you to Boston. Near the Poe mansion," replied Edgar.

When he was sinking into his depression his brother visited him and gave him this teleporter for when he decides to return home.

Elton, who heard this was about to jump in, but Edward stopped him and shook his head. Edgar's clairvoyance was very advanced. He could predict their movements dodge them, and the attack would be useless.

His sister already had the teleporter in her hands, her life was guaranteed. Edgar's, however, was not.

"I'm not leaving you here!" said Elmira.

"Listen, Elmira. Thanks to you, I regained hope. It took me a long time, and you had to put up with me for so long in that deplorable state. In this time I realized that I love you. That's why I won't let you fight to the death with your family. Goodbye, Elmira," said Edgar, snapping his fingers.

"No, Edgar-" before Elmira could extend her hand towards Edgar a blue light came out of the book she was holding and disappeared.

Unfortunately, the teleporters only could carry a single person. Otherwise, Edgar would have fled. As a clairvoyant, he knew firsthand the current strength of both brothers. In the past, he would not be afraid, but now he knew that his life would most likely end here.

"In ancient times, the normies sought the protection of the more powerful outcasts so they would not die at the hands of the wild beasts. Thanks to that they survived," began Edward in a solemn tone.

'Here we go with the villain monologue,' thought Edgar, wiping his ear.

"However, as soon as they were able to survive on their own, they bit the hand of the one who fed them: witch hunting, discrimination, and annihilation towards our kind. Goody Addams is a good example of that. Do we have to hide while we watch them produce ever more dangerous weapons?" asked Edward, clenching his fist.

"I understand your point. What I don't get is why you brought the demons into this. They don't care about outcasts or normies. They just want souls. Even our souls are tastier to them," Edgar said.

"My power is not enough to exterminate them. Their numbers already number over five million in the United States alone..." said Edward helplessly.

"Once I complete my mission, I will commit suicide. That way, the demon won't be able to control me anymore," he added with determination.

Once you made a contract with a demon it was for life. You could not cancel it. If you did not obey the demon you could be tortured for life by him and become crazier than a hag.

"In the process, you will kill a lot of outcasts. I will not allow that," Edgar said with a frown. Around him, a large amount of metal began to float.

Both were seeking the protection of the outcast society. One was willing to make sacrifices if that was what was necessary to exterminate the normies. The other would not allow the slaughter of innocent outcasts.

Edward's arms froze, and more and more the coldness permeated around him. By contrast, Elton's arms had turned to fire.

The fight between America's most powerful outcasts was about to begin, and its consequences would be catastrophic.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Nathe07
