
Ch-77 the rare monster to tame in magic crystal world

Ch-77 the rare monster to tame in magic crystal world

After they depart inside the dark forest

as i said to Mia floral "hmm let's go and tell me about the rare beast that you say I will be interested in them and make them my pet as you say they are powerful so let's see"

Mia floral nodded and show me the first location of shadow dragon

as we both deep inside the dark forest as we enter core area of the forest

as it becomes darker by a second as sound come from somewhere


as i said to Mia floral "I guess it's near here right"

Mia floral said to me "yes just go some steps further and you can see the dragon there as it the dragon lair of a shadow dragon as you see the darkness in that cave there "

as i nodded and start doing towards that's cave

as i said "don't follow me inside no matter what happened okay" as she nodded towards me and i enter the cave the dragon looking towards

as it said"you are interested human but I can't sense any relationship with this planet tell me who you are and why are in this planet till now"

as it roar and said to me

as i said to the dragon "well well you are pretty good for my partice in my power testing so what do you say wanna be one-v-one with me if you failed you will be my pet and surbodinate who will be with me to upon godlyhood so what do you say huh are you ready for my challenge huh "

as dragon started to thinking after sometime he nodded

as it flyed some step back and said to me "so what are the rules for this match that you purpose to me "

as i said "there is three rules first you can change form dragon to human in battle and I will change my weapons second we can't go out from this cave of your no matter what happened to us third you can dragon magic and bloodline too and we have three point whoever lost consciousness for some second will lost a point as we have 5 point in the battle and if I win I will not only take you with me but I also take your lair with me "

as the shadow dragon said to me"what will happen if you attack me when I am unconscious and cage me and I like the method but if you have other pets and you take them out"

as i nodded and said to the dragon"don't worry about that I am only using my mana ,intent and this world all three method in this fight so don't worry about that and my pets are loyal to me so they don't betrayed me without my order "

as the dragon roar at

what I said that after to go towards one side of cave and i go toward second side of cave

as something change in my clothes appreance as my shirt become a chestplate as hard as hardest metal orinanium my coat become cloack on my back as shoes hard and light weight my pant become hardest too as two flames come from my shoulder two grass wine come out from my neck and wrap around it as water and ice become my glasses as some claw come out from my fist as some green gas come from my side of my mouth

as i said in dark voice "are you ready for the fun hahaha"

