
Harbor Investment

Li Xiangnan had just exited the arrival hall, dragging his suitcase behind him, when he heard a clear voice call out, "Xiangnan!"

Looking up, he saw Murong Feng standing not far away, dressed in a light-colored casual suit, waving at him with a smile. Li Xiangnan, usually aloof and reserved despite his outwardly warm demeanor, suddenly felt a rush of warmth and the true essence of friendship. Smiling, he raised his hand in greeting and quickly walked over.

Murong Feng stepped forward, taking the suitcase from Li Xiangnan's hand with a smile. "This is the first time I've ever picked someone up from the airport. You must feel pretty special."

Li Xiangnan playfully punched Murong Feng in the chest. "You're the one who insisted on picking me up. I'm just giving you the pleasure, so don't expect any gratitude from me."

Murong Feng laughed, pulling the suitcase alongside Li Xiangnan as they walked towards the parking lot. "Why didn't you have the folks from Huaxia's Beijing office pick you up? That kind of reception would be more fitting for someone of your stature."

Li Xiangnan shook his head with a wry smile. "Last time was because we were attending a summit. Don't think I always roll with such a big entourage! Besides, I'm no longer with Huaxia Group, so I can't rely on their people anymore."

Murong Feng was taken aback. "You've already left? That was quick! Looks like your mind is made up."

Li Xiangnan sighed. "It's a long story..."

On the highway back to the city, Li Xiangnan recounted the process of his final decision to leave Huaxia and start his own business. Initially, he was still hesitant because he was leading several core R&D projects crucial to Huaxia Group's future development. These included the evolution of the core network, focusing on mobile voice convergence and PSTN network transformation, mobile broadband, signaling optimization, as well as next-generation mobile soft-switching, and core technology products for smooth evolution to IMS. He couldn't help but consider whether his departure would impact Huaxia Group's overall strategic development.

After all, it was Huaxia Group and Li Zhengyi who had given him the opportunity and platform to soar, making him renowned in the industry. Despite his aloof nature, Li Xiangnan valued loyalty and righteousness.

However, half a month ago, Li Zhengyi called him to the Nanjing headquarters and, without any preamble, reprimanded him and removed him from his position as Executive President of Huaxia Communication Technology Company, ordering him to reflect on his actions. The reason given was his lack of dedication to his job, which baffled Li Xiangnan. Although he had been contemplating starting his own business, he had not neglected his current responsibilities. More importantly, he had previously discussed his entrepreneurial ambitions with Li Zhengyi, who had warmly encouraged him to try it out, even joking that there would always be a place for him at Huaxia if he failed. How had Li Zhengyi's attitude taken such a drastic turn?

After much contemplation, Li Xiangnan's inherent pride surfaced, and he promptly submitted his resignation. Yesterday, Huaxia Group circulated an internal email approving his resignation, expressing gratitude for his contributions and wishing him success in his entrepreneurial endeavors. As a reward for his outstanding contributions, Huaxia Group granted him 10 million yuan worth of equipment and another 10 million in startup capital, showing their utmost consideration.

Murong Feng was dumbfounded. His brief encounter with Li Zhengyi had left him with the impression of a shrewd and capable figure. How could he make such a blunder, practically forcing out a technical genius and capable manager like Li Xiangnan? Noticing Li Xiangnan's wistful expression, Murong Feng suspected there was more to the story.

But since Li Xiangnan didn't intend to elaborate, Murong Feng had no inclination to pry. He was filled with excitement about the prospect of partnering with Li Xiangnan in a new venture.

They began discussing Li Xiangnan's entrepreneurial plans.

Speaking of this, Li Xiangnan's previously somber demeanor brightened. He explained that he planned to register a technology company in Zhongguancun, leveraging the equipment granted by Huaxia Group to develop products for core networks and next-generation high-speed broadband information networks. This trip was primarily to negotiate the company's location and finalize the favorable policies with the Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee.

Li Xiangnan continued, "Last time I was in Beijing, I had a preliminary conversation with the leaders of the Zhongguancun Science Park. The policies for information technology companies are quite favorable, with special innovation funds from the municipal government and the management committee to support high-tech industries, tax incentives, and housing guarantees for key employees. I'll be bringing some core technical staff from Huaxia, which greatly pleases them."

Murong Feng was once again amazed. "Xiangnan, your approach is quite bold... But it's good. This will help our new company grow quickly." He realized that Li Xiangnan was someone who would go all out once he made up his mind. Taking core R&D personnel from the previous company would surely infuriate Li Zhengyi.

Li Xiangnan smiled. He had his reasons. Many of his core R&D team were personally recruited and promoted by him. Their loyalty was more to Li Xiangnan's technical prowess than to Huaxia Group. Following him was only natural.

He continued, "Regarding the company's formation and equity, I've considered it thoroughly. I have about 20 million yuan in personal funds, 10 million worth of equipment, and another 50 million in technology contributions, totaling 80 million yuan. Shen Dong hopes to represent KPCB and invest 30 million US dollars, but I haven't agreed. Starting a new business doesn't require that much capital initially, and such a high investment ratio would leave me vulnerable. So, I'll accept at most 30 million RMB1 from them. Then there's you, Murong. I promised you earlier that if I started a business, we would collaborate. So, however much you invest, as long as it doesn't exceed my share, I'll agree."

Li Xiangnan's sincerity was evident as he spoke, genuinely viewing Murong Feng as a friend.

Murong Feng smiled and nodded. "I understand your reasoning. Too much external investment isn't a big problem now, but too high a proportion might affect your decision-making and control over the company in the future." He also pondered for a while and smiled, "I spent nearly 30 million on charity some time ago. I don't have much cash on hand now, only about 20 million, but I still have over 40 million in funds available at UBS. If you're okay with it, how about I invest 40 million first?"

Li Xiangnan gave Murong Feng a grateful look, nodded, and laughed, "Of course. That amount is perfect. It won't make Shen Dong feel like I'm giving away too little equity, and it's just right for our initial development needs. I was planning to set the registered capital between 150 to 200 million yuan. Once our product lines start to expand, we can consider further financing."

Murong Feng chuckled, "Great. Once the restriction period on my Huayou shares is over, I'll cash out and increase my investment in your company. I'll strive to become your largest partner!"

Li Xiangnan smiled, "Do you think you can overwhelm me with your money? Murong, do you believe it? Our Harbor Network Technology Company will soon become one of the most renowned communication technology companies in the country. One billion? Within two years, I want Harbor's sales to exceed one billion US dollars!"

Murong Feng was inspired by Li Xiangnan's confident and ambitious tone, "Exactly, let's aim high! Harbor? What's Harbor?"

Li Xiangnan laughed, "Oh, did I forget to mention? That's the name I've chosen for the new company. Harbor Technology!"


Following a series of complex investment procedures, Murong Feng's 20 million yuan and another 20 million yuan managed by UBS were transferred into the new company's account. Li Xiangnan also negotiated with the leaders of the Zhongguancun Science Park, securing a plot of land near Shangdi at an extremely low price for Harbor Technology to build its factory and office building. Additionally, the science park provided 10 million yuan in grant funds alongside tax rates and support policies comparable to those for foreign-invested enterprises.

Murong Feng couldn't help but marvel at the influence of a person's reputation.

Zhou Haitao from UBS was astonished that Murong Feng was able to secure such a significant equity stake in Li Xiangnan's new company. He knew that after hearing about Li Xiangnan leaving Huaxia to start his own business, financial investment firms were frantically trying to contact him, hoping to provide funding to buy shares in the new company. But all were politely declined by Li Xiangnan.

Zhou Haitao couldn't help but remark, "Mr. Feng, you should consider a career in investment. Honestly, my team of wealth management experts, all high-level financial talents from Wall Street, are frustrated. They can't even achieve returns from managing your entrusted funds that match your own equity investments! This Harbor Technology venture is poised to become another Huaxia Group. And you secured 26.7% equity with just 40 million yuan…"

Murong Feng was momentarily taken aback. Indeed, his connections and vision were decent, making investment a fitting path. Jokingly, he said, "Alright, Haitao, how about you leave UBS and join me to start an investment company? Once the restriction period ends and I cash out from Huayou, I'll have around a 100 million dollars, and I'm not sure what to do with it."

Zhou Haitao was stunned, then smiled bitterly, shaking his head, "Mr. Feng, I understand now why you can collaborate with Li Xiangnan. Your persuasive skills are top-notch!..."

Initially, Murong Feng was just joking, but seeing Zhou Haitao genuinely tempted, his eyes lit up. Zhou Haitao was a prominent figure in China's financial sector, with extensive experience on Wall Street and in Hong Kong. If he could bring someone like Zhou on board, it would be a guaranteed success.

Murong Feng thought for a moment and devised a collaborative model. With a serious expression, he said, "Haitao, if you're not interested, that's fine. But if you are, I genuinely have an idea: We jointly establish a venture capital company focused on investing in emerging industries and promising companies in China. I'll inject 500 million RMB2 from what I cash out from Huayou into the venture capital company. You, depending on your situation, can invest as much as you like. We'll be partners. I'll provide the funds, and you'll provide the professional investment concepts and analysis. We'll split the investment profits 70-30. What do you think?"

Zhou Haitao, realizing Murong Feng was serious, felt truly tempted...

Over the years, Zhou Haitao had reached the pinnacle of his career in finance. Major foreign investment banks like Morgan Stanley, UBS, and Goldman Sachs rarely appointed non-Americans to partner positions unless under extraordinary circumstances. Despite earning a high salary, his upward mobility was limited. He had reached the ceiling for his career.

Becoming a partner in a venture capital company, even with just 30% of the profits, was an enticing prospect. Considering Murong Feng's 40 million yuan investment in Huayou had yielded nearly 1 billion yuan in returns... Zhou Haitao was tempted.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Haitao said with a wry smile, "Mr. Feng, this is too sudden. I need to think about it..."

Murong Feng smiled, "Zhou Haitao, take your time. There's no rush, the restriction period still has a few months to go. But I'm looking forward to it. If we can collaborate, the future holds endless possibilities!"

Watching Murong Feng's radiant smile, Zhou Haitao realized the sheer potential in Murong Feng's proposal. Reflecting on Murong Feng's meteoric rise over the past two years, Zhou Haitao nodded quietly, feeling excited about the limitless future Murong Feng envisioned.

After leaving Zhou Haitao to ponder, Murong Feng, feeling accomplished about his investment in Harbor, received a call from Tang Qing.

Thinking it was an invitation to dinner or fencing, Murong Feng cheerfully answered, "Janney, I was just about to call you! I've got great news!..."

Before Murong Feng could finish sharing about his investment in Harbor Technology, Tang Qing's somber voice interrupted him.

"Murong, I've got bad news. This weekend, actually the day after tomorrow, you'll need to accompany me back to my house."

Murong Feng didn't immediately understand. Knowing that Tang Qing lived alone in her apartment at Gongyuan No. 6, he initially thought she was inviting him to her place. He felt flustered, unsure how to respond.

Fortunately, Tang Qing, preoccupied with her own concerns, didn't notice his confusion and continued, "My brother called me the day before yesterday, saying my father wants to meet you. I've been hesitating for two days, but I had to let you know."

Murong Feng was dumbfounded. He stammered, "Can I refuse?..."

Tang Qing crushed his hope, "No, you can't. No one can defy my father's wishes. When he says something, it happens. But I don't think it's anything serious. Maybe he just wants to meet someone I... admire as a friend. He enjoys talking to young people."

Talking about their relationship, Tang Qing hesitated, blushing slightly. She was standing in the corridor outside her office, and her blush didn't go unnoticed by passing employees. Rumors quickly spread throughout the company: The beautiful market director was in love! The gossip, as if sprouting wings, spread across the company even before Tang Qing finished her call.

Murong Feng resigned himself to fate, agreeing to meet Tang Qing at her apartment on Saturday before heading to her house to meet the famous old general.
