
Boating on Taihu Lake

"Three or four huts stand deserted on the wild shore,

Fishing boats dock together at the ferry.

A few honking wild geese after the rain,

Seventy-two peaks naturally green."

This poem by Wu Changshuo from the late Qing Dynasty, "Boating on Taihu Lake," depicts the beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake after the rain. A morning autumn rain gradually stopped by noon, and the sun broke through the clouds, casting myriad rays of light. The vast surface of Taihu Lake, covering "thirty-six thousand hectares and spanning eight hundred miles," sparkled with waves. The wind gently swayed the lotus flowers, and the distant green peaks stood majestic and picturesque.

Early in the morning, Murong Feng drove a seven-tenths new Passat provided by Director Qin of Huaxia Group. Leaving from Nanjing Development Zone, he got on the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway. Despite the drizzling rain, he sped along, reaching Wuxi in less than two hours. ----In his mood, he couldn't help but reach out and embrace Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was a bit tired from walking around Turtle Head Isle earlier. Now, facing the infinite beauty of Taihu Lake, she was uncharacteristically quiet, nestling obediently in Murong Feng's arms. Her smooth hair danced lightly in the breeze, brushing against Murong Feng's cheek, with a faint fragrance that intoxicated him.

Murong Feng whispered, "Ye Zi, I've missed you so much these days!"

Ye Zi didn't turn around, enjoying the feeling of being held by Murong Feng. She replied softly, "Me too, Murong. While working, at the hotel, at any moment, I kept wondering what you were doing. Are you well in Hong Kong? In Beijing? Are other women trying to seduce you?"

Her earlier words filled Murong Feng's heart with tenderness, and he hugged her tighter. However, her last question made him both amused and exasperated, bringing to mind the alluring eyes of reporter Xiao Qiang from the bar last night. He playfully said, "Oh, Ye Zi, how could you think that! Tell me honestly, has anyone tried to pursue you during this business trip?" Having been in a long-term relationship with Zhao Nian, he knew that turning the question around could be quite effective.

Ye Zi, enjoying the playful banter, sighed dramatically, "Well, a few people have shown interest in me here. Unfortunately, I already have someone in my heart, so I had to turn them down!" She wasn't entirely joking. Working in the investment department, she was indeed pursued by colleagues, and the young company secretary here had been trying to ask her out.

Murong Feng immediately asked, "Who are they? It seems I need to declare to the world that Ye Zi is mine, and no one should even think about her! Tonight, I'll go warn those people!" Ye Zi, thrilled by his domineering declaration, turned around and gave him a happy kiss as a reward. The two laughed and flirted on the boat, while the boatman, accustomed to couples boating, remained outside steering.

Though they couldn't be too intimate on the boat, they sat closely, whispering sweet nothings, enveloped in an endless romantic ambiance.

The light rain occasionally gave way to rays of sunshine, allowing them to savor the myriad charms of the lake. As the boat sailed past Fairy Island on Taihu Lake, the three mountains lay quietly on the water, graceful and serene, reminiscent of the "Isle of the Immortals." On the island, jade palaces, grottoes, and lush greenery created an extraordinary, transcendent fairyland.

Gazing at the receding island through the window, Ye Zi murmured, "Murong, do you think we might meet immortals if we go to that island?" Murong Feng chuckled, "Silly Ye Zi, the so-called Immortal Island is just a name for tourism. The scenery is beautiful, but meeting immortals is impossible." Ye Zi, undeterred, continued to dream, "Murong, if we could meet an immortal, what would you wish for?"

Murong Feng paused. Though he didn't believe in immortals, after winning the lottery and having his life trajectory changed, he did feel there might be some kind of destiny at play. What would he wish for? Wealth? He was already a millionaire. Fame? He never cared for it, and he was already somewhat famous from acting and his business in Beijing and Hong Kong. Beauty? He was holding his beloved in his arms. What else could he wish for?

Murong Feng smiled, "I would wish for everything I have now to stay with me forever. For me and everyone around me to live happily!" Ye Zi felt the happiness and contentment in his words and added with a smile, "I would wish for us to always be together, never to part!"

The two, deeply in love, boating on the lake, were boundlessly happy and content.

As the sun gradually set, the sunset on Taihu Lake became even more magnificent. They quietly watched the sun set behind the distant mountains, the clouds dyed in countless shades by the sunset, ever-changing and beautiful.

The boatman at the cabin door asked, "Would you like to try some lake delicacies?" Only then did they realize they were hungry.

The "Taihu Lake Boat Banquet" on the boat was famous, featuring whitefish, white shrimp, and silverfish from Taihu Lake, along with lake snails, softshell turtles, soil fish, giant wave fish, lake crabs, clam meat, and other lake delicacies. Each dish on the "boat banquet," each unique flavor, was prepared using various cooking methods like braising, stewing, frying, and simmering. Not only were the varieties increased, but the preparation was exquisite, retaining the traditional characteristics of Taihu Lake boat cuisine: rich and flavorful without being greasy, clear yet substantial soups, and a strong local flavor. Delicacies such as Liangxi crispy shank, fried crab roe, snail stuffed with meat, snow crab, Taihu Lake white shrimp, and pickled whitefish; and winter dishes like three-shredded silverfish soup were served, whetting their appetites.

Murong Feng and Ye Zi ate until they were full. The boatman wanted to head back, but Murong Feng, seeing that Ye Zi didn't want to leave the night view of Taihu Lake, promised to pay triple the fee, so the boatman happily continued steering.

Late at night, they reluctantly returned. Ye Zi didn't go back to the three-star hotel prepared by the company but instead went with Murong Feng to a luxurious lake-view suite at the 1881 Peninsula Hotel in Wuxi. With its 360-degree lake view and extra-wide bathtub by the large viewing window, and a world-class sweet bed, they indulged in the beautiful night view of Taihu Lake, fulfilling Murong Feng's long-held dream of making love on the lake.

That night, reunited after a brief separation, they made love multiple times, leaving traces of their passion in every corner of the suite, even in the bathtub with the viewing window. Finally, they fell asleep in each other's arms on the soft and wide bed. Exhausted and satisfied, Ye Zi fell into a deep sleep in Murong Feng's embrace, her beautiful face resembling a sleeping lotus, filling Murong Feng's heart with intense happiness.

The beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake remained outside the window. Murong Feng suddenly thought of the talk about immortals that afternoon and silently wished, "If there are really immortals, I hope they can make Ye Zi happy, sunny, and blessed for a lifetime!"
