
A call

Patrick stood on the hotel suite's balcony, gazing down over Tokyo, a vibrant, bustling metropolis. After spending a few days in the city, he was always in awe of its vastness, beauty, and bustle.

However, he didn't appreciate the city's splendor that evening. He had someone on his mind. Ever since he'd left her, his thoughts had been with her. Even yet, it was startling how she perverted his perception. If Susan and the architects hadn't accompanied him, he most likely would have blown the agreement he had traveled to Tokyo to sign. But because of them, he didn't.

Even though his work in Tokyo was finished for the time being, he was still unable to go home. He needed to see an old friend who still worked in Seoul and Dublin. He had been promising things, and this was the ideal moment to fulfill them all before returning to his mother's homeland.
