
Living the way you want

I leaned down to pick up sweet little Lyra and lifted her up tightly in my arms. Luckily, she didn't protest at all; she just looked at me with a curious expression on her face. Occasionally, she glanced at her mother, as if trying to figure out whether I was a good person. Since Avanne smiled gently, Lyra began to act more comfortably around me, she was starting to think I was a really good person.

"Well, little Lyra, since I'm your father, is there something you would like from me?" I asked the chubby-cheeked girl in my lap.

Lyra's bright blue eyes widened with a smiling expression as she excitedly said, "A chocolate! No... two chocolates..."

"Why two? Are you going to give me one?"

Lyra looked extremely surprised by my question, and then shyly glanced at her mother. "No, chocolate! Mommy loves chocolate... But I'll get you one too... Don't be sad, okay?" she said, placing her tiny hands on my cheeks.
