
Excessive mercy is treason to the homeland!

I came riding on horseback in front of the rebel still standing strong and looked at the soldier responsible behind him. He had a young face above average. There was indecision in his eyes, looking at me with a worried expression. His hand holding the sword was trembling, and I looked at the rebel standing right in front of him.

I understood why the soldier hesitated, as the only surviving rebel was quite young. He was nearly my age... or rather, close to my age in this world.

"What's your name, soldier?" I asked loudly.

"Reanolf, your Excellency!" he replied with a fearful face and a shaky voice.

"Why aren't you doing what you're supposed to, Reanolf?" I shouted, looking into his eyes.

"Your Excellency... He's just a child..."


"I can't do this... I'm sorry, your Excellency. Can someone else do it in my place?" he asked with trembling hands.
