
Borderline of Justice, End

All three people standing there, Ryuga, Sawa, and the smuggler who was barring their way onto his boat looked towards the sound of the voice.

It was the woman that Sento had saved in the park earlier.

She stood there with a smile on her face.

"Didn't you hear me? I said give them a lift..."

She started walking towards them. "...Don't worry, I'll take responsibility."

Sawa recognized her. "From the park...you!?"

The old fisherman smuggler shook his head but moved out of their way immediately. He hopped back on board the boat and started preparing to cast off.

Ryuga and Sawa looked at the woman in shock, who also hopped on board like she owned the place.

"You see...My husband lends that guy this boat...Hop on!"

"Ah I see, I didn't know..." Sawa also got on board, with the help of the outstretched hand of their new benefactor. Ryuga shrugged his shoulders and also got on the vessel.

"Thanks a lot lady." Ryuga nodded his head at the woman

"No need to thank me...It's thanks for Kamen Rider saving me and my son." She winked in Sawa's direction.

She sat down on a bench in the boat, leaning back while crossing her legs. "I might not remember what happened, but I almost hurt my own son...I can never repay the Rider for that."

The door to the bridge opened, and a young boy wearing a yellow jacket jumped out, he sprinted towards the sitting woman.


"Oh, Kouta!" They hugged each other, both of them were all smiles. "Were you a good boy?"

Kouta nodded and looked over at the guests on the boat. He noticed Sawa and waved at her, smiling even wider.

His mother addressed Sawa again. "I've got friends in Seito. If you want, I can have them help."

Sawa moved forward towards the mother-son pair. She looked surprised to hear the generous offer.

"Really!? Thank you so much!"

Both her and Ryuga bowed in appreciation.

A few minutes later, the boat was sailing towards their new destination.

Ryuga was sitting, deep in though where Kouta's mother had been earlier. Sawa was facing the water, holding onto the railing, looking out into the distance. It was quiet, asides from the low hum of the boat's engine and the light crashing of water around them.

They were like this for several minutes before Ryuga broke the silence.

"Did he know this would happen?"

Sawa turned and leaned her back against the railing, both arms supporting her on either side.

"You mean Sento? I doubt it..."

"He said 'If you expect a reward, then it's not about doing the right thing'..."

Ryuga stood up "I figured if I saved Nabeshima's family, he could testify in my favor..."

He started pacing towards the railing of the boat. "That's why I wanted to do it." He leaned over the edge of the boat the way Sawa had been earlier.


Ryuga pushed himself back away from the railing and faced Sawa again. "...He's different. Sento saved that family, just because it made him crack a smile..."

Sawa nodded and smiled in agreement. No more words were spoken between the two as the boat crossed over and past a small break in the massive wall and it's glowing red energy field. 


Back inside the warehouse, Sento was shaking his red and blue bottles. White formulas constructs were floating everywhere around him. He raised an eyebrow, and a corner of his mouth lifted in a cocky smile.

"No, let's begin the experiment."

He flicked the caps on both bottles, plugging the red one into his driver first, followed by the blue bottle.


The holographic images that represented the bottles popped up for a moment before swirling and disappearing. Sento's hand shot down to the crank on his driver and he started doing his thing.


Moments later, Sento halted his cranking as the familiar tubes and conduits completed the formation of his suit's two halves. He extended his index finger towards his adversaries, then settled back into his combat stance, a pose that mirrored the symmetry of his armor.



Steam was released from the seams of his suit as they joined on his body. Kamen Rider Build was born once again. He stepped forward and cracked his neck back and forth.



He summoned his weapon and whipped the business end towards the ground, clearly a provocation.

The remaining guardians all rushed towards him at the same time.

Build sliced through the first guardian with ease, it's body flashed with sparks and fell towards the floor as he approached his next foe.

He blocked it's attack with the drill crusher and used the rebound effect to propel a rotating movement, his weapon flashed downwards as he spun, crumpling the legs of another guardian. When he was facing the way he was originally he stabbed the pointy end of the drill through the head of the guardian whose attack he had blocked.

A plethora of sparks emerged from both of them as they hit the ground like the first guardian he slashed through.

He slashed left and right, breaking one after the other. The Smash that was nearby also joined the melee, breaking just as many guardians, with as much ease as the Kamen Rider was.

When all of them had fallen, the Smash and Build found themselves face to face. Build took a swing with his crusher at the blue and purple Smash, but it suddenly fazed through his attack it dodged back so fast that it looked like it left five after images.

The Smash opened fire on Build from seemingly all the locations it was at, causing the Rider to spring back using his Rabbit agility. He narrowly avoided the ranged attacks but was hit from the side by a swift arm strike.

"Ugh!" Build rolled across the floor. He laid on his back for a moment while he thought about his foe.

"I get it. You are...fast but not that fast. Splitting yourself up, huh?"

The Smash stood thirty feet away and stared at Build, waiting for him to make another move. Build got a closer look at the creature while it was standing still.

The Smash featured a slim, metal-plated lower half in a gray and black color scheme. Its upper half was equally slim, boasting a navy and purple palette with silver accents. The ninja like monster had a large, towering head adorned with a silver crest and a red pentagon on the forehead. Additionally, it sported shoulder pads that echoed the design of its head, albeit in a shorter form.

"Your speed and cloning ability...very shinobi like. Interesting."

Build pulled two new bottles out. One was orange and the other was a lighter blue than his tank bottle color. He started to shake them and then slotted them into his driver.

"I've got something for you."



A holographic image of a bird with it's talons facing forward popped up on the left, while the blue barrel of a gatling gun was on the right side. They disappeared quickly and then Build started activating the driver. He turned the handle as per usual.

The runners came out of the driver and two new pieces of armor were quickly formed up.


The orange and light blue sides of the suit slammed into Build, creating a new layer and new form on top of his old setup.


Asides from the color change, large, magnificent orange wings sprouted on his back. The helmet's lenses underwent a transformation; one side mirrored the silhouette of a bird of prey soaring, whereas the opposite side depicted the lateral aspect of a gun barrel. At the very heart of this eye, a tripartite gun barrel jutted directly forward.



The gatling gun he had been using earlier was reproduced by the belt and driver, landing in Build's hands.


The Rider lifted his left arm and snapped his fingers.

"Looks like I've found the winning formula!"

As the Smash distorted and split into two, reading itself to attack, the remainder of the guardian troopers in the area rushed in. They bypassed the Smash as soon as they noticed their primary target, the Kamen Rider.

A flurry of bullets headed towards Build. He tilted his head and held his own weapon sideways like a gangster. He held down the trigger.

Instead of bullets, orange energy constructs flew out of his gun at an insane pace. They took on the form of orange hawks, each one hunting down a bullet. The extra glowing bullets of prey shredded each of the the guardians one by one.

With a mighty flap of his wings, Build flipped through the air, he landed several shots on the Smash, causing its clone to disappear.

The Smash shook it's head, as if it had been dazed. It suddenly went into hyper mode; it created clones with out end! Some of them attacked Build with their own artillery while the rest burst through the ceiling.

"Trying to cover your escape huh? I know none of these ones are the real deal!"

Build suspected that the Smash was attempting an escape. The clones tried to suppress him with relentless gunfire, but his massive wings served as a formidable shield, enveloping him in a 360-degree barrier.

"Guess I'll have to get the real body to end this..."

Build crouched down and launched himself up and after the dozens of Smash that were heading upwards. The ones that had been firing at him started to come up as well.

As the Kamen Rider rocketed upwards, he dodged countless bullets flawlessly, while using his free hand to spin up the barrel of his weapon.



The driver called out the amount of energy rounds it was preparing as Build evaded and ascended.


At this point, everyone involved in the midair battle was one hundred feet above the roof of the building.


"Not done yet!"



"Let's go! YAAAH!"

Build held the Hawkgattlinger with both hands and started spinning in place, while also flipping side-to-side as he fired madly! The hawk like energy constructs left his position as if he was a rotating gyro! Every angle was accounted for. Each Smash, including the original, had taken a shot directly to its forehead.

There were multiple explosions, and the clones all disappeared. Only one Smash fell back down towards the warehouse. It crashed through the roof and hit the ground hard. 

Build touched down beside it gracefully. He held and empty bottle towards it and drew in it's purple and blueish Smash essence. 

As the guise of a monster disappeared, Build was startled. In front of him was the very man that they had been looking for!


Build undid his transformation and started to kneel towards the unconscious man.


Gentoku Himuro sat in a luxury car, playing with a fullbottle of his own.

He smirked and looked outside of the car's window while muttering to himself.

"It seems Stalk is finally taking action..." 


"Hey! HEY!" Sento shook the knocked-out Nabeshima, trying to wake the man up.


A strange sound suddenly drew Sento's attention, a large amount mist had also entered the warehouse.

"Okay...that's hella creepy..."

Sento's stood up slowly, his hands were reaching into his trench coat. He regretted leaving his Kamen Rider form too early.

He tried to peer into the mist while reaching for his bottles.


Before he could do anything, a long, segmented purple stinger and pierced his back!

A dark, blackish-purple wound was left behind; it wasn't merely blood that stained his coat, but it appeared as though a purple poison had also infused itself into him.

He shuddered and fell to one knee. His eyes were bloodshot and as he grew weaker, a massive, translucent snake covered Nabeshima's entire body, shrouding him before it slithered away and disappeared from sight.


At this point Sento was sweating profusely, he could barely see straight and his vision was getting blurry. 

The last thing he heard was a set of echoing footsteps.

A new Rider he had never seen before came into is heavily impaired view. 

The pink and silver armored being gazed at Sento briefly before turning around and walking back the way he had come. Sento couldn't hold himself up or think anymore.

He collapsed to the ground completely. His world turned dark.

Episode End! I've been busy working on the world of my other novel, 'The Holodex Henshin'. It and Kamen Rider Build will return soon!

Old6creators' thoughts