
Ch - 51 Bette Sans Souci?

While Barry was away from S.T.A.R. Labs, everyone there was trying to get more information about Souci and locate her whereabouts. Cisco managed to do so, but before informing Barry, he looked toward Swayam and asked, "Should we inform Barry about Souci's location?"

Swayam contemplated Cisco's question and ultimately chose to let him contact and inform Barry about her location.

Cisco dialed Barry's number and informed him, "We've piggybacked onto General Eiling's own surveillance. According to what they're saying, the lovely Ms. Sans Souci was just spotted in Anglewood."

Caitlin provided Barry with more information, "The same neighborhood as Dr. Hadley's office, the military surgeon who performed the procedure on her. That's why she was looking for the folder."

After Caitlin finished, Cisco hurried him, "You gotta get to her before Eiling does."

Just as Cisco finished speaking and Barry was about to hang up, Swayam interjected, "Barry, I'm heading to the location. You should also arrive as soon as possible." After saying this, Swayam hung up and, donning his super suit, left S.T.A.R. Labs.

As Swayam reached the location, Barry also arrived. Swayam told Barry to go into the building while he observed from the outside.

Barry accepted and went inside the building. But as he did, Swayam noticed General Eiling and his men surrounding the building. Swayam immediately informed Barry, but before they could communicate further, the Army personnel entered and attacked the people inside.

Although Bette Sans Souci got injured, Barry managed to retreat with her using his super speed.

Swayam, sitting on top of a nearby building, only retreated when he saw Barry and Ms. Souci safely escape.

After taking Ms. Souci to S.T.A.R. Labs, the team began briefing her about the particle accelerator explosion. Harrison Wells explained, "As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City, a number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy. One of those people was you, Ms. Souci. You were in Central City 10 months ago."

Bette Sans Souci explained why she was in Central City 10 months ago, "During that time, I had just returned from Afghanistan. I was there defusing roadside bombs and shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back Stateside. Spent months at the base recuperating. And next thing I know, I became the thing that almost killed me. And Eiling's favorite new lab rat."

Caitlin, being a physicist, easily deduced what might have happened. "The dark matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body."

Ms. Souci, confused, looked at Caitlin and spoke her mind, "I thought Eiling did this to me."

Harrison Wells replied, "Eiling is not smart enough to create someone like you but clever enough to see your value."

Ms. Souci became curious about others who were also affected by the dark matter wave and asked, "Do you know of any others who were changed?"

Caitlin replied honestly, "There have been a few."

Cisco, smitten by Ms. Souci's beauty, spoke from the side, "But no one that looks like you." Realizing his mistake, he apologized, "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. Please don't leave."

Caitlin, irritated by Cisco's behavior, threatened in a low voice, "I know how to perform a lobotomy." Cisco chuckled awkwardly.

After resolving their small dispute, they did some scans of Ms. Souci's body.

When the results came back, everyone marveled. Harrison Wells shared his amazement first, "It's the second time I'm seeing something so unusual. Her cell structure is unlike anything I've seen."

Caitlin, who was monitoring Ms. Souci's vitals, added, "Her nitrogen levels are off the charts." She then headed towards the patient ward from the observation deck.

Swayam, who liked to remain silent most of the time, questioned Harrison Wells while observing Ms. Souci and Caitlin through the looking glass. "Do you think we can help her?"

Harrison Wells, examining Ms. Souci's cell structure, replied, "To answer that, we have to understand how she works. And to understand that, we have to study her in action."

Cisco, excited by the idea, said, "You want her to blow stuff up. Yes. Now we're talking."

Harrison Wells tempered Cisco's excitement, "Not in here. She's too unstable."

Cisco, coming to his senses, scoffed, "I know."

Harrison Wells rolled his eyes, "I know you know."

While they conversed, Swayam was trying to recall any information regarding Ms. Souci or any confrontation S.T.A.R. Labs had with the military but couldn't recall any. Although his mind had become sharp, able to recall almost everything that happened to him, events before gaining his abilities were blurry. He hoped that if he acquired telepathic abilities, he would be able to view, rearrange, and safeguard his thoughts and memories from other telepaths.

As Swayam was going through his memories, Caitlin, preparing to run tests on Ms. Souci, was conversing with her. Ms. Souci asked, "So this is your life now, huh? Testing people like me?"

Caitlin, putting on medical gloves, replied while looking at Swayam and Barry, "Not just that. My work also includes looking after and taking care of two man-childs who are also special, just like you. Although, I don't mind it, but that's not what I thought I'd be doing. And aside from Swayam and Barry, you're the first metahuman that we've tested."

When Caitlin finished speaking, Ms. Souci, curious about the term "metahuman," asked, "Metahuman?"

Seeing the curiosity in Ms. Souci's eyes, Caitlin explained, "It's just a term we came up with for those who acquired powers and abilities unlike ordinary humans after experiencing mutation of their bodies."

After explaining, Caitlin started examining Ms. Souci's body and spotted some blood stains on her left shoulder. She exclaimed, "Oh my god. What happened? Why didn't you say you were shot?"

Ms. Souci looked at her shoulder and, sliding up her sleeve, explained, "Oh, this. Don't worry, the bullet just grazed me."

Caitlin, worried, closely examined the wound and spotted something stuck in it. "There's something in there." She removed it with tweezers.

Ms. Souci immediately recognized it and exclaimed, "It's a tracker."
