
Ch - 16 Abilities?

Swayam stood quietly, fully aware of Barry's destination. He chose not to follow, recognizing that Barry needed this moment with Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow. This conversation was crucial for Barry's transformation into the superhero known as The Flash. Swayam understood that encouragement was essential, and it would catalyze Barry's journey toward greatness. Satisfied that he had done his part, he informed Caitlin, Cisco, and Wells that he would return before nightfall, then departed.


Once outside S.T.A.R. Labs, Swayam headed to the testing site where they had previously monitored and evaluated both his and Barry's abilities. This isolated runway, devoid of surveillance cameras, was the perfect place for him to train without fear of scrutiny. Although he felt confident in the lack of cameras, he was still cautious, opting to reveal only those abilities he had previously demonstrated or utilized unconsciously.

In the vast and unpredictable DC Universe, uncertainty loomed large. One could never be certain of being unnoticed by powerful observers from any timeline. With this in mind, Swayam opted to focus on his established powers: Superior Speed, Super Strength, Long Jumps, Near Invulnerability, and Heightened Senses. Each time he exercised these abilities, he felt them evolving, growing beyond their initial limits. However, he refrained from using Hemokinesis (Blood Manipulation), Hyper Regeneration (Healing Factor), Caitlin's Cryokinesis, Cisco's Seismokinesis (Vibration Manipulation), and Atmokinesis from Clyde Mardon unless he was absolutely certain he was alone.

His caution stemmed not from paranoia but from his heightened senses, which alerted him to the presence of an unseen gaze. Though this gaze held no ill intentions, Swayam knew that beings of immense power often regarded lesser beings with a sense of indifference. Despite growing stronger every day, he remained humble, aware that a cosmic entity could obliterate him from existence at any moment.

As Swayam ran along the runway, he gradually increased his speed from 200 to 500 knots per hour. His body adapted easily to the accelerated pace. Unlike Barry Allen and Eobard Thawne, who derived their powers from the Positive and Negative Speed Forces, Swayam's acquisition of abilities was unique. His version of the Speed Force was generated by his own body, lacking the sentience that characterized its counterparts.

The Positive and Negative Speed Forces were in constant conflict—two sides of the same coin, maintaining a fragile balance through their struggle. In contrast, Swayam's Speed Force was a blend of both, existing outside the emotional spectrum and unaffected by emotional turmoil.

In essence, just as Barry and Eobard served as generators of their respective Speed Forces, Swayam had become a generator of the Neutral Speed Force. This force, however, only resided within him, allowing him to utilize its powers without emotional interference. The only drawback was that once the Neutral Speed Force left his body, it would assimilate with the other Speed Forces, losing its neutrality.

Every ability in Swayam's repertoire was extraordinarily potent, especially when combined, as they complemented and enhanced each other. His Hyper Regeneration provided him with an incredibly durable vessel, while his Hemokinesis purified and optimized his internal organs. Additionally, his unique triple helix genome made his cells and DNA highly adaptable, enabling him to effectively replicate the abilities he absorbed.

Swayam's Heightened Senses allowed him to perceive the world far beyond the limits of ordinary humans. An example of this was his accelerated perception state that activated subconsciously upon awakening from his coma, enabling him to process information at an extraordinary rate.

Clyde Mardon's Atmokinesis bestowed Swayam with a diverse array of powers, including hydrokinesis, thermokinesis, aerokinesis, electrokinesis, nephelokinesis, and enhanced cryokinesis. This last ability was further augmented by Caitlin's cryokinesis, suggesting that with enough training and expansion of his influence, he could attain god-like control over the weather.

Cisco's Seismokinesis, however, was even more absurd than most of Swayam's other abilities. It allowed him to manipulate vibrations across the omniverse—shaping, moving, and controlling them at will. This power granted him the ability to perceive events across time and space, enabling glimpses into the past, future, and even parallel dimensions.

The scope of Seismokinesis didn't end there. It forged a connection with the omniverse, empowering Swayam to create portals leading to alternate universes, dimensions, and multiverses. Due to the inherent dangers associated with this ability, he actively suppressed its use with the aid of his parallel mind, carefully controlling his power lest it spiral out of his grasp.

Swayam continued his training on the runway, pushing his limits and refining his abilities. Each run further solidified his mastery over his powers, setting the stage for the challenges that lay ahead.
