
Ch 15 - Crisis?

To be honest, I am kind of bored of doing the same things over and over. But I can't complain, at least not yet, since the trio are the ones providing me with three meals a day and a safe place to live. In exchange, all I have to do for them is give them samples to study and let them monitor my physical and mental changes.

While the physical changes can be observed through various parameters and equipment, observing the mental changes proved to be a challenge, at least for the first week. But after a suggestion from "Harrison Wells", Caitlin and Cisco started bombarding me with all kinds of information and knowledge.

It turned out to be an excellent suggestion. It might be a little hypocritical to say, but I can't deny that Eobard is a genius, even if he is overly obsessed with Barry Allen.


Although Swayam was a complete stranger, his friendly nature worked its magic, making Caitlin and Cisco see him as a friend. What helped him mingle with them was his curiosity towards their respective fields: Bio-Engineering with Caitlin and Mechanical Engineering with Cisco.

Before being transported to The Flash TV series, Swayam wasn't particularly a genius. But whatever the reason--whether it was the multicolored lightning or the wave of dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion--his intelligence improved, allowing him to master every piece of knowledge he acquired.

After teaching Swayam everything they possibly could, even the trio were astonished at how easily he made the acquired knowledge his own.


Another month went by while I maintained my daily routine. During this month, I further improved myself, making my blood now incapable of being extracted. I managed to hide from them that I could now actively manipulate my blood, albeit on a smaller scale. I also noticed that I could actually slow down my aging process and stop my body hair and nail growth. The more I improve myself, the more control I gain over my body.

What I didn't expect was that the look of suspicion I previously noticed in Eobard's eyes was slowly diminishing. Although it was still there, it became less and less noticeable day by day. Either he has started to acknowledg me as a member of Team Flash, or he has become better at hiding his emotions.

I am indebted to Caitlin, Cisco, and even Eobard for taking me in, even if they their own motives for doing so.

But I don't think I will be able to completely integrate into this team or even this world, at least not immediately. Being from a world where my current world was a fictional tale doesn't help at all. After being transmigrated here, I sometimes question if I might also be a fictional character. But I don't have much time to ponder that thought further.
