
Voting and Results

Seeing the room silent, Chairman spoke. "Delegates, we are now proceeding to vote on the resolution presented. Each nation will cast its vote: Yes, No, or Abstain. Please remember, a veto from any permanent member of the Security Council will nullify the resolution."

As the roll call began, the delegates waited with bated breath.

"United States," the Chairman called.

Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. stood. "Yes."

"United Kingdom."

Sir Pierson Dixon stood, his voice clipped and formal. "The United Kingdom reserves its position."

The room tensed further. Dixon's carefully chosen words hinted at Britain's likely veto.

"Soviet Union."

Arkady Sobolev rose with deliberate slowness, his voice ringing out. "Yes."

The decolonized nations' representatives nodded approvingly.

Sobolev's support was a given, but it bolstered the momentum against Britain and France.

