
chapter: 1


| Name: Nameless Race: Lizardling Level: 0/10 Hp:3/3 Mp:1/1 Sp:4/4 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| STR: 3 VIT:2 INT: 9 WIS:8 SPD: 4 DEF:2 |


| Skills |

| Swordmenship:LV 1/100 Darkvision:LV 1/50 Scales:LV 1/20 |


"hey...i-isn't this a bit too much like a game...?" I'm a lizardling as it says on this... stat board? stat screen? Status screen, yeah status screen. When I first awoke in this place I came out of a egg, after a few seconds a larger lizard picked me up and moved me to this room or box that I'm currently in. This room is hard to describe with my size, I don't have anything around me that I can use to accurately describe how it is, though if I were the size of a average baby lizard I'd say this room is half a foot tall or 15 centimeters and it's maybe 2 feet long so 60 centimeters. The floor of this place is covered in some cloth and it's strangely warm... "really warm.. this feels good... WAIT! I need to get on the task at hand which is, where the hell am I?"

"So, I'm a lizard based off the status screen and the fact I'm surrounded by around twelve other lizards, I can smell... dung... yeah... dung... A-alright let's focus on something else, like am I talking right now or is this just me talking to myself?" I looked around at the other lizards who are coiling up and pressing themselves against the cloth "Hmm, maybe I am but they don't care or I'm not talking and I'm rambling to myself. Hmmm, well I'm not in any danger and I'm alive! Is this some sort of reincarnation? Why and how? I died... I-i died... No.. I can't waste time trying to convince myself that I didn't die and that I'm a lizard now, I need information!"

I approached one of the lizards next to me, as I did it didn't react, I then went over to the wall, it was wooden and warm as well "Hmm, I don't think I'm getting out of here any time soon, well let's take a good look at my status screen, wait how do I get it to open? It appeared as soon as I got out of my shell, but now it's gone. Why did it disappear? Status screen?" It popped up in front of me without a sound "Hmmm, Status Screen" As fast as it came it went without a sound "Hmm, I must've accidentally have dismissed it, it pops up whenever I say that word and it also dismisses itself, it's like a screen, or tv that always faces me and is impossibly thin, well let's take a look, Status screen!"


| Name: Nameless Race: Lizardling Level: 0/10 Hp:3/3 Mp:1/1 Sp:4/4 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| STR: 3 VIT:2 INT: 9 WIS:8 SPD: 4 DEF:2 |


| Skills |

| Swordmenship:LV 1/100 Darkvision:LV 1/50 Scales:LV 1/20 |


"So my name didn't transfer over, my stat's are simplified to three letters, strength, vitality, intelligence, wisdom, speed, and defense. It's strange how all that just came to my mind, is it coming to me because I was basically born a few minutes ago? Int and wis are my highest stat, if they refer to the mind, than it's because I used to be human right? That makes sense but why is it still so low? Is intelligence different here? In games it usually refers to magic.. Oh, that's why. It still refers to magic here I guess and I don't know much about magic or anything like that but I do have the intelligence of a human, so that's why it's higher than my other stats. My race is a lizardling like I know what that means but I also have a Level, don't monsters evolve once they reach a high enough level? Wait monster? Am I a monster? No, this is different from my life, let's think about this like I'm playing a game... If I'm a lizardling than I am a monster, so can I evolve? There was that lizard before who picked me up? Is that what I'll evolve into? How does evolution work? Well let's not think about that for now, my skills are swordmenship, darkvision and scales? What the hell is scales? Also what's with the levels? Skills also evolve right? So if they reach the max level they'll evolve? Hey, aren't I supposed to have some sort of amazing or supernatural skill since I reincarnated? What the hell is this? I don't even have the standard appraisal skill in all those novels and manga!"

I feel a small shake as I look up and see that the top of this room, no this box, the roof of this box is gone. I can't see far as it's too dark but an overwhelming smell of rotting flesh hit's my nose as a lump of gooey flesh is placed into the box, the box is covered up again and all the lizards around me awake and scurry over to the flesh. I would laugh if the smell and sight wasn't so disturbing to me. "W-what is this? I-is this food... o-oh god..." I wanted to vomit but I can't, I want to turn away and run but I'm already against the wall, I want to look away but I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry... "N-NO! T-that's not food that's.. a dead animal...I-I can't eat it.. but the others are.." Against my mind and against my human urges I approach, the deep red flesh covered in small bit's of rock, the flesh long and grainy as if it's been pulled apart, the stench of rotting, iron and foulness. "T-this is wrong, a-a human can't eat this!" I've already bitten into this cursed food as if I was being urged by something not of my will, the flesh presses up against my jaws and tongue, I push myself against it forcing my jaw deeper, the stench worsens and I want to gag, I pull myself away only to rip out a small chuck of meat and swallow, chewy like a tire, gushing out blood like a freshly squeezed lemon, tasting like a run over bird that's been hit into a swamp. I swallow

[3 levels acquired]

"Please stop this" I gag as try to hold back tears, only to remember I can't cry but I also can't resist this urge, this will, my hunger for this flesh. I go in and feast like a dog with rabies, ripping, crunching, splattering.

[2 levels acquired]

[2 levels acquired]

[2 levels acquired]

"It's done, I did it, please let me wake up, please stop this, this is hell. Please stop this, STOP THIS.." I curl up on the floor as the blood of whatever that animal was slowly drips out of my mouth, I realize what's around me, these screens like the status screen from before.. "L-levels..? Did I g-gain levels from eating it..? W-what is this hell..? Please...leave me alone... I want to lay down.. I want to rest... No.. I can't.. I need to know.. I need information, I want to survive in this world!" I shakily get up and look at what's around me "These are like those pop-ups, yeah pop-ups, so I got nine levels? OH! Status screen!"


| Name: Nameless Race: Lizardling Level: 9/10 Hp:3/3 Mp:1/1 Sp:4/4 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| STR: 4 VIT:3 INT: 9 WIS:8 SPD: 6 DEF:3 |


| Skills |

| Swordmenship:LV 1/100 Darkvision:LV 1/50 Scales:LV 1/20 |


"I did level up! I leveled up from eating that.. thing.. no I have to focus.. So do I eat to gain levels? That doesn't seem right.. Is there any sort of way for it to tell me..? Like a heavenly voice from the clouds to tell me or something? Probably not, I'm one level away from reaching the max, what will happen if I do reach the max? I want to know.. there's not any more food, or well flesh left" I scurry over to where the lump was placed, the cloth is covered in a red stain, a few stray strand are left and the only piece left is with on of the other lizards, a flesh lump a bit bigger than my mouth. "I want it, I need it, I Need To Know" I hurry over on all fours. My mind racing, my heart pounding, my tail pressing up against the cloth on the floor, as I feel my tiny heart pushing against my ribs and skin and I look down at the lizard and quickly try to nab the meat it's protecting.


I thrashed around. Blood spewing, my vision blurred, my neck constricted, my heart pounding, as I spun over and over, my tail slapping into the wall and against the lizard, who has bitten and clung onto my neck. Over and over, slamming and spinning as I throw it off! I shake as I see the lizard land on it's back and quickly hurl itself up, the area around me is blurry, it's hard to breathe and focus on what's in front of me, this lizard, no this opponent. I struggle to breath even if it's off of me, my breath short as it charges at me, no time, I charge at my opponent, as we meet I took charge, chomp, I bit at the throat of my opponent, the rubbery yet scaly skin is all I can taste, Bap a sudden pop on my chest as I feel it again bap, "LET GO, RUN, LET GO" I bite harder clinging on as the sounds of the pops and pain slowly numb out as I finally fall, the warm cloth embraces me as i slowly close my eyes, about to fall...

[4 levels acquired]

[Requirements for evolution have been met evolve into "Kobold" Y/N?]

"..y-yes..?" Warmth, my mother's embrace soft and smooth, the smell of low and fragrant tea in the kitchen, the drowned out white noise coming from the living room and the soft gentle words of my mother reading me a book, words that feel like feathers in the spring wind. "Please...D-don't be disappointed me, I failed you, please don't go.."

[Evolution complete]

Very sorry if the status screen is hard too read

OrdinaryJudgementcreators' thoughts