
Chapter 15: Healing magic

"We have been walking for hours, are we close to Eldoria yet?" Elias asked Mathias

They had been walking through the forest for hours on end without stopping, the closest thing to a rest they had was when Nigel almost died of dehydration and they had to take a short water break.

Mathias scoffed at Elias' question "We aren't even halfway to Eldoria yet"

"Then how are we supposed to get Eldoria by nightfall?"

"Ha! You think we are walking to Eldoria? That'll take days"

"Then where are we walking to, if not Eldoria?" Elias demanded

"We are going to the biggest village settlement in the Greenfields, Noksis. They have a travel portal that leads directly to Eldoria.

Why all the questions anyway? Are you tired? Do you need a break?"

"No, I do—" Elias looked back to see Nigel and Dickson wheezing and panting, even Anias was looking nauseous and tired, Dickson and Nigel clasped their hand together silently begging him to say yes, they looked like they would drop dead if they walked ten more feet

"Y-Yes, I am tired, shall we rest a bit?" Elias said

"Really?" Mathias turned around and raised an eyebrow " You don't look tired to me"

"I am tired" Elias confirmed, putting on a poor attempt at acting tired.

"Fine," Mathias gave in, " But just for a short while. We have already wasted two days, so we need to get to Eldoria as quickly as possible"

Nigel and Dickson immediately collapsed and began emptying their water packs into their mouth, Anias on the other hand had a bit of composure whilst drinking.

But he did something else that caught Elias' attention. Anias placed his hands on his fatigued feet, mumbled some words and a soft sheen enveloped his feet, gradually his feet started to look revitalized like he hadn't set a foot on the ground all day.

'Healing magic', Elias' eyes widened in excitement, and he almost let out a scream. He just witnessed live Healing magic

"Was that Healing magic?" Elias asked Anias

"What did it look like to you, tch" Anias answered with an Irritated expression

Elias ignored Anias' attitude and pressed on, "Can you teach it to me? Tell me how you did it" he demanded

"And why should I teach you, a farm boy, the magic of our prestigious church?"

Elias sighed, "Maybe because I am chosen by the Goddess you worship in your 'prestigious' church and maybe you should teach me if you don't want to get slapped again"

"Ooof" Nigel and Dickson remarked in unison, meanwhile Mathias just watched intently, waiting to see what would happen.

"Like I'd let that happen, child of light or not, I'll have you know that I am an apprentice-level caster mage"

"Ugh, so much talking, and for what? Just show me how you did it, I'm sure I can figure out the rest myself"

Anias rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll show you once and that is because I want you to stop bothering me"


Anias called Nigel over, he placed his hand on Nigel and said a few words of power. Just like earlier, a bright sheen enveloped Nigel and he felt an instant relief, his fatigue had disappeared just like that.

"Don't ask me to do it again, I'm saving my mana" Anias boasted with a smirk on his face

"Hmmm" Elias pondered

"Let me make it easier for you, focus on where the pain or injury is, and try to visualize taking away that pain" Anias explained with his nose in the air, "What kind of senior will I be if I don't advise my juniors" he added

"Dickson, come here please"

Dickson rushed over, he was eager to get healed. Strangely, he had this confidence that Elias would be able to pull off the Healing magic.

"Be careful not to mess up the spell farmboy, I heard of a story where a mage messed up a Healing spell and turned his patient into a deformed pig" Anias sneered. Dickson's confidence dropped after listening to Anias

'What a fool, he doesn't even know what words of power to speak. I'll let him make a fool of himself before I correct him' Anias mused

Elias placed his hand on Dickson, and he channeled his mana exactly how Priest Mathias taught him, "Visualize taking the pain away" he muttered to himself

All of a sudden, Dickson was bathed in a bright light, the light was so brilliant and pure that it made Anias' own look like candlelight, and then the light disappeared.

"Impossible! How can he cast a spell without speaking the right words of power!" Anias blurted out

Priest Mathias' lips slightly curved to reveal a smile as he watched Elias, "He truly is here…child of light, as it was foreseen" he muttered under his breath

"Ohh, I feel light. I feel like I could walk to Eldoria right now! Everything feels right, even my bad ankle has been healed! Thanks to my glorious child of light" Dickson said, jumping and stretching with cat-like agility.

His skin had a newfound glow, the hair on his head looked healthy and strong, and he even appeared a little bit taller. It was like he had been reborn.

[New skill obtained: Healing(basic)

Description: The user can heal any fatal wound, illness, or affliction on his or anyone else's body.

Note: Healing will not work if the player or target is on the brink of death

Cost: 100 Mana points

Cooldown: Nil


"It wasn't too hard, I did forget to focus on the pain I wanted gone, so I ended up healing his entire body. Thanks for your advice, it helped a lot"

"B-But how? I spent months learning that spell and you learned it on the spot. It's not fair"

"Life's not fair. You got bested by a farmboy…again, just deal with it and stop being a crybaby"


"Since you all have the energy to trade words and banter with each other, I suppose you have rested enough. Let's keep moving" Mathias ordered.

Out of frustration, Anias punched a tree, but instantly regretted it as the tree was tougher than he anticipated. It only made him more frustrated.

"Want me to heal you, since you're saving your mana" Elias quipped

"Heal yourself!" Anias snapped back.

The group continued walking for a while until suddenly Priest Mathias abruptly stopped in his tracks.

"Is everything alright?" Anias asked

"Can't you feel it? We are not alone" Mathias replied

"What do you mean by that, are we being followed? Is it the demons?" Anias asked as he scanned the area

"D-Demons?" Nigel asked

"Nobody said anything about fighting demons" Dickson added

"[Perception]" Elias muttered

Suddenly everything became a thousand times clearer for Elias, he could pick up the sound of a fly's wing flapping, he could see as clear as day even though it was starting to get dark, and he could smell a waterfall that was miles away from his current location and he could feel the wind brushing against the hair on his skin.

It was as if he was experiencing the world anew, everything was just so clear to him. Together his heightened senses worked to feed him information, so he could make a mental view of his surroundings.

"We aren't surrounded by demons" He announced,

"If it's not a demon, then what is it?" Anias asked

Elias furrowed his brow, a serious expression now resting on his face "Wild beasts" He replied
