
I dare not request a reward!

Magnus Valorion felt a pang of sympathy!


These past days, the coroner who had come with Edmund Hale had already poisoned eight dogs in Green River Town to test the toxicity of Nightshade Essence.


Magnus Valorion had hoped these dogs could guard the town, or at least serve as a hearty dog meat hotpot in winter.


After dissecting the last black dog, the coroner reached a definitive conclusion and immediately reported to Edmund Hale, "Sir, this Nightshade Essence is indeed the poison that killed Lucius Blackthorn and over ten other officials."


"Good, good, good. Now we can confirm that Henry Vander is the culprit who poisoned Lucius Blackthorn. The other ten were simply unfortunate, accidentally ingesting the poisoned wine during the banquet with Lucius Blackthorn!"


With both cases solved, Edmund Hale prepared to return to the capital to report.


Magnus Valorion was quite happy about Edmund Hale's departure.


After all, if Edmund Hale stayed any longer, who knew how many more dogs in Green River Town would fall victim to him.


"I say, Magnus Valorion, I see you're always busy helping the townsfolk build their homes. Why don't you gather them to repair the town hall first?"


"Your town hall is half-collapsed; it's quite undignified!"


Honestly, Magnus Valorion didn't care much about the exterior of the town hall, as long as it was windproof and rainproof inside.


Besides, Magnus Valorion had the townsfolk build a big house for Galen Veritas. If not for Edmund Hale's group temporarily residing there, Magnus Valorion would have continued living in the dilapidated town hall.


However, now was a good time to show some sentiment. Magnus Valorion took two desolate steps forward, turning his back to Edmund Hale.


At that moment, the autumn wind rose, rustling the leaves around.


Magnus Valorion began to recite softly:


"As paths diverge beneath the twilight's hue,

Our hearts entwine, our memories hold true,

Farewell, my friend, until we meet again,

In dreams, in stars, where bonds remain."


Hearing this poem, Edmund Hale's mind exploded with surprise.


"As paths diverge beneath the twilight's hue..."


Edmund Hale murmured, and as he repeated it, tears welled up in his eyes.


"As an official of the Great Latium Imperium, even if I'm just a minor clerk, I must worry before the common people worry, and rejoice after the common people rejoice. The town hall's facade can wait until the people's lives improve."


Hearing "worry before the common people worry, and rejoice after the common people rejoice," Edmund Hale was moved to tears.


"Oh, I was too superficial just now. You truly care for the country and the people!"


Edmund Hale, crying and sniffling, threw himself into Magnus Valorion's arms.


At this moment, Magnus Valorion was both frustrated and amused!


Magnus Valorion used to think that the ancient people's emotional outbursts were just an internet joke.


But he didn't expect Edmund Hale to really burst into tears, covering Magnus Valorion with snot and tears.


At this moment, Magnus Valorion suspected that Edmund Hale was deliberately trying to wipe his snot and tears on him.


Finally sending Edmund Hale's group off, Green River Town was once again Magnus Valorion's alone!


Magnus Valorion could finally host a grand harvest festival to celebrate the town's bumper potato harvest!


Edmund Hale, after a long journey, finally returned to the capital. Before this, he had already compiled a report on the poisoning case of Lucius Blackthorn and others and submitted it to the Emperor.


Emperor Adrian Montague of the Great Latium Imperium didn't care much about the poisoning case itself, but he was very interested in the colorless and tasteless poison that killed Lucius Blackthorn and the others.


So, as soon as Edmund Hale returned to the capital, he was summoned to the palace.


Emperor Adrian Montague lounged lazily on the throne, with two scantily clad beauties beside him, their delicate hands caressing the Emperor.


However, Emperor Adrian Montague had no interest in them at the moment. Instead, he was keenly examining the small porcelain bottle in his hand.


"This is the colorless and tasteless poison you mentioned, Nightshade Essence? How potent is it?"


Edmund Hale bowed and replied, "My Lord, the coroner and I tested it on dogs. We found that after a few days of ingestion, they showed no symptoms, but after seven days, they all died with severe internal damage."


"Someone, store this Nightshade Essence in the treasure vault. No one is to touch it without my order!"


"Also, find the merchant who sold the Nightshade Essence. Ensure this potent poison doesn't spread among the populace."


As Emperor Adrian Montague issued his command, the court officials all praised his wisdom.


However, little did Adrian Montague know that the poison they treasured and stored in the vault would, in the future, be nothing more than a common herbicide in Green River Town!


"My Good Sir, you have journeyed far to the northern frontier. What reward would you like?"


"My Lord, I am your servant and should naturally alleviate your burdens. I have merely performed my duty and dare not ask for a reward."


Edmund Hale kowtowed and requested, "However, I do have a bold request to report to you."


Today, Emperor Adrian Montague was in a good mood and granted Edmund Hale's request.


"My Lord, do you remember Magnus Valorion, who was demoted to the frontier town of Green River Town a year ago..."


With that, Edmund Hale reported his recent experiences in Green River Town to Emperor Adrian Montague.


"The once dilapidated Green River Town is now flourishing under his governance. Unfortunately, the villain Lucius Blackthorn falsely accused him of dereliction, leading to his demotion to a minor clerk, resulting in Henry Vander's treachery."


After speaking, Edmund Hale bowed deeply to Adrian Montague, "I humbly request that you reward Magnus Valorion for his efforts in revitalizing Green River Town."


At this moment, Chancellor Alp Arslan was displeased. He still harbored resentment towards Magnus Valorion for not siding with him.


In those days, officials of all ranks sought his favor, except for Magnus Valorion and a few others who did not show him the proper respect.


They say a Chancellor's heart can bear the seas, but Alp Arslan was not that kind of Chancellor.


On the contrary, he was petty and intolerant.


Thus, he had exiled Magnus Valorion and the others to remote and desolate places.


Alp Arslan's son, Vice Chancellor Daruq Arslan, immediately stood up and said, "My Lord, I also believe this is inappropriate!"


"Edmund Hale just said that officials should alleviate your burdens. If Magnus Valorion seeks a reward for merely managing a town well, then hundreds of officials across the Great Latium Imperium would all expect promotions!"
