
CHECKING Her Wounds!

"What if they said it only for you to not accuse Penny? What if it was part of her plan? To ruin you?" he pressed hard, his voice shaky again. His chest heaved and his shaky voice was barely able to hide the rage he was feeling.

"Victor! I do not think she could be this vicious." she was much more vicious than this, but only when she would grow up! Nora shook her head at those memories. 

"Forget it! I will still file a complaint against it and let the police investigate it. Whoever was behind it would regret to target you." he swore with rage in his eyes. It stunned her for a second.

Someone would stand up for her? Fight for her safely and punish those who had harmed her? Her chest swelled just thinking about it and her eyes moistened. 

Victor was stunned to see her glistening eyes. His eyes widened but she shook her head. 
