
Specialist Nen [1]

I'll be honest...

I was not expecting that. We went from 50s to almost top 10 in a few hours.

You may gladly take this chapter off my hands, you deserve it.

Thanks and enjoy!!!


"What on earth is this?"

In a white laboratory with countless equipment, a female sat on a desk as she stared through a microscope, peering into a green berry that illuminated a slight glow.

This female was Ava, and despite losing a majority of her interest in science and medicine when she discovered fighting, being taught her whole life, she was talented in this field.

Although today, and for the last three days as well, she couldn't help but find herself engrossed in her work.

Where she'd usually be spending her free time in the Arena, she locked herself in her room.


Because of a certain berry that had been forced upon her, but as the days passed, she was glad it was.

"Done, finally."

Ava pushed away from her desk, the wheels beneath her chair allowing her to glide across her lab.

She stopped before a computer, typing a few things before a simulation started to run.

Since Ava only had a single one of the Aroze, she couldn't risk ruining its integrity with her experiments.

Therefore, collecting as much information as she could, she used her supercomputer to run a simulation that predicted the outcome of any experiments she wished to run on the Aroze.

And what she found left her surprised, to say the least.

'This herb, its molecular structure is…adapting?'

No matter what materials, substances and/or compounds she paired the Aroze with, the Aroze always integrated and recombined at a fundamental level with the molecular makeup of other substances.

'Because of this "Bonding" ability, the Aroze was capable of altering the properties of the substances, creating entirely new and potential effects.'

To put it simply, the Aroze could fuse with possibly every substance, meaning the potential and applications it had was…

'Near infinite.'


Isaac nodded his head as Ava explained everything she'd found regarding the Aroze.

They currently sat in the café they had met in, currently empty which Isaac found convenient.

Although, if he had to guess, he'd say Ava was the one responsible for this.

As Isaac listened to Ava's words, despite his stoic expression, he was quite surprised.

Of course, he was expecting something like this, as throughout his experiences with the Aroze, it had been known to show these "Bonding" effects.

However, he didn't think it was to this calibre.

"So what do you think? Are you interested?" Isaac asked.

His kind and respectful demeanour from their first encounter was no more as he sat more casually, his words informal.

The reason for this was simple.


It was because Isaac knew this was already a done deal.

"I'd like to work with you," Ava answered with her usual innocent smile and cheerful self.

"Perfect." Isaac leaned in, gazing at her with sharp eyes.

"So how much do you want?"

With a pause, Ava replied.

"50% of all profits."

No words were spoken as Isaac and Ava stared at each other.

To a third party, this deal would seem plausible, seeing as Ava had all the resources needed to mass produce the Aroze, including the Longfield and Khan families, as well as her cultivating the Aroze and putting in most of the work.

However, not Isaac.

He went through hell to obtain that single Aroze. He wasn't going to leisurely give up 50%.

And although this was true, in reality, Isaac knew the biggest reason why he would never accept this deal.

He was just greedy.

"You can have 12%."



Ava's kind and empathetic demeanour suddenly disappeared, replaced by a fiery and aggressive character that stared at Isaac with maniacal eyes as she slammed her palm onto the table.

"Who do you think you are?! Do you know the amount of time and resources I'll have to put in this?"

"Not to mention that without me, my family and the Khans will never hear you out. You'll never make a deal with them."

This was true.

Isaac knew a random F-Rank suddenly revealing he possessed a miracle herb would be treated like a crazy person.

Additionally, even if he was to somehow convince them, he'd simply be putting a target on his back.

Who wouldn't want to take the chance to blackmail, steal or threaten a weak F-Rank with such a treasure?

Isaac had long since planned to have Ava act as his proxy, allowing him to keep his identity hidden, while still controlling everything from the shadows.

But this still didn't change his mind.

"It's 11% now."

Ava was taken aback slightly, watching Isaac stare at her apathetically.

"Wait, you can't just…"


Ava paused.

'He's…He's nothing like he was the other day.'

Soon gritting her teeth, Ava sat back down.

"Fine, just stop."


Isaac inwardly grinned as he heard her words as a pleasant hum could be heard, a sheet of paper with writing appearing before the two.


Ava clicked her teeth upon seeing the prepared magic contract with the sum of 10% already to her name if she signed.

Despite the rage and frustration she was feeling toward Isaac, she still knew she could let go of this treasure.

"I also need the Aroze. It will quicken the process if I have the source for comparison." Hearing this, Isaac thought for a couple of seconds.

He didn't necessarily need the Aroze at the moment, and the contract made it so she couldn't reveal any part of this project to a third party without his consent, and this meant the Aroze too.

Therefore, he nodded his head as he updated the contract, adding a few more lines.

"How's this?" Isaac asked, handing the updated contract to her as she read it thoroughly for a few minutes.

Isaac watched intently as Ava went through the contract.

As soon as she signed it, Isaac's future would be a lucrative one.

'Who knew it'd be this easy? I spent my whole life chasing money, and now I'm fulfilling that goal as a simple side quest.'

It wasn't long until Ava finished reading, grunting in satisfaction, yet her emotions still sour due to Isaac's deal.

Biting her thumb, she drew blood, pressing it against the paper as Isaac did the same.

With a slight glow that emanated from the piece of parchment, the contract was now sealed.

"Excellent. How long do you think it will take to start the mass production?" Isaac asked, rolling up the paper and sending it to his Dimensional Space.

"Who knows? I'll practically have to reverse-engineer it and then work from there. That alone will take a month or two."

As Ava replied with her chin on her fist, Isaac couldn't help but be a little disheartened after hearing this.

'No problem. I've waited 16 years, I can wait a few more months.'

Besides, Isaac had his hands full at that time.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Ava." Isaac held out his hand for a handshake.

Despite Ava glaring at him for a second, not expecting him to ask for a handshake after the stunt he'd just pulled before she could slap his hand away, she noticed they were in Chef's line of sight as he stood inside the kitchen.

Gritting her teeth, Ava stood up, standing before Isaac as her face darkened for a second.

"You too, partner." She shook Isaac's hand, her grip tight and a vein bulging on her neck as she watched Isaac's smug expression.

In the next second, she let go, walking out of the Café.

'The Demon's Blessing. How different would everything be if she didn't put on that act?'

Although Isaac thought this, he didn't judge her for her choice.

After all, he'd be a hypocrite if he did.

It wasn't like Isaac didn't know why she did this either. Although he knew nothing concrete, he could make an educated guess.

The daughter of the greatest Doctor in Spawn, thought to follow his legacy of healing and nourishment, turning out to be a bloodthirsty barbarian would at the very least cause some judging whispers.

'We both hide our strengths, but for very different reasons.'

Sighing, Isaac walked out of the Café shortly after her.

He couldn't help but think how peaceful life would be if all he had to worry about was his reputation.

'I'd just do whatever I wanted.'

Like he always dreamed.

However, Isaac shook his head as he cleared his mind of these unnecessary thoughts, focusing on the matter at hand.

His next class is Nen Mastery.



In a large auditorium, the class was separated into two groups, the majority of the class being on the right of the Instructor, while on his left were a handful of other students, one of them including Amara Khan.

The Instructor himself was a tall bald man wearing sandals, shorts that didn't go past his knees and a floral shirt.

If Isaac didn't know any better, he'd say the man was preparing to go on holiday.

Isaac, standing in the line of students waiting to be assessed, kept his gaze on Xavier, though never made it obvious.

He wanted to find anything that might support his theory.

And he did.

'He's wearing a Swatch.'

As Isaac thought this, he couldn't help but pause for a second.

'That means absolutely nothing.'

Isaac lowered his head in embarrassment, realising this fact meant nothing.

And the more he thought, the more he realised the evidence suggesting Xavier was a member of Onyx was very little.

'For all I know, he simply lost his Swatch and Jayne happened to find it or even the other individuals whose swatches were in the ring might have had it and Jayne took both from them…'

Isaac sighed as he realised he was simply rambling.

The truth was, there was nothing to support Isaac's theories. However, this was all he had.

Without this, he could only wait till the day came.

'Absolutely not.'

Isaac didn't like the sound of that one bit as he resolved his mission to investigate.

"Not bad, but not good enough. Group 2." Xavier shook his head after witnessing the student's Ren before him.

Currently, Xavier sorted the students out into two groups.

Group two was for the average or lower students, while group one was for the opposite.

Isaac had long since decided to enter group one, however, he didn't like the direction it was going.

Currently, only seven students have been admitted into group one, and the students left to sort were dwindling by the minute.

'I was hoping for more students in Group One, thus meaning there was less attention on me.'

Despite Isaac thinking this, it didn't change his plan.

Even though he was the last student and Group one still hadn't increased in numbers, he didn't change his mind.


Xavier furrowed his eyebrows upon noticing Isaac being the last student.

"You must be Rank 769, Isaac. Have you mastered Zetsu and Ten?" Xavier asked, to which Isaac nodded.


"Good, then show me your Ren."

Xavier skipped to Ren with every student who answered yes. This was because if they lied, it would be evident in their poor Ren.

Isaac stayed quiet as he nodded, bending his knees and breathing in.



Isaac's Aura shot out as it coated his entire body.

Isaac made sure to lower his Ren output, as evidenced when his usual Nen would explode with a BOOM, this sounded more like a vacuum.

Despite this, the students of Group Two seemed to be impressed.

"Woah, how is he doing that?"

"I hate to admit it, but that's not what I expected of a lowly F-Rank."

After purposefully putting himself at the back, Isaac assessed those who were sent to Group Two and Group One.

After a while, he found a pattern.

'Those who showcased a Nen Proficiency of under level 3, were sent to group two.'

Therefore, Isaac simply knew the bare minimum necessary to pass.

"Very good. Go to Group One."

Isaac inwardly grinned as he walked to group one as the eighth member.

Though some of the students, both in Groups one and two, were unhappy with Isaac's position, he didn't care.

Standing beside the uncaring and nonchalant Amara, who wore her usual large round glasses and a skirt that came as an optional choice with the female uniform, he ignored the envious and sour stares.

Though, he pretended not to notice her piercing glares as if she was watching out for him.

'It's like she thinks I'm going to cheat or something.'

He was happy he could keep his reputation intact while still gaining the resources that would allow his Nen to excel.

And his Nen would see progression quicker than he knew it.

"Group two, activate your Ren and keep it active for as long as possible. Group one…"

Xavier walked toward the eight students, smiling widely.

Isaac smiled with him as he knew what was coming. This was what he was waiting for, though for different reasons to a week ago.

He needed every drop of power he could get in preparation for the Excursion.

That included Eight Gates, a fist art and most notably, something that would propel his arsenal to new heights.

"...Let's begin our Hatsu Training."


Next chapter title: Specialist Nen [2]

I understand if you can't wait for the next chapter. But you can always read ahead!


We're already at a fair amount of members, which is awesome.

Also, despite me drowning in it at the moment, I still must ask.


Visit my Patreon if you wanna read ahead! patreon.com/JustMYSTERY


_MYSTERYcreators' thoughts