
Justice for All

Thucydides said, 'The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.' To keep power within their grasp, to maintain order and stop chaos under one leadership, the strong could do as they pleased, and the rest had to follow and suffer. But how long until those you consider your power begin to see you as the oppressor? How long can you lead if fear is the only path you can lead on?

Damian was handed a spear—of questionable quality, with a tip slightly rusted but serviceable. His opponent, a towering figure in full plate armor, wielded a sword twice the size of Damian's height, which rested on his squire's hands as the proud champion knight mockingly regarded Damian's small stature. All Damian's companions stood outside the prepared ring, their hands still tied, guarded by two watchful soldiers. Their eyes, however, did not reflect those of children.
