
Sixty One

"You are a horrible man and my sister and my mother and I would have been better off if just you died!" Ye Xian said and the whole room gasped at her loud and sudden outburst.

Mr Hu shook his head, his eyes filled with hurt and he spoke slowly with an aggrieved voice, "Look at how my own daughter speaks of me, is that how good children behave towards their parents?" He asked knowing that no one would have sympathy for a girl who spoke badly of her own father.

"This is what Xhi Natzin has done to my family, she has corrupted them and turned them against me." He added then watched in satisfaction as the reporters left their seats and advanced towards the two women and started to hurl insults at them.

"What kind of woman would turn a family against their father!"

"Aren't you just the mistress who married an old man just so that you can have all of his money?"
