


Unable to hide his shocked expression, Kein instantly froze and stopped his repetition. His mouth opened slightly and his eyes blinked, focusing on the system screen that was giving him an alert. He did not know why the warning had to be raised when Coach Marlon was behind him.

Then the coach kicked his leg lightly, signalling him not to stop the reps as his teammates continued to move their bodies until sweat soaked the floor. His noble balance faltered and he quickly gripped the floor with his hands and tried to ignore the warning.

But the more he moved his body, Kein felt that the screen was getting bigger and bigger as if it was being pumped up. Interfering with his vision, one of his hands unconsciously became unbalanced, causing his body to collide with the side head for landing.


A satisfying thud sounded and distracted his teammates and Coach Marlon, breaking their focus.

"Ough!" Kein winced in pain. He did not plan to stop physical training for the time being, but he did not want to risk making the training session even more devastating or slowing down his growth process.

"Kein, what are you doing? Can't you do your training properly?!" Not asking about his protégé's condition first, the trainer scolded him instead.

"I'm sorry, Coach Marlon. To be honest, I've been doing physical training first. It wasn't much and was done in small amounts. I didn't think it would interfere with my training."

Coach Marlon looked at him with piercing eyes that could shake them mentally. None of his teammates dared to look at either of them, choosing to remain silent and keep their heads down.

His hands clasped around his waist and his eyes glaring at Kein, Coach Marlon finally gave him a fifteen-minute rest period.

"I don't mind you doing physical training outside of training hours. But I don't like it when it interferes with your training sessions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, coach," Kein replied.

"Good. Now go."


Shortly after sunset, Coach Marlon dismissed them to signify the end of today's training session. One by one, they left the training centre and returned to their rooms as if it were a scheduled activity.

It was not a bad day for Kein after returning from recovery. He was able to slightly keep up with the tempo of the movements and rhythms that Coach Marlon was guiding him through. And the system did not come up with any sudden warnings or restrictions. Damian, on the other hand, seemed to be on the verge of losing his life.

His tongue was sticking out like a dog's and his body was limply bent over. He was also staggering and was not once warned by Kein.

"Damn it. I hate physical exercise the most."Damian complained. "But if I don't go, I'm just a piece of paper that doesn't have the energy for physical contact with the opponent."

"Strange. You complain but at the same time mention the risks. Aren't you ashamed to complain in front of your friend who's been lying in bed for six months?"

"Shut up! I don't want to be compared to an idiot like you. How can you just feel a little sore when some of your friends almost fainted."Damian doesn't want to acknowledge one of the advantages of maybe not being able to run consistently.

Upon arrival at the room, they immediately take a shower and dinner to the canteen. So far the system has not issued a statement or other tasks. Kein can be a little freer in consumption because it meets the power source for an athlete is also no less important.

After finishing, he quietly leaves Damian and decides to visit a small park near the academy building. After making sure there was no one around, he tried to study further about the system without having to be suspected by his friends or others.

At the moment, he does not know how to call the system for status checks and statistics. But Kein simply said " " Hey, show me how far I've progressed." Even though it's only one day, the expectations are quite high.

A moment of silence, and then a screen appears with a slightly different number of point values and statistics.


[Nicholas Kein]

[Skills: 56]

[Ball Handle: 80]

[Passing: 82]

[Shooting: 58]

[Vision: 85]

[Strength: 29]

"Why is my strength decreasing? Is it because I'm tired enough? It's also very strange considering that I bleed following the task but there is no specific improvement."Kein is a little bit upset but he can't dispute the results that have been shown.

"Then what do I do tomorrow?"

[You can't know your daily tasks before changing days. What you do today, whether it's a little or a lot, it's all beneficial for muscle development and your ability. And most importantly, don't forget to get enough sleep, at least seven hours every day]

He was a little amazed when the system could also give him advice or motivation like a normal human being.

"Kein, what are you doing here?" suddenly Gilbert came out of nowhere and surprised him.

His reaction was slightly exaggerated yet he felt his life almost fly by.

"Senior Gilbert?" Kein stroked his chest slowly. "It's okay, I'm just enjoying the evening breeze. My stomach is still full to sleep now."

"Sleep? Seven o'clock at night? You're not kidding, are you?"Gilbert raised his eyebrows.

"Why joke? Damian and I are used to sleeping under nine at night. There is nothing to worry about because everyone's sleep standards are different. But judging by your eye bags... you must be sleeping under five hours every day." Kein shook his head and was not surprised by the fact.

"No, I don't like people sleeping too much. There's a lot you can learn in the world other than being an athlete and sleeping eight hours a day."

"I didn't have to learn anything else before I became a professional athlete," Kein explains why.

"I see, yes. But I applaud you for doing it consistently even though there's almost no change. Hahaha."

"Don't laugh!"

"All right. Go back to your room. I'm going to spend my time training again. I'm not satisfied with the training, but I haven't touched basketball in a while."Gilbert moved away as he counted his right hand.

"Hey, wait. Don't leave me!"Suddenly Kein also has a desire to participate in extra training as long as he does not violate the rules of the system.
