
The Most Effective Results Necessary

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to a conclusion is he defect." – Lu Xun

Hachiman's POV

For the first time in Hachiman's time in ANHS, Hachiman had managed to get around 7125 private points from his job at the library. That had managed to boost Hachiman's private point counter to around 55,250 private points.

He had managed to also remain conservative regarding how he spent his private points, as he had only spent just under 2000 private points.

In the meantime, Hachiman sighed, as he found himself slowly by steadily increasing his private points. If they remained how it was, then he would be fine compared to the other students in his class.

If Hachiman worked how he did he could get up to 20,000 private points a month, which was a fifth of what they came in the school with.

It was relatively fine in Hachiman's mind, especially if he could get a raise. He would do anything he could for a raise, even sell more private points.

In the end, Hachiman felt rather at ease. If he worked fine, he could get 10,000 private points by the end of April.

Not to mention the fact that Sudou had approached Hachiman twice, one after the swimming pool contest, and then later that day when he had gotten out of his work at the library. All so that he could speak to him and get his contact.

It was strange, but Hachiman digressed and just gave it to him. He had a choice on whether he spoke to him or not.

With that being said, Hachiman didn't have much going on within the week.

Instead, he took up his job, which had become a regular considering his arms were getting some workout with always moving books, and even his stamina would be needed to keep moving them for six hours straight.

The only downside was that he didn't get paid during little breaks, and so he had to push himself to keep going. Of course, Nao expressed her concern, saying he could take small breaks when needed, especially a dinner break, since he got out at 8pm, when the library closed.

Hachiman downplayed it, saying he could make dinner for himself when he got back to his dorm. He had numerous ingredients and he'd manually make the food he needed.

Turns out that Hachiman didn't need to really workout, his job had unintentionally given it to him. A light 6 hours of nonstop workout.

It was light, but above baseline workouts were a workout regardless, which maybe would help Hachiman in the longrun.

Especially when the books were incredibly large and heavy.

Regardless, Hachiman was able to do it mostly fine and get on with his day.

As for his social life, it pretty much remained unchanged.

Sure, Sudou and Kikyou had managed to get his contact, but neither had really tried speaking to him. Well, Sudou had, just continuing to express his interest in Hachiman to join basketball with him, as according to Sudou, he had the body to do so.

Even when Hachiman asked Yousuke, Sudou had merely stated that Yousuke was already in soccer, and thus he wouldn't be allowed to participate in more than one club. Since Hachiman wasn't in a club, he would be able to go ahead and be a part of it.

The only problem, was that Hachiman was unable to really place basketball at a serious level. Sure, he played sometimes causally, but that was it. A bit of street basketball, and that was that. He wasn't skilled, just acceptable.

Just like his status at this school apparently. Just acceptable.

The most interesting of the bunch was when he would speak to Manabu. Unlike then, Hachiman was able to argue his points and his theorizations towards the rules of the school. It was pretty much Manabu listening to Hachiman's points, watching as he got closer and closer to the answer.

In short, Manabu admitted to Hachiman, that everything he had thought and analyzed was correct. He was correct on everything. The fact Manabu was open to telling Hachiman that meant that even Manabu knew Hachiman's evidence was stacked that all he could do was submit and admit he was onto something.

However, what Hachiman was missing was one more thing.

Apparently, that was what was tying everything down, from the classes to the capabilities of students, to the dynamics of the private points.

He was missing one crucial detail, which unfortunately would be a bit of a difficulty getting down, but Manabu said he had great confidence in what Hachiman would do next.

Regardless, Hachiman had then decided to try and approach Sae once again, this time hoping the sheer amount of evidence he had build would make her reveal anything.

It worked less than what it did for Manabu.

"Huh? Oh, it's you again Hikigaya." Sae mumbled as she waited for what Hachiman had to say.

He sighed as he gathered his statements and began to argue accordingly. "Well, as you know prior, I came to ask you questions based on stuff like the private points, right?"

Sae looked a bit confused, but nodded, clearly unsure where Hachiman was going at with this.

"Well, I did a lot of digging in, and I've managed to gather a lot of information, particularly about the state of classes, and the overall environment."

"Go on." Sae nodded.

"Right. Well, from what I remember, based on my observations seen from the third year classes, it seems that there are fewer students there than there is in our first year classes. Here, there are 40 students, but in Class 3-A, there are only 38, and in Class 3-D, there are 32." Hachiman began, "And since there's no way for students to leave campus ground until they graduate, then it must mean there is a way for students to be expelled in this school, right?"

Sae seemed a bit surprised by what Hachiman was asking, but she quickly steeled herself, and instead turned for Hahciman to continue speaking.

All throughout, Hachiman continued to press Sae with evidence, trying to get her to say anything, but she kept her mouth shut.

But through that, Hachiman considered that perhaps Sae couldn't really respond, as he was on the right track. What else would she say? What could she say?

"But then I encountered what appeared to be a camera, and specifically how an upper year of Class D had slammed their hand on a window. Coupled with the fact that over these days I'm realizing private points are being used to encourage students to be hardworking, what is to say that these private points are also a moderator for the classes?"

Sae seemed to be eying Hachiman a bit dangerously before she chuckled.

"I must give it to you, Hikigaya, you've truly made a lot of progress regarding the school rules. But may I ask you, what use will it make it if you don't inform others?" Sae asked curiously.

Hachiman eyed Sae with suspicion. "What are you trying to say?"

Sae smirked, "Sure, you are smart. I will give you that. However, how good will it be if you don't inform the rest of your class?"

Hachiman shrugged, "Who am I to care about what the members of my class do?" Hachiman asked back. "There's no point. All I will do is make myself a laughingstock and a party pooper by ruining the students' supposed holiday school." Hachiman retorted.

Sae looked on, clearly understanding where Hachiman was getting at, but regardless, it didn't explain everything. "Are you sure it's because of that? Or is there another hidden reason?"

Hachiman shook his head, his eyes narrowing as he spoke, "Even then, I know the fate of Class D students. Just as I've seen through Class 3-D, we are the defective of the school. The worst of the worst. Literal scum. That's what even the students of Class C would say about us. We aren't average, we are worse than even that. What point is there to say it? Our class will still be defective regardless."

Sae looked on at Hachiman's statements. What he said was the pessimistic truth. Simply put, Class D was doomed to be Class D, and defects.

It was the reality.

But even then, Sae could say that perhaps, there was some strange, yet different method Hachiman had going on.

"What are you thinking, Hikigaya?" Sae asked curiously. "Why would you hesitate and hide this information from the rest of your class? You don't seem like the type to worry about being a party pooper." Sae mentioned Hachiman, who could only chuckle at that.

"You are right. I do have an ulterior motive. But so will the rest of the class when they are at that point." Hachiman answered, staring at Sae back with his eyes.

"Elaborate." Sae told Hachiman who gladly did.

"Of course. What's to say the students in Class D will stand by and just accept their reality?" Hachiman asked, "As much as defects they may be, what is to say that they will, after suffering the consequences of their actions, change for the better?"

Sae's eyes looked at Hachiman in a bit of shock. While she couldn't be the one to judge Hachiman for his actions, it could be seen as disastrous and rude. Especially if it's revealed that Hachiman knew of it and didn't do anything to stop their descend to nothingness and pure laughingstock status.

Hachiman chuckled, "What is to say that those in Class 3-D are doing nothing? They probably are, but the reality of how this school places us makes it so that they cannot go anywhere but up. But even then, it is such an impossibly difficult task that many lose motivation and willpower regardless. So, tell me Chabashira, what difference would me telling everyone about what I know do for the benefit of the class?"

Sae remained silent, as if realizing Hachiman was perhaps bleaker than even, she was. She thought she was harsh when it came to her ideals, but she may have just found someone with even more ruthless ideals than she had ever seen before.

"This kid speaks of such hatred at the status quo, but accepts that he cannot do anything alone, and instead skates past the status quo to choose his own path." Sae concluded as she eyed Hachiman clearly.

The boy pretty much had everything correct. But he saw no point in telling the class, because they were defects who wouldn't benefit from knowing regardless. They couldn't pass a single class even if they tried, or at least that was what Hachiman thought.

In the eyes of Hachiman, he was doomed to remain in this class. Therefore, whatever he was doing was for himself and for his security.

In a selfish way, it made sense, and Sae could commend and respect it if the environment was different. If everyone in ANHS were to work together like a pack of wolves, Hachiman preferred to work like a bear. Alone and respected.

"The least I can hope for is that once the class, seeing how horrible life truly is when they are seen as scum and made fun of for it will encourage them to be better and then they could live better. But alas, some defects and individuals are too far gone to be able to benefit the class in any way." Hachiman explained rather bleakly. He didn't want to be bleak, but he had to be straight and realistic.

Sae understood that, but also questioned why Hachiman has assumed that he wouldn't rise higher than Class D with the students he was with? Did he believe so poorly in them as a form of superior complex? Was he just being incredibly pessimistic, believing the current standing would be the reality for the rest of his Senior High?

It was somewhat… sad to hear a student already accepting the circumstances he was given and just try and function to the best of their abilities.

But alas, Sae had some hope. "Perhaps you are right. Class D is pretty messy. But that is because they lack a specific organized structure."

Hachiman rolled his eyes, "You want all the bears to pack up and move as a unit?" Hachiman asked, as Sae nodded.

"It wouldn't hurt to communicate with others for these circumstances, you know?" Sae asked.

Hachiman rolled his eyes, "I could say the same for you, Chabashira. Don't you have a drunk friend waiting for you at the back? Trying to flirt with minors?" Hachiman asked Sae before he pondered, "Also, wouldn't it hurt you to stop smoking? You aren't getting any yo-" Hachiman never got to finish that sentence as he was forced to block his abdomen from the first of Sae.

At least that was what he anticipated, as Sae just looked at him with an odd and surprised expression. "Are you okay?" She asked, a bit weirded out but also confused.

"S-Sorry, just reminded me of someone. I'll leave now." Hachiman mumbled, as if feeling his abdomen to ensure it was not damaged. Even with the speed he retracted his arms to block, he still would've been hit by Hiratsuka.

Hachiman sighed, "The last thing I need to do is bring that back…" Hachiman mumbled as he slowly made his way back to the class.

It was still the final part of classes, and then he would head back to the library.

Even then, Hachiman looked around examining the overall environment of the class.

It was not good in the slightest.

Many students just didn't show any care regarding their classes. Some decided to show up very late to class, others decided to just sleep or make noise in the middle of the class.

Hachiman sighed as he knew just how incapable the class was right now. The best he could do, was just live his life as normally as possible. He wouldn't get punished for how he lived, nothing would change.

The teachers didn't pay any attention to the students' behaviour, which again made Hachiman skeptical. Especially considering Manabu had told him, he was very close to understanding everything.

Hachiman only sighed. In a few weeks time he would ultimately be acknowledging everything that was going on. Even his librarian boss, Nao had informed him that he should take his time when it came to these things.

But if and by what Hachiman was thinking, then perhaps something was telling him that simply put, something would come up that could prevent him from working.

Even then, Hachiman had to think critically for the next couple of weeks. Well, for the entire school year. For Hachiman was beginning to realize, that beside from his own class, that the other class were filled with phenomenal people.

He may be above average in Class D, but was that equivalent to above average in the higher classes?

Suddenly, Hachiman felt the words of Aoki hitting him back.

Not a specific statement, but a multitude of statements that he felt would make Hachiman turn into a better person. As much as Hachiman hated to admit it, Aoki was right.

Therefore, if Hachiman wasn't going to be the persona anybody wanted, it would be Aoki. While a part of him was debating checking out a martial arts club, or just to keep practicing to keep the tradition alive, after all, it was what Aoki wanted.

Hachiman wouldn't forget the demands and wishes of someone he respected.

But if his swimming contest performance had anything to say, Hachiman felt that his body and physical prowess was still respectable. He will have to improve himself in the future, but that would take time.

And so on, and so forth.

Hachiman wrote down the appropriate notes he was given for these classes, and found once again that it was mostly easy. There were some things he would have to study on, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. They weren't reinventing the wheel.

As long as they were not doing such a thing, Hachiman was fine with the material given to him.

Besides him, the only people not fooling around seemed to be some of the smarter students, including the Professor, Suzune, Kiyotaka, himself, and a couple of others. However, Hachiman could make the argument that perhaps his socially withdrawn attitude could count as a penalization.

Hachiman shook his head, there was no way he was being someone on a similar wavelength as the Idiot Trio, something that was slowly being given to the characters of Yamauchi, Ike, and Sudou. And through it all, Kikyou had attempted to try and speak to Hachiman, but he was rather withdrawn, and didn't answer those calls.

Sudou had a bit more success as he was once again trying to get Hachiman to join a sport club, as he would continuously say how it would improve his already promising physique.

But Hachiman's physique was fine. He was slightly working himself out with the books he would have to push and carry, and even then, he could mimic the training regimen Aoki placed him through if needed.

While some may say it wasn't the best, for Hachiman, it worked.

And so he would stick to what was most effective, no mater the price.

Something he took with him throughout Junior High and now into Senior High.

Even if that very motto had been the culprit to ruin his life in Junior High, Hachiman held firm. It wasn't his fault things ended the way they did.

They wanted him to intervene, and when he did, they criticized him for his methods. But regardless, Hachiman would calmly reassure Sudou he was fine, and Sudou, worrying for his potential athletic health, would refuse, even going as far as to want to do some basketball practice with Hachiman, surprising the quiet loner.

In the end, Hachiman was fine with the current status quo. And even if he knew it wouldn't last forever, or perhaps even this month, he had found ways to ensure he would be fine. He found ways to be capable, and will rise his way to the top in the most effective ways, if his class doesn't do so already.

After all, he didn't have much hope for them either way. Unless someone came out their shell, then Hachiman didn't see their own class going far.

Yes, some foreshadowing, and more mentions of Aoki. Again, I will mention stuff about Hachiman's past to give you an idea of how affected he truly is even if he feigns carelessness and apathy about it. As for Sudou, he seems to be the first trying to crack Hachiman's fortress exterior. I kind of see him a bit like Tobe, where he's stupid, but means well. Again, hope this explains and adds depth into Hachiman's character. Give me a reasonable other character to give a POV on, and I'll do it not too far into this book.

Here's the question of the chapter, who do you see and think Hachiman would get the best along with, from any class, not counting Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, Manabu Horikita, or Sae Chabashira?

