

"Inner court?" Suiyin asked.

"It's what I call politics between princes and princesses. Even though it's subtle now, the conflict is escalating."

"How worse?"

"Let's just say they already started attacking each other's supporters."

Suiyin looked at her with disbelief, as she had never heard any rumor about this. But she then realized if this was true, it all made sense.

'No wonder he made her do all that.'

She then told Aurora more information in hopes of identifying which prince or princess he targeted. If it's more than one, that would be good news.

This meant she had more ways to fight back against him.

Meanwhile, Rafael was now holding something that looked like a baton. From the top of it, something like a laser came out, making it look like a weapon from one of the popular franchises.

Although this laser sword was not long and large, it was small and thin, making it look like a knife.
