
Shikkotsu Forest


The Senju clan's land.

Takuya, Tsunade, Kushina, and others were sitting cross-legged by the lake, practicing senjutsu.

After a long time, Takuya slowly opened his eyes.


Exhaling deeply, Takuya stood up and stretched his body.

Hearing the movement, Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto, and the others opened their eyes.

As they watched Takuya yawn, they all raised their hands above their heads and stretched.

Seeing this, Takuya couldn't help but swallow.

When Tsunade and the others stretched, they straightened their bodies and pushed their chests forward.

From the side, their bodies formed elegant curves. They varied in height, build, and figure.

The beauty of their forms was fully displayed.

"Why do they look even more attractive in clothes?" Takuya murmured.

At this time, Tsunade and the others had lowered their hands.

Seeing Takuya staring at them without blinking, a trace of shyness flashed across their faces.

"Takuya, this method of practicing senjutsu is simply amazing."

"You truly are a genius!"

Tsunade stood up and exclaimed happily.

Senjutsu, or Sage Techniques, are extremely powerful.

They refer to ninjutsu and taijutsu powered by Senjutsu Chakra.

Two identical jutsu, when enhanced by Senjutsu Chakra, are dozens of times more powerful than those powered by ordinary chakra.

Senjutsu Chakra is created by absorbing natural energy and blending it with the chakra within the body to generate new power.

Hence, from ancient times to the present, countless ninjas have strived to master senjutsu to gain immense power.

However, very few succeed.

This is because practicing senjutsu is extremely dangerous.

If one is not careful, the violent natural energy absorbed into the body can kill the ninja instantly.

Thus, although senjutsu is powerful, few can master it.

Aside from Hashirama, the only ninja Tsunade knew who had partially mastered senjutsu was Jiraiya.

But, using the training methods given to them by Takuya, it took less than a week for them to master senjutsu completely.

And there were no side effects.

This almost made Tsunade's jaw drop.

She knew Takuya was very strong, but this kind of feat was beyond mere strength!

"Takuya, how on earth did you develop this training method?"

Tsunade asked curiously, feeling invigorated.

She felt that with Chakra, she could blow up a mountain with one punch.

"I thought about it when I was bored," Takuya said casually.

Hearing his words, Tsunade and the others were speechless.

Goodness, they had seen people show off before, but this was another level.

Thinking about it when bored?

It was truly irritating to hear.

"Husband, with senjutsu, I feel much stronger," Kushina said with a smile.

"Then you'll have to repay me tonight," Takuya teased.

"Wishful thinking."


Seeing his fiery gaze, Kushina stuck out her tongue and ran away shyly.

Takuya turned his attention to the others.

Unexpectedly, everyone rolled their eyes at him and ran away with smiles.

Seeing this, Takuya shook his head.

The saying about heroes being captivated in the Land of Women seemed true.

Seeing Kushina and the others' shy looks, he now wanted to pounce on them.

"Takuya, with senjutsu, you must be much stronger now, right?" Tsunade asked as she approached him.

"No, senjutsu hasn't improved me much now," Takuya shook his head.

"Why?" Tsunade asked, puzzled.

"Because the natural energy here is too scarce for me," Takuya sighed softly.

After receiving the gift of senjutsu, he began absorbing natural energy.

But soon he discovered that while the natural energy in the air was sufficient for Tsunade and the others, it was not enough for him.

The senjutsu chakra he had accumulated was not enough to perform several major techniques.

Especially "Sage Art: True Several Thousand Hands - Top Transformed Buddha."

He couldn't even perform it.

"I see," Tsunade frowned upon hearing Takuya's words.


"Takuya, why don't you try visiting Shikkotsu Forest?" Tsunade suggested.

"Shikkotsu Forest?"


"Back then, my grandfather learned senjutsu from Shikkotsu Forest."

"He mentioned that the natural energy there is very abundant."

Tsunade said excitedly.

Hearing this, Takuya nodded.

If that's the case, it was worth a try.

"Summoning Technique!"

Seeing Takuya nod, Tsunade bit her finger and slammed her hand onto the ground.


With a burst of smoke, Katsuyu was summoned.

"Lady Tsunade, do you have any instructions?" Katsuyu asked softly, lying on Tsunade's shoulder.

"Tell Katsuyu Sage that I want to visit Shikkotsu Forest."

"Tell me the location of Shikkotsu Forest," Takuya said directly.

Hearing this, Katsuyu looked at Tsunade again.

After seeing her nod, Katsuyu spoke again.


"You can sign a summoning contract, and when I return, I will use the reverse summoning technique to bring you there."

Katsuyu said.

"No need for that trouble, just tell me the location of Shikkotsu Forest," Takuya said calmly.

Hearing this, Katsuyu said nothing more.

After climbing onto Takuya's shoulder, Katsuyu told him the location of Shikkotsu Forest.

"Tsunade, while I'm away, you and Kushina continue training hard," Takuya smiled at Tsunade.


"Go and return quickly."

"The baby in my belly and I will be waiting for you."

Tsunade touched her belly with a gentle smile.

"Take this kunai with you."


Katsuyu agreed and released the summoning technique.

Takuya closed his eyes, sensed carefully, and soon found the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God kunai.

"Got it."

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"

With a low shout, Takuya's figure disappeared instantly.

The next second, he appeared in a dark, damp bamboo forest.

Miasma and swamps surrounded the area.

The sky was gray and oppressive.

Takuya walked towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

Soon, he found a massive cave.

Above the cave were three large blood-red characters.

"Shikkotsu Forest..."

"It seems like this is it."

Takuya murmured and strode inside.

The natural energy here was indeed abundant.

At least, dozens of times that of the outside world!


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