
New Missions

A few hours later the sun started coming up in the morning hours of the day.

Leroy woke up with a start, grabbed his knife under his pillow, and stroked forwards.

Only to find out that he just had a nightmare and nothing was trying to kill him while he slept peacefully inside the Inn.

Huffing, Leroy puffed his chest up as he took deep breaths to calm himself down.

'A nightmare, just a nightmare' Leroy thought while trying to calm his heart.

A minute or so later, he managed to get his expression under control while doing breathing exercises.

'Time to get up and start the day then' Leroy thought and got off the bed.

Taking his belt first, he strapped it to his waist and then wore the armor.

The final thing he did was get his sword and its sheath as well as the small knife that he kept under the pillow at night.
