
Different Version

Work at gas station in Upland where there is only Ivanhoe's, one stop sign. Just got a dollar general. Bike to work. On way home after work attack by wolf. Got a chunk of my shoulder ripped out.

You could see the bone and everything. I puked when I saw it the first time. I lost consciousness from blood loss. Woke up puked again blood had stopped. It took an hour to slowly heal. It was sore, but didn't hurt. Thought how to try and find way back home. Don't have to explain stuff since wound healed. It was a wolf since coyotes are one size bigger than dogs. Had to be wolf not normal ones even though only saw them once at zoo or maybe just on TV. They are at most 2 times the size of a smaller dog.

Around the size of the great dane and the husky. Had dog before it was bull dog and lab mix that chased coyote around the field a few different times. That dog died from heat stroke. Then lost in woods for hours.

No one is worried with me not coming home at night. Have back door in room since siblings moved off to college. 7550 South road all woods and Mississippi river. It was Friday night so have don't work on the weekend. Lost for a few hours in woods. A beta passing through explained to me the basics and left me on my own.

Only pure breeds turn into wolf's. They are the 3 times size of dog. Alpha can only turn people. So only thing that happens that you get hairy. Long nail, long canians, strong instincts, no wolf, no voice or person in head. Better smell, can run fast, 6 miles takes me an hour, now takes 15 minutes.

Found way home by using sent of smell. Instincts to mate have heat. Turned senior year into werewolf that is the same as big foot except not big. Only saw motorcycles when they have that race once a year. The motorcycle race and the occasional pack passing through are the only times see people besides family at house. During full moon wants to hunt in the woods and turn so just all you see is hair.

Gain a full winter coat of fur and claws. Finish school don't leave the town and don't go to college. Just left lived in woods. Able to eat raw meat and survive solely on that. Steal and break into people's houses if ever need stuff. Spend 1 year so 19 on my own hanging out in rich people's houses when they were on holiday.

Family issues never got along. Tolerate each other, but don't worry and need to show up for holidays. Brother raped sisters so don't care about his life. He got kid don't bother to meet him he is older than me. Never knew him don't care to now. It has nothing to do with me. When turned 20 got pregnant twice by alphas passing through. Omega and female so get pregnant easily. Spent heat with vibrator at some rich person's house. Killed baby, instincts told me I was pregnant. Good thing did since there aren't no abortion clinics and they made it illegal to get an abortion in Indiana.

Than I used claws to kill it, I healed the baby didn't. Than pack moved into the woods near the river where the race is held. There isn't an actual path there is dirt path that is more of just a mark no official path. Spent time in woods all the time. Real change is can be super quite, so can hunt. Then there is the fact that I now shit and peeing the woods. When I refused to before and now mark territory with pee.

Than just lived till 23rd birth day. Tried to kill self before. When 20 had baby that didn't kill cause pack stayed near by watched me. They didn't have that many omegas most are killed after turned since weak. They were small back so needed kids.

Pregnancy last 6 months and kid grow quickly. Become size of one year old in a few months. Ugly since everything after birth looks gross. Covered in blood and shit. Baby able to walk on own didn't need to nurse it any more. Than I killed it.

Was accident supposed to watch it don't care about it. It went and drowned in the river. Didn't want it not gonna save something that ripped up my body taking me a week to heal. The baby died I got kicked out of the pack. They called me the lone wolf.

Ended up having a baby later that year. They did what I wanted them to do in the first place. Take the baby take care of it. It can have a new mother and the father wants it so he can have it. Always been ugly, still get fucked during heat that how end up pregnant. Too ugly for love, fat and ugly.

Whenever find cliff or bridge when out running I jump off. I break my legs or just get some damage. Body heals we try again. I hung out near hunters posts and spots that they set up. Hoping to get shot, have gotten shot in arm, leg, back, stomach and shoulder. Takes time and it hurts but heals.

Have another baby at 21. It's taken in to pack and by dad right away. See both kids and their dads twice when they are one and then when they turn 2. See one dad and kid a third time when the kid turned 3.

Than shortly after I turned 23 I finally got a gun and shot myself in the head leaving a suicide note. Made sure to tell others to keep an eye on the newspaper before they leave. Waited until left, don't need people to try and stop me.

Mature talk about ending self.

Forgot it got so dark.

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