
Chapter 77

They were merchants, landowners, and other rich people who could afford to travel to the center of the desert. And where there were rich people, there were their guards, some of them samurai and some of them shinobi teams of their own country. And amidst the bustling crowd, one could pick out Suna's nin at every turn. It seemed as if the Kazekage had recalled all available fighters to the village from their missions for the next few days!

Considering how many people and guards had to come crawling in from the Daimyo of the five largest countries alone, not to mention all the others, it was a very rational decision. And with the square filled with people, animals and wagons serving only as an arrival point for the majority, and the inns for the rich and their retinues located much closer to the heart of the village than the shinobi, it was only a small part of the guests left to fuss with transportation and animals.

- Yes, their Kage has turned out well," Kei whistled to my right, pausing for a moment.

- I think they'll let us walk around the village this time," I nodded, moving on.

- Haa, you're going to walk around in this heat? - My friend feigned shock, wiping his forehead with his sleeve, sweating under the sun's scorching rays.

- And you again propose to stay locked up all the time in Suna? - I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

- We're going to the finals tomorrow," Shibatori shrugged.

- Letting the genin walk around the village practically right before the fights? - Sarutobi grinned from the other side. - All they have to do is eat something wrong, and tomorrow's victory might be a waving goodbye, so they'll sit there, they won't go anywhere.

The chunin candidates, who had been silent during the conversation, looked at each other disappointedly when they heard that, but I just snorted derisively and agreed.

- I shook my head at the food, but their competitors can also try to eliminate them before the final tournament, not to mention the bettors.

- Bets? - The jonin frowned.

I just sighed doomedly - sometimes simple fighters, even if they have reached high ranks, do not see the obvious under their noses.

- What do you see around you? - I gestured at the spontaneous market and the people around us.

- Uh... crowds?

- Making money! - Sarutobi snorted derisively, taking the hint almost immediately, but it was not something one would expect from a trading clan. - For Suna, after the payment of large contributions, this Examination is a gold mine of money for the depleted treasury, and the Kazekage would be a fool not to organize bets on the participants in the battles among the guests.

- Exactly, and all the guests and their guards will be sleeping somewhere, eating and drinking something, spending money on entertainment, souvenirs, goods unique to Sunagakure, and other stuff," I nodded affirmatively, "so the temptation to influence the fighters for the sake of a big score will be there for many people, both among the hosts and the guests, even though the event is being held in a village of assassins and it's dangerous to threaten even chakra-wielding minors. However, it's much safer to poison or otherwise weaken the fighter you're betting against.

- No walking before the tournament," Sakumo turned to us for a moment, giving the frowning Genin a stern look.

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