
Plans for the ground

"We will be heading toward the original mount weather coordinates but as I had already explained the dropship will land here in Trikru territory which borders the Azgeda clan" Damon pointed to a spot on the map with the symbol of a dropship.

"The main goal is going to be to try and get into some kind of alliance or at least gain a little respect with the Trikru clan. 

The only problem is that they respect strength the most meaning we can't just go to them and ask for an alliance. 

We'll have to offer something and we can't appear to weak or scared or they'll see us as useless more than anything." Damon said to the 100 who were all surrounding the table while only Damon and his three generals sat down.

Damon had given Octavia, Bellamy, and Clarke the title of General as it made the others respect them more and more willing to follow their orders without complaint.

"What about Azgeda you said they're hostile?" Bellamy asked

"The queen doesn't follow the Commander's orders very well and they might try and send in a few grounder scouts to assess our situation.

And if they see us establishing a good relationship with Trikru they might do something to try and sabotage us." Damon nodded

"We'll have to make sure that the scouts aren't able to bring back to much information then," Octavia said while cleaning her blade even though it was already sparkling clean.

"Yeah." Bellamy agreed and Clarke nodded

"Yeah, but we will also have to keep an eye out on the mountain men," Raven said from the side while pointing to the mountain on the map.

Damon had told them about the acid fog and how the mountain men had an entire fucking missile and they weren't afraid to use it if they saw them becoming to close with the grounders.

"Like I said we'll have to figure out a way inside and take out all of the people who were willing to keep the grounders locked up like blood bags before we research some kind of bone marrow cure and attempt to try and save the rest.

It's going to be a pain in the ass, but we'll figure something out once we're on the ground." Damon said with an annoyed sigh just thinking about those self-entitled assholes.

The mountain men were only alive because they found a way to skirt around natural selection, but it came at the cost of thousands of lives.

But Damon wasn't mad about that, if he was in their situation he would have done the exact same thing.

No, it was the fact that Cage actually locked up and forcefully drilled the bone marrow out from the 100 instead of asking for an alliance where they could have just researched some kind of treatment with the state-of-the-art equipment they had in that mountain.

Cage really thought that the ground was rightfully his as if it owed him something. The man wouldn't have survived outside the mountain for longer than a fucking day with how delusional he was.

Hell, he probably would have been eaten by his own reaper pet and shit out like the piece of dung that he was.

Damon didn't think he was an innocent man or a kind person nor did he care to try and be. That was something he had drilled into the minds of the 100 over the past six months, almost to the point of brainwashing even.

He made sure they really understood that if they had to kill thousands of innocent people then they would as long as the people they cared about lived.

Damon didn't care if he was hypocritical. Most people in the world would do the exact same thing. It was all about who was strong enough to win.

But Damon also saw a way for the innocent people of the mountain to survive and join them. The people who didn't use the grounder blood and even the kids who were in the mountain. 

He could have easily just killed all of them along with the rest, but he was taking his own time and trying to come up with ideas on how to try and take the mountain without killing everyone inside.

Though if it came down to it and he had to kill everyone then it was what it was. He would live with it.

There was another reason for Marcus and the others allowing him to go down to the ground alone with the 100.

Because they didn't have a choice.

During his first meeting with them, he had told them that no exodus ships would be able to actually land and that even if they tried to send their guards to the ground, they would all die in the explosion of the exodus ship.

This was because the mountain men were jamming the fuck out of everything, and this is why Jaha and the others couldn't all come at the same time as them.

Well, they could but they would turn into ash and skeletons on landing.

So, they would have to do everything they could to try and take out the mount weather jammers before the ark ran out of oxygen.

They were on a time crunch once they got to the ground.
