
Chapter 184

"It is from the flower shop we always use which is why it was allowed in. Emmett even confirmed that it was the same flower boy and this is his mother's work," Madeline said, explaining her reasoning for believing it came from her husband.

Victor could tell right away it was the same flower shop but the flowers were not from him. "Someone knows what I sent you before. He's doing this again."

Victor could only think of one person so bold as to send Madeline flowers. The recent news of Rose's return was spreading fast so it must have reached the palace. They would have to be dreaming to think the news had not reached James's ears. 

Victor picked up the vase. It angered him to know Madeline thought it came from him and placed it in their room. This should have never made it by the gates.

"I'm sorry," Madeline apologised. "I thought it was odd that you didn't place a note but I didn't look into it more once I knew it came from the flower shop."
