
Chapter 3

As Otto Hightower sat in the council chamber, his mind churned with calculations and schemes. The news of Prince Daemon's dismissal and banishment to the Vale had sent ripples of satisfaction through him. It was a step towards securing his daughter's path to the throne, a position he had long envisioned for her.

His daughter's visit to the king had gone without incident, a promising sign that she was beginning to gain his favor. With each passing day, he could see the pieces of his plan falling into place. If all went according to his designs, his daughter would ascend to the throne as queen, and perhaps even bear a son to secure the future of House Hightower.

If his daughter were to bear a son, he knew that Viserys would likely prioritize the child's claim to the throne over that of his own daughter. It was a risk he was willing to take, knowing that a grandson born of Hightower blood would still serve to strengthen their hold on power.

However, if the king showed no inclination towards marrying his daughter, Otto saw another path to influence. With two sons of his own, one of whom remained unmarried, he realized that a strategic marriage alliance could still be forged. A union between his son and the king's daughter would not only solidify their familial ties but also position his family at the heart of royal affairs.

In either scenario, Otto Hightower remained determined to ensure that House Hightower played a central role in the future of the Seven Kingdoms. Whether through direct succession or strategic alliances, he was prepared to navigate the treacherous waters of court politics to safeguard his family's legacy and secure their place on the Iron Throne.

However, all was not well in his world, as the exile of the King's youngest brother Prince Jaehaerys had been revoked. He hoped that the king would not pour water on all of his efforts by naming Jaehaerys as his heir.

As Otto mulled over the implications of Jaehaerys's return from exile, a sense of unease settled over him. Unlike Daemon, Jaehaerys possessed a formidable reputation built upon his valiant efforts to combat slavery in Essos. Despite his years in exile, Jaehaerys had garnered widespread admiration and support among the common folk of Westeros, earning him the moniker of the Dragon Mage.

For Otto, Jaehaerys represented a potential threat to his carefully laid plans for securing power and influence within the realm. The young prince's popularity and charisma made him a formidable adversary, one who could rally support against Otto's ambitions. Moreover, Jaehaerys's familial ties to the king only served to elevate his standing and increase his claim to the throne.

In light of Jaehaerys's impending return, Otto knew that he would need to tread carefully and reassess his strategies for maintaining control over the court. The Dragon Mage's presence would undoubtedly complicate matters, posing a significant challenge to Otto's efforts to consolidate power and influence. As he contemplated the road ahead, Otto resolved to devise a plan to neutralize Jaehaerys's threat and protect his family's interests in the face of mounting opposition.

Viserys's voice echoed in the council chamber, commanding the attention of all who had gathered within its walls. His words carried a weight of authority as he addressed the assembled lords and advisors, each one awaiting his decree with bated breath.

"My lords, as you all might have heard last night," Viserys began, his tone firm and resolute, "I banished Daemon to Runestone. As punishment for the words he spoke about my heir and family."

The gravity of Viserys's proclamation hung heavy in the air, casting a somber pall over the room as the councilors absorbed the implications of his decision. Daemon's banishment marked a significant shift in the dynamics of court politics, signaling Viserys's unwavering commitment to upholding the honor and integrity of the crown.

As the murmurs of the councilors filled the chamber, Viserys surveyed the faces before him, his gaze unwavering.

"With the passing of my wife and son, and with Daemon disinherited, I have need of a true heir," the king declared, his voice ringing with authority throughout the chamber. The weight of his words settled heavily upon those gathered, each one keenly aware of the significance of Viserys's proclamation.

"I have come toward a decision," Viserys continued, his gaze sweeping across the faces of the councilors assembled before him. "I have decided to name my youngest brother Jaehaerys Targaryen as heir."

The announcement sent ripples of shock and surprise through the council chamber, murmurs breaking out among the assembled lords and advisors. Jaehaerys's sudden elevation to the position of heir apparent caught many off guard, prompting whispered conversations and exchanged glances as the implications of Viserys's decision began to sink in.

Yet, despite the initial surprise, there was an air of solemn acceptance in the chamber, a recognition of the king's authority and wisdom in selecting Jaehaerys as his successor. As Viserys looked upon the faces of those gathered before him, he knew that his decision would shape the course of the realm for generations to come.

Viserys's words hung heavy in the air, leaving no room for argument or dissent. The council chamber fell silent as the weight of the king's decision settled over them like a shroud.

Otto's mouth fell open, a protest forming on his lips.

"Your grace, If I may have a word," he spoke up.

However, Viserys' stern gaze silenced him before he could speak.

"No, you may not," Viserys declared, his voice resolute and unwavering. "I have made my decision."

The finality in Viserys's tone brooked no further discussion, and Otto could only nod in reluctant acceptance. It was clear that the king had resolved to see his plans through, regardless of any objections or concerns.

"At the end of the year, the lords will come to swear fealty to my chosen heir and me," Viserys continued, his voice commanding the attention of all present. "After that, on a date decided by myself and my brother, the wedding of Jaehaerys and Rhaenyra will be held."

With those words, Viserys laid out the roadmap for the future of the realm, his authority unquestioned as he set in motion the events that would shape the destiny of House Targaryen and the Seven Kingdoms.

"A wise choice, your grace. Jaehaerys has proven his leadership with his campaign against the slavers of Essos. As well as having brought the lost Valyrian Magical Arts back into the world. The trade that the crown has received from the Free city of Braavos have increased greatly due to him. I am delighted to start working with your chosen heir, your grace," Lord Lyman Beesbury, the Master of Coin mumbled; the man was clearly far too excited about coins.

Viserys nodded in acknowledgment of Lord Lyman's words, though his expression remained guarded. While he appreciated the support, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of his mind. Jaehaerys's accomplishments in Essos were indeed impressive, but they also underscored the growing influence and power that his youngest brother wielded beyond the borders of Westeros.

"Your enthusiasm is noted, Lord Beesbury," Viserys replied diplomatically, careful to maintain a neutral tone. "I trust that Jaehaerys will bring his expertise and talents to bear in service to the realm."

"My uncle Jaehaerys has my full support; my mother loved him dearly, and spoke highly of him whenever she had the chance," Rhaenyra said.

Otto was shocked by her reaction, as there went the only one beside Grandmaester Melos he hoped would show some discomfort towards Jaehaerys being named heir.

Viserys offered his daughter a grateful smile, touched by her words of support for her uncle Jaehaerys. Her endorsement of his decision brought a measure of reassurance amidst the tension that hung heavy in the council chamber.

"Thank you, Rhaenyra," Viserys said, his voice tinged with emotion. "Your mother's wisdom and judgment were unparalleled, and I have no doubt that she saw the same qualities in Jaehaerys that I do."

Turning his attention to Otto, Viserys met the Lord Hand's shocked expression with a steely gaze. While he understood Otto's concerns, the decision had been made, and he would brook no further dissent.

"It seems my daughter shares my confidence in Jaehaerys's abilities," Viserys remarked, his tone firm. "I trust that you will extend the same courtesy, Lord Hightower."

Viserys's words echoed through the chamber, carrying a weight that brooked no argument. Otto Hightower, though visibly taken aback by Rhaenyra's endorsement of Jaehaerys, offered a curt nod in response to Viserys's directive.

"Of course, Your Grace," Otto replied, his voice strained with an underlying tension. "I shall do my utmost to support your decision and ensure a smooth transition."

With that, the council meeting continued, though the atmosphere remained tense as the ramifications of Viserys's decision reverberated through the room.

Lord Corlys Velaryon, Master of Ships, cleared his throat, his gaze shifting to Viserys. "Your Grace, may I inquire as to when we expect Prince Jaehaerys to arrive? It would be prudent to make the necessary arrangements for his return to King's Landing."

Viserys nodded thoughtfully, considering the logistics of Jaehaerys's homecoming. "Prince Jaehaerys has been informed of his recall from exile and should be arriving by noon tomorrow," he replied, his voice steady and authoritative. "I trust that all preparations for his return will be made promptly."

Lord Corlys bowed his head in acknowledgment, his mind already turning to the myriad tasks that lay ahead in welcoming back the long-awaited prince.

Grandmaester Melos's mind was consumed by the memories of the past, the weight of guilt and fear pressing down upon him like a suffocating shroud. The events of eleven years ago loomed large in his thoughts, a haunting reminder of the consequences of his actions and the choices he had made.

As he sat in the council chamber, paralyzed by his apprehension at the prospect of Prince Jaehaerys's return, Grandmaester Melos grappled with the knowledge that his distrust and skepticism had played a role in shaping the tragic events that had unfolded. The decision to bar the young prince from using his magic to heal his father had been made out of fear and ignorance, a choice born from a lack of understanding and a refusal to accept the unknown.

But the consequences of that decision had been dire, leading to the untimely deaths of Prince Baelon and Princess Alyssa, and plunging the realm into a state of mourning and despair. The weight of guilt weighed heavily on Grandmaester Melos's conscience, a constant reminder of the lives lost and the pain inflicted by his actions.

He still remembered when he had dared to question what the young Prince could have done to save his father, trying to underplay his powers, the young Prince had looked at him as if he was scum on earth. And then, with a single word had plunged his world into unimaginable pain.

"Crucio!" He had said, with a sneer on his face.

As he watched the council proceedings unfold, Grandmaester Melos could not shake the feeling of dread that gripped him, knowing that the return of Prince Jaehaerys threatened to reignite the flames of past grievances and sow the seeds of discord once more. But amidst his fear and uncertainty, there lingered a glimmer of hope, a flicker of possibility that perhaps, in facing the mistakes of the past, there lay the chance for redemption and reconciliation.

As the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the Heart Tree, Rhaenyra and Alicent sat in the dappled shade, enveloped by the soothing melody of Samwell's lute and song. With "Ten Thousand Ships" in hand, Rhaenyra delved into the tale of adventure and exploration, her mind drifting across the vast expanse of the Narrow Sea alongside the characters in the book.

Beside her, Alicent listened with a serene expression, her features softened by the enchanting music that filled the air. The sun danced playfully through the canopy above, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow on the ground beneath their feet.

As the song ends, Alicent could not help herself from asking the question that was playing in her mind.

"Rhaenyra, how do you feel knowing that you are now betrothed to your Uncle Jaehaerys, who you last met when you were just 4 Name Days old?"

Alicent's question pierced the tranquil atmosphere of the Godswood, drawing Rhaenyra back from the world of Ten Thousand Ships to the present moment. Setting the book aside, Rhaenyra turned to her friend, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"It's... a lot to take in," Rhaenyra admitted, her gaze drifting to the Heart Tree's ancient face. "I barely remember Jaehaerys from when I was a child. But I've heard stories about him, about his bravery and his dedication to our family. And now, to think that I'll be betrothed to him..." She trailed off, uncertainty flickering in her eyes.

"But I trust Father's judgment," Rhaenyra continued, a note of conviction entering her voice. "If he believes that Jaehaerys is the right choice to be my husband and our future king, then I will stand by that decision. It's what's best for our family and for the realm."

Alicent nodded, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed Rhaenyra's words. "It's a great responsibility, but I have no doubt that you'll rise to the occasion, Rhaenyra," she said, offering her friend a reassuring smile. "And Jaehaerys... well, we'll just have to wait and see what kind of man he's become."

The sudden roar and the sight of Gaelithox descending from the clouds sent a shiver down Rhaenyra's spine, her eyes widening in awe and trepidation. Beside her, Alicent gasped, her hand instinctively reaching out to grasp Rhaenyra's arm for support.

"It's Gaelithox," Rhaenyra murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as they watched the massive dragon circle above King's Landing, casting its ominous shadow over the city below. "He's... magnificent."

Alicent's surprise at the sheer size and nimbleness of Gaelithox compared to Syrax, Rhaenyra's dragon, was evident in the widening of her eyes and the slight tremble in her voice as she spoke. "I've seen Syrax before, but... this is something else entirely," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the majestic dragon as it circled above them.

"The legends say that Gaelithox is as old, if not older, than Balerion," Rhaenyra explained, her tone filled with a mixture of reverence and awe. "To see him in flight is truly a sight to behold."

As Gaelithox continued to soar through the sky, his presence looming large over King's Landing, Rhaenyra couldn't shake the feeling of both wonder and apprehension that gripped her heart.

Ser Harrold Westerling, the Kingsguard assigned to guard Princess Rhaenyra, entered the Godswood with a solemn expression. "Princess Rhaenyra, the carriage that is to take you to the dragonpit to welcome Prince Jaehaerys awaits," he announced respectfully, his voice carrying through the peaceful setting of the Godswood.

Rhaenyra nodded, setting aside her book and rising from her seat beneath the Heart Tree. "Thank you, Ser Harrold. Please lead the way," she said, her tone composed yet tinged with anticipation for the long-awaited reunion with her uncle.

As they made their way out of the Godswood and toward the awaiting carriage, Rhaenyra couldn't shake the excitement building within her.

As the carriage arrived at the dragonpit, Rhaenyra stepped out, her eyes immediately drawn to the majestic sight of Gaelithox descending from the sky. She couldn't help but feel a surge of awe at the sight of the ancient dragon, his massive form casting a shadow over the gathered crowd.

King Viserys stood at the forefront, flanked by his Small Council, ready to welcome his brother Jaehaerys. Rhaenyra approached her father's side, her heart pounding with anticipation as she awaited the arrival of her long-lost uncle.

As Gaelithox landed gracefully within the dragonpit, the air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement. Rhaenyra watched as her uncle dismounted, jumping off of the saddle onto the ground below, his presence commanding the attention of all who were present.

As Jaehaerys landed with a grace that can only be described as superhuman, Rhaenyra couldn't help but be struck by his imposing presence. Clad in pitch-black armor with striking red accents, he stood before them like a figure out of legend. The helm he wore, with its single crest reminiscent of a dragon's bony protrusion, added to his intimidating aura.

Rhaenyra couldn't shake the feeling of awe that washed over her as she looked upon her uncle. His resemblance to Balerion in human form was uncanny, a testament to the Targaryen legacy of power and majesty. She couldn't deny the sense of pride that swelled within her at the sight of him, knowing that he was now to be her betrothed and, potentially, the future king of Westeros.

As Jaehaerys removed his helm, Rhaenyra's breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. His silver locks cascaded around his face in an almost chaotic manner, yet instead of detracting from his appearance, it only served to enhance his allure. There was a wildness to his features, a ruggedness that contrasted with the refined elegance of his Valyrian heritage.

Rhaenyra couldn't tear her gaze away as she drank in every detail of his face—the strong, chiseled jawline, the intense violet eyes that seemed to pierce through her soul, and the subtle curve of his lips that hinted at a hint of mischief lurking beneath his stoic demeanor. In that moment, she realized that Jaehaerys possessed a beauty that transcended the mere physical, a magnetism that drew her in with an irresistible force.

Her heart fluttered in her chest as she stood transfixed by his presence, unable to deny the undeniable pull she felt toward him. With each passing second, she found herself falling deeper under his spell, captivated by the enigmatic charm of the Dragon Mage before her.

As Jaehaerys bowed before King Viserys, a sense of solemnity filled the air, mingled with a palpable undercurrent of emotion. Viserys regarded his brother with a mixture of pride and relief, his gaze lingering on Jaehaerys's face as if trying to imprint the moment into his memory forever.

"Welcome home, Jaehaerys," Viserys said, his voice thick with emotion. "It gladdens my heart to see you once again, after all these years."

Jaehaerys straightened, his eyes meeting Viserys's with a depth of feeling that words alone could not express. "Thank you, brother," he replied, his voice steady yet tinged with emotion. "It is an honor to stand before you once more."

There was a moment of silence between them, a shared understanding that transcended words. In that fleeting instant, the bond between the two brothers seemed to grow stronger, forged anew in the fires of adversity and tempered by the passage of time.


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